The renders are top-tier, and the dialogue is so so so bad, I was rolling my eyes constantly.

It's like the dev built a sports car and painted it with house paint.
I would like to see the game finished, but damn!
I want to rewrite it myself, but that would be a waste of time, the dev would not accept a new and improved script.
Think about this: you're a Russian dev, you create a game, visually it's great, translate that game into English, but you don't know English, so you hope it's ok.
Then an English speaker sends you an improved script, but you don't know English, you translate that script into Russian, and it reads like a dumpster fire because English and Russian don't translate well, you need a professional that can get the gist of what the dev intended.
And you, as the DEV, then have to trust that the translation has the same emotions, nuances, and succinct plot that you envisioned.
The script you sent the dev he can't trust and won't use it.
We all can read and write very well, but the majority of us can't do math above an 8th-grade level without struggling.
It's the same for the devs they are good at the art and coding, but the translation is very difficult, so they go the easy way, and the game suffers for it.
Nobody is going to read this because the game is abandoned.

I'm an idiot.