It doesn't exactly fill one with confidence when they see a new game.
and they notice the Dev has another game as well which is abandoned.
I mean what is there to make one feel that they aren't going to get into this new game
only to get invested in it. And suddenly BAM!! ABANDONED!!!
My first game, was not abandoned, its essence and meaning will continue in this game. Mysterious stones, were stopped due to loss of interest from the players and as a consequence of me too. (After all, the development of the game took two years, if anyone knows what it means to develop a game, he will understand me.)
As for the investment, as you put it, I would like to explain: When you pay the developer of a game you like, you do not invest, you create support for the author, thus you motivate him, let him know that he is moving in the right direction and how much you like his game.
As for me, I'm not going to quit this project, I made my choice, I will sacrifice my personal time on this project for the sake of all of you. Whether you're with me or not, it's up to you, but I'll finish what I started.
Of course not hide it, I would be damn nice to have at least 100 fans on my Patreon, but unfortunately this is just a dream.
But, after all, every person who is here comes here just for that, for the dream and fantasy. And your support for the author is the best indication of how much he has managed to recreate this dream and fantasy.