
Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2021
Trans with horsecocks not futas

Closed scrotum = no open vagina. Testicles on futas with open vagina is only possible if they are slighly bumps on the side with the skin developed into labia than scrotum.

See wikipedia about hypospadias. That's as close to "fullpackaged futanari" one can get.

Also, futanari used to be those without balls. Most poeple who like them without balls are offended by the inclusion of balls and all the people who stole this word for their own because it stops them from finding what they actually seek and getting stuff that are a turnoff.
arrested development eyroll.gif

If a character has boobs and a dick and didn't start out as a man, it's a futa. You calling it a transwoman because it doesn't meet the narrow requirements of what you want a futa to be is frankly enormously hypocritical. Because you're treating trans as a catchall for "things that are like futa, but not" rather than its own distinct category with its own requirements. Which is especially gross when it's something real people are in the real world, unlike futa.


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2020
Is this what AI thinks a centaur looks like? :ROFLMAO:
Sadly, this isn't the A.I.'s fault.
This type of creature been around the internet for FAR longer than A.I. art been a thing.
For example, and I braced the MLP booru for this btw, the earliest image of this type I can find on there was 13 years ago.
Look up the term "Humalos" for your own research.
Or don't. Probably don't.
Knowledge is a blessing and a curse.
  • Wow
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Sep 25, 2017
This needs an AI Generated tag for that opening paragraph of ChatGPT nothingness.

Also everybody shut the fuck up about futa semantics. Futa fans have been warring over balls/no balls/both sets since the dawn of time, we're all closet gays for enjoying it, so jack off to it and leave it at that.


Apr 10, 2018
Arguments will always be a thing, when you live off the internet for too long.
But I will take your command to just jack off to this, and leave it at that. :)
  • Hey there
Reactions: rKnight


Oct 3, 2018
It isn't what I want it to be but how it was initially defined by people who created this term.

"If a character has boobs and a dick and didn't start out as a man, it's a futa" that's not the definition of futanari. A futanari is one that has both a vagina and a penis. If you see the art from back in the 90s, where the original meaning of the word was adhered to, you will see that they only have a penis and a vagina, no balls. See for example Black Bible, Princess Knight Jane and many more. That was before the westerners like you who don't understand the original meaning polluted it. In fact, the Japanese saw this problem and many authors who draw scrotums use the term "full-packaged futanari" to respect the original meaning and help people find what they want.

If it's real people then they 100% don't have vagina when they have a closed scrotum. Did you not see the wiki page I just gave you? The way it works is that the female and male counterparts develop from the same sexual organ tissues by responding to androgens. A futanari can be transformed from a woman as well by using magic to force growth as well but typically still has to follow the law of physics and using the same sexual organ cells. I gave you a link to the wiki page and just read it and understand how sexual organs develop. Only a man that grows boobs can have features like this as depicted on this page and that's by definition a trans not a futa.

Since you're calling things not what they are supposed to be, you are the only rude one here. It pains me to see all the people are being defensive for their own pride rather than learn facts and respect the people who created these terms. You have your new term "full-packaged futanari" and "trans" for your own kink then just use those terms and not misuse the other term that's meant for something else.
The problem, really, is the tagging system for the site. Or, more realistically, the fact that you can't really make 1k different tags without loosing a lot of the ease of use that tags bring. I like a lot of transformation kink but when I'm looking for games on this site I need to go dig in the replies on games tagged with transformation to see what transformations I'm actually getting and if I'm into them or not because this site doesn't specialize in any one kink and therefore the tagging system doesn't take into account the thousands of different subkinks.

I also think you're wrong with your history lesson. As far as I know the Japanese differentiate both futanari types as just with balls, or tama-ari, and without balls, or tama-nash. I don't think either is considered more or less futanari than the other and if anything I would say that tama-ari futanari are more popular than tama-nash. Full-packaged futanari is a western tag.

Anyways, ultimately, you're just going to have to accept that on this website tags are pretty broad. No reason to try and start a crusade.


May 14, 2018
A suggestions i have is a way to disable the sound you get from clicking on the screen without having to disable the character sounds.


Sep 19, 2019
Trans with horsecocks not futas

Closed scrotum = no open vagina. Testicles on futas with open vagina is only possible if they are slighly bumps on the side with the skin developed into labia than scrotum.

See wikipedia about hypospadias. That's as close to "fullpackaged futanari" one can get.

Also, futanari used to be those without balls. Most poeple who like them without balls are offended by the inclusion of balls and all the people who stole this word for their own because it stops them from finding what they actually seek and getting stuff that are a turnoff.
ah more mirco nitpicking from western nerds thinking they own the word futanari again i see


Sep 30, 2017
I always liked the terms D-Girl and Herm, but I think those offend people now?
If someone is offended by Herm they are idiots, it's just a shortened version of hermaphrodite for which means both genitals are fully functional (in reproduction)

There are zero humans who are hermaphrodites the closest is Intersex however intersex are rarely fertile in one organ never in two, while there has been intersex who have had children with help from IVF with a high chance of health issues for the baby.


Nov 30, 2018
The problem, really, is the tagging system for the site. Or, more realistically, the fact that you can't really make 1k different tags without loosing a lot of the ease of use that tags bring
It's fine if it isn't such a turn off. At this point it's like you're searching for lesbian and so you use the tag homosexual but you end up seeing a bunch of gay male on male.

I also think you're wrong with your history lesson. As far as I know the Japanese differentiate both futanari types as just with balls, or tama-ari, and without balls, or tama-nash. I don't think either is considered more or less futanari than the other and if anything I would say that tama-ari futanari are more popular than tama-nash. Full-packaged futanari is a western tag.
Well, as far as I know, full packaged was never a thing until western exposure. Just go back in the 90s and find all the manga and anime from back then.

Anyways, ultimately, you're just going to have to accept that on this website tags are pretty broad. No reason to try and start a crusade.
Well, like I said, if it wasn't offensive then yes it's ok. The problem is that it ticks off a lot of people who would like the term to only apply like the original back in the 90s. New ones just use their own terms for it. Heck, all these full-package ones ain't even drawn correctly. The scrotum skin is just cut off to put a vagina behind, that's just wrong. The openings need to be on the front and above the testicles. No scrotum but bulged labia for correct anatomy if you do want to draw testicles on them.

All that said. Thanks for being the only sensible one here.
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