
Apr 29, 2018
I remember that anyone wrote some kind of guide in wich area you find wich kind of resident, was that post deleted or something as I can't find it anymore.
Jun 18, 2022
It's probably in here somewhere, Phox00. I'm compiling the knowledge into one convenient post and should have that wrapped up by some point tomorrow, at least in regards to resident locations. (Post 506)


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2019
Wtf, my guide for this game was removed...why? Was thinking of coming back to this game and continuing it...that shit took me forever to make. What a loss of useful info. This game is kind of a nightmare to get into without all that information available.
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Engaged Member
Jul 20, 2018
Why the heck was a guide post removed?!

Sure, it was incomplete, but for the start of the game, it was extremely useful! Hell, even later in the game it could be useful in various ways if you wanted to min-max residents and stuff because it can be easy to forget what kind of citizens pop up in the lower level locations.

Ugh. Is this site's moderation going completely nuts now?
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Jun 18, 2022
...So that's what happened? I just thought I hadn't landed on the right page. Ugh. I'm sorry about that friend. I didn't save a backup beforehand and I should have. (which, I suppose, would have subsequently been nuked for some reason?)


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2019
...So that's what happened? I just thought I hadn't landed on the right page. Ugh. I'm sorry about that friend. I didn't save a backup beforehand and I should have. (which, I suppose, would have subsequently been nuked for some reason?)
Yeah no worries, I thought I had saved a backup too but I can't find it. I might have deleted it or something. Well at least I know posted guides aren't safe here now, I'll try to make sure all my guides are backed up now. Well if they deleted it for the size or something, not like that'd help.

Weird part is I'm pretty sure my Era guides are much larger and they're older and they weren't deleted. Of course the ones I have backed up were Yeah, almost all my other guides appear safe. The shit luck. Almost 20 guides are perfectly fine, most I had backed up, and this one is dead.
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Jun 18, 2022
Well, I suppose we have no way of actually verifying what happened? Some weird maintenance explosion, because it feels weird that you wouldn't be informed if it was a moderator action. That is , however, hinging on hoping for human decency and that's ...probably hoping for too much, haha.

In any case, I'll flesh out mine as I can and keep it backed up. Um, I know you weren't looking for credit, because you were doing it because you enjoyed it, but if you don't mind, I'll credit you with whatever I use of yours that might still be in this thread. I write this without much of a memory of what's left in here, though, haha. Ugh.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2019
It got restored : D Apparently it had keywords in it that triggered some automatic anti spam deletion. I saved a backup so fast, lol.

Finally checked in on the dev that created the game, they post monthly updates for a new game they're making. Apparently they plan to release it within half a year. Here's a . Good to know the game will still have those "unique" UI elements/text choices we've all come to love >.> I can't wait to struggle to deal with the inventory crafting and management again.
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Also, the huge character roster. There'll be a minimap too, so at least some QoL changes.
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Jun 18, 2022
Ah, I really hoped that's what happened. Fantastic, though. I hate seeing work being destroyed.

Pfft. I was wondering if anyone was ever going to dig up that information. Please forgive me for not volunteering it sooner. Since this is a pirate site, I guess I just assumed people wouldn't care about the developer themselves.

There's actually a pretty darn amazing picture of Ryu-na in the nude, there, too. So, as for you, friend, will you play the game while it's in Japanese or wait for the translation?

In addition, is there anything you need tested to complete your guide for this game? Just in case I wind up in a position where I can help.

I appended your guide to my post containing the file fixes. Is that okay?

Sidenote: I looked at the weird things people were doing on Steam in regards to the audio errors, and part of me died. Ugh.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2019
Ah, I really hoped that's what happened. Fantastic, though. I hate seeing work being destroyed.

Pfft. I was wondering if anyone was ever going to dig up that information. Please forgive me for not volunteering it sooner. Since this is a pirate site, I guess I just assumed people wouldn't care about the developer themselves.

There's actually a pretty darn amazing picture of Ryu-na in the nude, there, too. So, as for you, friend, will you play the game while it's in Japanese or wait for the translation?

In addition, is there anything you need tested to complete your guide for this game? Just in case I wind up in a position where I can help.

I appended your guide to my post containing the file fixes. Is that okay?

Sidenote: I looked at the weird things people were doing on Steam in regards to the audio errors, and part of me died. Ugh.
Haven't seen the Ryuna pic yet, must be pretty far back? Probably wait for the translation, I wonder how long it'll take. It's been a while since I've tried to navigate a JapRPG in pure Japanese lol.

About help, I dunno yet, I've gotta see how much of a pain filling out all the info will be. Eventually if I miss stuff, pointing it out would be helpful though. There's so much rng shit in this game that's easy to miss. Just got back into the game and I've already found some new resident locations even though I've been through these areas like a dozen times. Getting back into this game was pretty intimidating, but I've finally started playing again, so that's the biggest hurdle gone to continuing lol. Though now I'm remembering how long some of the load times become... Might have to try moving it to my SDD.

Yeah that's fine. I don't mind posting any of the info I post anywhere. Just mainly was trying to make it easier for people to navigate/figure out the game. As mentioned, this game can be super intimidating to get in to. I hope the sequel is at least a bit easier to manage in that regard.
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Jun 18, 2022
Well, the second I get my hands on it, I'll be working on it. I don't really care if it winds up passed off to Otaku Plan or whatever, I fully intend to work unofficially. Due to its size, I'd be dead before their translation was even close to finished, since it looks like it makes the second game a joke in size, similar to how the second game dwarfs the first.

That's okay, I'll make a note of that. I mean, the fact that you're doing things like filling out the equipment lists and such is also pretty obscene, especially if you consider all the SU equipment and such. Um, I have access to the legendary recipes if you haven't dug into the files, if you'd like those. Glad to see you’re playing again, too, but don’t push yourself too much. There’s no need to play a game until you hate it, you know?

You know, I was too busy being engrossed by the game to actually take a lot of notes, and I suppose I should have, precisely for that reason. At least I have it in mind this time for the third installment. I didn't actually stop to think about the stamina/satiety mechanics or study them as closely as you and those other gentlemen, but that's really useful information.

I haven't quite been able to compare both the Japanese and English directly because there are obviously loads of line number differences between the two, so as of yet, I'm not sure if there are hints that couldn't fit into English from Japanese. Actually, I'm fairly darn certain it wouldn't be very easy. Having said that, they've done well with it anyway.

You say you were on his Ci-en, too. Were you using google translate? Is there anything I can help with that you couldn’t understand with it?

I’m not having lag times on even an ancient computer, but I changed the RPGMaker MV version using a trick I learned from another poster on another game and it helped so much. There was obscene lag in the Hyume River for some reason, which seems to be only because of the version of nw that Otaku Plan used for the English release because said lag wasn’t present in the original release. (NW 46.3 or something I used, worked great.)

The third game is going to be much larger – so, daunting. However, is it just the sheer amount of things you can miss, the amount of craftables without knowing what they do? Sorry, these might be stupid questions, I’m just trying to get a good grip on what people who take the time and effort to play think.
You seem to enjoy these games a lot and want them to do well, so your thoughts are valuable.

Also, here: (sorry, am I supposed to spoiler tag this? Ha.)


Apr 29, 2018
For the locations of the Residents the Japanese wiki has a full list I think, with some thinking it worked wonders with google translate, but in other areas the wiki is kinda lacking. FruitSmoothie if you want I can send you the link for the resident.

As a side note I'm currently in the Abyss, is there a way to get more future fragments?
Jun 18, 2022
Eh, if FruitSmoothie's list is incomplete, I can provide the translated info on the wiki, although it shouldn't be too difficult to read anyway. I'm sure by the time tomorrow comes he'll have already done this or something.

You mean the final dungeon in the game as opposed to the Root Abyss game mode, I take it?
If the first, have you tried trekking to the top of the tower again? The chest should re-appear, though whether or not it has a future fragment, I don't know.
If not, likely a villager request, if that boss can respawn, will eventually appear for you to take.

If you mean in the Root Abyss, I don't believe the ? requires Future Fragments for class additions, that's just a free class.


Apr 29, 2018
I was talking about the final dungeon where you beat the calamity, wich dropped 10 fragments for me. HAd that weird enemy there that dodged everything i threw at him too, no clue how to beat that thing.

Btw. is there some kind of new game+? I only have 46% of the accessories and no clue how to get more. Think i read something about krall ingots but not sure anymore...
Jun 18, 2022
Ah, yeah, then it should with any luck respawn at some point. I'm assuming, anyway. It seems like the kind of thing he would do.

There is in fact a new game+. If you're at the final dungeon, then, a conversation speaking about the Ancient Elf and a Time Reset type deal should have happened. Unless you're the kind of person walking around with 0 stamina and never resting, or with conversation skip on. Then of course you won't even know it's happened, possibly? I assume the game would still announce that something new is unlocked, even with skip on though.

I believe he'll be in the lower left set of houses if it's built.
I'll post a screenshot later. But using his services will allow you to start the game from the beginning, with all of your belongings intact. I take it you've done things like split the rings? Like you can have a ring of will and spirit or whatever. (Can't remember the exact names of the split rings at all.)

Crap: Edit. I realized something important. I don't know if it's the case for any of you, but you cannot receive anywhere near *all* of the equipment if you're using Tyrant. Most Semi uniques require you to get your hands dirty and actually fight. The orcs especially carry a lot. (I don't know if FruitSmoothie mentioned that in his guide, just making a note here.)
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Apr 29, 2018
Yeah I have the Time Liberator, he has a pretty funny Talk option in the Game. Was missing some of those rings need to check what I'm missing too maybe I'll look into the jason files if I find something I missed.

Btw. how can I unlock the area in the upper left corner? It's the only place on the map thats still blank
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Active Member
Aug 4, 2019
Seems the schedule being 2 days out of sync really did mess things up for me.
For some reason an event played when I rested and skeleton showed up out of nowhere? I never encountered it before and did not 'save' this NPC from anywhere, but now I can send towns people away to other places? Does anyone have a proper save for that event?
Jun 18, 2022
That one's pretty golden, Phox, I agree. That map, I don't know. In a save I received from Lexist, it was open, but I don't even have it on my Japanese save. I'll see if I can find any information for you!

GranTurboAutismo, that's not a glitch. That's supposed to happen. Miss Nanapeko shows up suddenly once you rebuild the upper right of the town.
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It's actually kind of bizarre. The first time I saw that, I only had Ryu-na, and it made sense. The second time, I played so quickly that I had most everyone, and yet there's no additional dialogue for having Rueme sitting in clear view of what's going on, haha.

It's not available in the "memories" section, unfortunately. A few things aren't.
Editted and placed some info for you in a spoiler tag.
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Active Member
Aug 4, 2019
There is this succubus in Stelights who wants alcohol and in return she gives spell tomes. The highest grade I got from her was 'Decorated Ancient Tome' for 'Daiginjo-shu "Maiden"' (made from 3 pure rice)
Wonder if any of you found other alcohol recipes? Or higher tier tomes?
She only gives crappy tomes for all other wine/alcohol.

Accent Giver

New Member
Jan 9, 2018
That Artistic Tomato post made me realize how to make the game actually playable with no combat lag, amazing..... why does the en version use an outdated NW.js version????????????????????. At least i learned another trick
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