Anyone know how can I clean not used mods in Sideloader Modpack? the mods folder size was over 200GB..
You may want to know you can run the game without any mod. Ofcourse, it will be the plain game, no enhacements nor addons.
well, there are several mods that you probably never ever going to use during your play lifespan, for example if you only play for dating your honey, you will never gonna use studio stuffs and maps. only the default
Sideloader Modpack - Exclusive HS2,
Sideloader Modpack - Maps (HS2 Game), Sideloader Modpack, Sideloader Modpack - Uncensor Selector and
If you gonna play or make scenes, then you will need the rest of the mods for StudioNeo. But still there is a catch: there are still too much mods for some who use studio, then you need to...hmm, let's see, make a kind of "game profile" made by your own, let me explain this:
Mods are clasified in:
Head mods: this mods are for use in playing or making on an specific character card. nothing more.
Clothes mods: this mods are for clothes, like the outfit for characters from FinalFantasy, TFD, StellarBlade or Ashley from RE
Maps mods: well, maps. like urban maps, home maps, space, outdoor or fantasy scenarios.
Studio mods: All the stuff for making a nice scene, like households, appliances, toys, beac and school items, walls, floors, etc
Special mods: this ones are vital for use in game studio, I bet all the scene makers use this. Ekan Studio, Hooh Dicks, Meina, blake, hanmen mods. You ought tho have this allways.
Head mods can easly be moved to an external drive and use then in a specific time, like if you want to date (and late fuck) your desired waifu. you not need the rest of the head mods by the moment so...
Clothes mods are dispensable too. Move all of the clothes mods in an external drive as well and only bring them to the main folder when the game propmt you that tere are missing mods. The
KKManager also can tell you if there are any missing mod in your card, simply select the chara folder and the KKManager will sort the cards with a missing mod issue.
Maps mods are the largest filesized mods. IF you want to make scenes, bring only the one you gonna use, the same if you going to play a scene using a special one. There are maps that never has been used by me so they are in my external drive.
in time you will see what fit for you and discard the zipmods you never going to use.
Luckly there are a vast collection of mods for everyone!