As someone who is (massively) into bestiality, is fine with short games and isn't super picky about art, a short and low budget bestiality game should be just right.
However, this one misses the mark in a lot of ways.
However, this one misses the mark in a lot of ways.
- The character art isn't very good at the best of times, with weirdly proportioned faces and ugly misshapen dogs.
- The animation is much worse, utilizing very ugly motion tweening and sometimes bizarrely timed or placed joints rather than true animation. It really does almost always look terrible, especially paired with the amateurish art. The game would be better served with still images.
- Bad awkward machine translated dialogue. I wouldn't be so harsh on this if it were a fan translation, but this is done by the author and is "official".
- Almost every interaction has characters/the narrator talking about dogs "raping" women or how she's being "raped", but they make it clear that this is consensual every time and all the women who get fucked want it. If you aren't into rape, the constant dialogue about it will be a turn off, and if you are into rape, you'll be disappointed that none of the scenes are actually nonconsensual.