
New Member
Nov 5, 2018
Use the InitSetting.exe launcher and there is a checkbox for fullscreen, then launch the game with the button at the top of the launcher. After doing this once it will always start in fullscreen from the regular launcher until you uncheck the box maualy again.
Thank you!!
May 17, 2019
Paid DLC is MTX, they even have a launcher for it in the main panel. There's no confusion. If you wanna split hair with semantics be my guest, it's all paid aftermarket content, the same devs create both venues and the same companies, usually the publisher get the money. In most gravure games this is to pay the art team while they aren't in the main production loop, in Illusion's case it's to incentivize main purchases during holidays and other times when the parents and family aren't paying attention to public purchases.
The MTX is defined by two factors:
1 - It's recurring content that can be obtained through normal mean in-game.
2 - It's monetized according to the value of the said items, controlled by the in-game market and currency.

DLC, however, is a permanent discrete form for all downloadable contents, including Expansion, new in-game objects (costumes, characters, items, etc).

They are totally different categories.

For instance,
MTX: Shadow of War Orc lootbox, League of Legend Hero, Dota, Assassin Creed's Origins/Odyssey Legendary Gears, etc.
DLC: Tales of Berseria Costume sets, DOA Costumes Set, Witcher 3 Heart of Stone/ Blood and Wines, Diablo 3 Rise of Necromancer, etc.

does anyone know how many statuses there are? so far I have unlocked love and dependency (and I don't both know how I did it) and in case you know how to do them?

sorry but i'm not english and i use google translator
I'm just taking a glance of this

I assume there're 7 of them:
普通 - Normal (Starter Condition)
好意 - Love (or Favoring) = Doing normal poses (kissing, missionary), no fancy stuff.
享楽 - Hedonistic(?) = Doing Female Lead pose.
隷属 - Slave = Doing shameful poses (like let the girl masturbation, piledriver).
嫌悪 - Hate/ Disgust = Any painful poses. This will trigger "Running Away" event once it's MAX.
壊れ - Broken = It correlates to Hate/Disgust Status.
依存 - Dependency (each for Love/Hate/Hedonistic) = Basically, it's fill up upon you do either Love/Slave/Hedonistic.
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Jun 18, 2017
Hey guys, someone knows how to make the girls squirt?
So far i have only been able to do it if their sensitive part is maxed and you do a pose for it. For example i made my masochist squirt whiping her, with full pain bar.


New Member
Nov 16, 2018
Tried downloading the partials multiple times from multiple downloaders, but everytime it says the files are corrupt.
Dunno what is going on with 1.2 as neither 1.0 nor 1.1 caused such problems.

And downloading via Torent/Magnet......yeah not gonna happen with 0.5kbit speed for whatever reason.
Same here.Even using the latest 7zip did nothing.I am suspecting that maybe the split itself is problematic.This is the primary reason why i still trust winrar when splitting large archives.
Oct 23, 2019
well i dont know about others. but i didnt even know about this game coming out. so its really good sitting at home in quarantine.


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2019
Makes me wonder how many people work for Illusion.

I can see why they're big on Honey Select franchise if the google trends says anything. That spike in 2016 is when Honey Select was released. I'm surprised they've been going downhill rather than up. I wonder if that "Illusion" tread includes just the word "Illusion" and not strictly searching for the company though. I have no idea how those trends work. I don't know if google checks to see which links you click after searching. People searching for the game company would probably often just type "Illusion" after all.

Ah, here's a better comparison:

Artificial Academy (Jinkō Gakuen) does as well in hits as Honey Select.
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  • Thinking Face
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Apr 23, 2018
Okay I figured it out guys. To anyone having the same problem as me. After playing around with the files, and accidentally deleting my favorite characters.....Anyways in the BepinEx folder with the plugins, there is a folder that is labelled 2155X. It has a Unlock Player Height.dll. Deleting this folder has stopped the issue with the woman sucking the air instead of the main characters penis.


May 19, 2018
Thats the exact problem I have been having. Ever since downloading the new version. Doing blowjob positions cause the character to lick the air. The problem is I don't know which file is causing the licking air problem it really breaks immersion when you see that.
i thought you can fix it somehow by setting those collisionv alues in the character editor but if this is also not possible then...

hand me over that BUGFIX guys <3


May 19, 2018
Theres alredy an uncensor.
I see this mod... i applied it... but it was just putting new folders in my main game folder so.... of course nothing happened... i imagine there is some dll or so do be changed so that it knows there is additional content... or at least some mod folder to put it but the description just says "put it in the game folder"....
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GiborG 08

Dec 22, 2018
can someone share with me translation folder from BepInEx folder? at least link to translation
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