Checking the VN out in a I read through the comments and discussion, there seems to be (as always) a lot of discussion on "this fetish", "that fetish" and how much we like one or the other - which, in and of itself is fine, we should discuss, openly, without judgement. The idea that one kink is somehow
less icky or objectively better than another is not only absurd, the people making such claims (even in a passive aggressive manner) are hypocrites.
You like Fem-Dom? Cool. You prefer Futa or Trans? Good for you. Loli or Shota? Fine. Incest? Enjoy yourself. And the list goes on...
...See what I did there? I didn't comment on whether I liked one or the other or none of those fetishes, I didn't bash another individual's kink, I just accepted that they have their thing and I've got mine. It's that easy. Anyone posting here that attempts to take the moral high ground because they take issue with a certain fetish or kink, may want to consider talking this over with a therapist to see where all of that close minded sentiment comes from...maybe not enough hugs from mommy? (Is that incest? I can't tell

One thing I have learned while downloading content here is that there is no one game, visual novel or piece of artwork that is going to only include what I like and not have stuff I don't like. I mean, wouldn't be horrible of one of the characters in a game filed a complaint against a developer because they were spanked too hard or were discovered sleeping with a cousin or were caught peeping at a bathroom door on another character that might look like a teen but could be a futa - if only they would have turned around!! Point being: None of this is real, no one is getting hurt and no one should be offended by what someone else enjoys. Who really cares? If you have such a vested interest in what other people are fapping to, then maybe you've discovered another kink: The Karen Kink, and you can create your own visual novel where everyone passive aggressively demeans each other for their own personal kink preferences.
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smite2001 your responses here have been great and I don't believe you should have to defend anything nor do i think you should ever back peddle on your vision for this project. Just do what you want and, given the number of people who frequent this site, each with their own preferences on kink and fetish, I am certain you will continue to have a solid following. I wish you well in your work on this and hope to see more.