1. Every game that changes from unity to renpy is a win!

2. I cant really remember the old art, but this good. The sex animation was good too, but it felt somewhat disconnected ... Maybe just give us options for the positions and not just let us swap on will? So that there is some kind of "choreography" in the scene?
3. Whats the matter with that "Oops" all the time?
4. There are still a lot of typos and mistakes, but it is readable. (g.e. "Kate: Something jas to teach you to grow up [...]" - I think that should be "Someone")
5. When Carl comes around, the MC calls Elaine "mom" - I mean it makes sense, but without a patch, that seems to be a slip up ^^
I hope that in the coming updates we will get some kind of choices. I understand that in a prologue its hard to implement and you just want to set the baseline of the story.
Oh and maybe - just maybe, lower the MC's rent. We havent seen the study, but when he is some kind of relative (or here for years what ever he is to Elaine) then it seems odd that she wants the same amount from him. I mean she must hate him a lot - thats what I get from the game so far - but still ... my useless brother lived with us for some time and he paid only half the amount he should have. So at least with the patch (or the intended version, bc of that leftofver "mom" ^^) it should be more reasonable to let the MC pay a lower rent.
Its a good demo and has a decent amount of content for one. Its back on my radar