1. Just in case, I've already said several times that I don't have much time so the game will move slowly. If you want the game to progress faster, you have to contribute. More contribution = I leave the house less to go to work.
Have you ever seen a real crowbar used to open doors or a fireman's axe? These are very large and very heavy, no way to use in a fight. A firefighter to be hired goes through a fairly important physical test and this is just to see if they are able to use the tools or equipment they have.
Have you seen 1 person in The Walking Dead (for example) use 1 stick to fight zombies? Apart from Morgan who met a person who spent several weeks making him a fighting stick...
4. The game works with 2 item systems. those for gathering and exploration, and then those for combat.
Did you know that the Vikings found it dishonorable to fight with an axe used to chop wood? To them, an axe and a battle axe were not the same thing.
5. Also, giving unbreakable weapons from the beginning of the game is a real nonsense.
6. The leveling system has been changed. The basic leveling is completely different.
7. The subscribestar and buymeacoffee pages have just been opened, and the Patreon was reopened in January. If you had followed my accounts a little more, my 1st Patreon page was banned in July and the condition for my return was to release a new project as soon as possible.
8. V0.06 in 9 months while there is a new version every month... well yes because by contributing, you can see what's added in V0.09, for 1€, you have access to V0.07 to put your fingers in the zombies girl and for more, you can have access to V0.08 for vaginal relations with her.
9. This game is created using only resources that I have created completely. Each NPC skin in 2d and 3d or the appearance of certain items on the map (Fruit Tree, Weight Machine, Important Building Logo, Bloodstains,....) + the codes that make the game work (die and respawn of zombies, the time system that works on all regions at the same time, the planting system,...). It takes a few days to create a 3D animation. I don't cheat with AI, another game, or using the animations section of the site.
10. "a RPG game with this level of simplicity"

So you're able to reproduce the code that handles zombies? (not copy and paste). Small hint, this code must be able to handle 6 or 7 things at the same time per zombie (so each zombie must have a unique code so as not to interfere with the code of another).
If you really want "a game that you can play and enjoy" and not have "a game that just has potential", I advise you to set your filter to show only completed games, this will prevent you from seeing a game that is only at V0.06 (it's very far from the completed game).