Okay, just recently did the switch to W10 and, spoiler alert, nightmare. Trying to do a little sweep (couple of hundred Gigs or maybe a Terra) of games I am never really gonna play, change is good and whatnot, but fuck, half the shit not working or not properly, which is bad because I'd like to look at some things before I shiftdel, some of the time.
Locale Emulator present, JP language pack installed, checkbox for "Beta: Use Unicode UTF-8 for worldwide language support" piped (didn't make a difference btw), latest graphics driver, Directx and C++ redists present, 21H2 win edition. Just wanted to start a VN (from Valkyria), a non-EN translated one, and the intro logo and announcements greet me with 0,0001 FPS and getting to the main menu thus takes a whole minute, plus the main menu button slide-ins from the right again @0,0001 FPS. Ingame, same shit, the text appears normally (the current sentence comes up and completes at 60 FPS, so completely normal, though; LOLWUT), BUT when I click ergo "cometh nexteth line though shall", and wham, again 0,0001 FPS for the current line fading out and a whopping 15 seconds to get the next line, which again forms normally. LOL. Eff Windows.
Btw, I was quite capable at making anything run with W8.1, so I ain't no noob, but I've been at this shit for 2 days now (well, not the sweep per se), and getting tired... xD
Yeah, also checked compatibility modes; no dice.
And for a spit in the face, the game from Valkyria which is actually TLed and on here (
https://thef95zone.info/threads/fiendish...hsome-lewd-degeneration-final-valkyria.27578/), runs spotlessly. Oh yeah, did I mention it (seemingly) uses the.Same.Effing.Engine?! Going insane here.
And have only begun with the "letsgetridofsomeHtofreespaceupfinally;ripthebandaid" operations... Yup. Fuck W10. But no going back now, sadly.
So any help would be appreciated.
You know... Seriously screw this. It turns out (after having a look at the thread of the one game here), a 2020 W10 update screwed the games, and they needed a patch from the developer, and I already had that for the ENG game I got from here, that's why it worked. I mean... This is pure madness. xD
Great way of starting the cleaning up by wasting hours on something so trivial.
This W10 is gonna be the end of me.