Thanks Marco, seems like a fantastic addition.
I post haste tried it on the new Hurricane Dot Com game (RJ286756), sadly no dice with any of them .dlls - most probably because it's a 2D dot-pixel game, and the mosaics are probably...baked? -was it the expression I've seen used here?- into the visuals.
At any rate, I tried to give it a looksie with UABE (2.2d), turns out it was made with U2019.3.5f1, so wasn't optimal - still opened with the 2019.2.0f database, the latest which for UABE 2.2.d is "prepared". Dunno if it would have worked correctly though.
Then I had a look at the 7days link for the UABE project to see if something newer was in the makes, but... The page/thread/whatevs doesn't exist anymore!

Ouuch. I distinctly remember checking it a little while ago... What may have happened?
EDIT: false alarm, I guess. It's just that the link (from the UABE thread here) from f95zone seems to be pointing nowhere. Oh well. If anyone's interested, 2.2d is still the latest.