Tutorial Unity How To Uncensor (Almost) Any Unity Game


Engaged Member
Jul 17, 2017
I figured I would ask considering you wrote a tutorial on uncensoring unity games. I think if I solve this bundle identifier issue then porting unity games might actually be really easy since they all use mono as a backend.
I would scour some threads to see if anyone else has done it, successfully.
There's probably a trick for it. Not to mention some unity games will probably never run on an android just because of hardware requirements.

Deleted member 1585345

When i try to save the file, it has a different size and less files...? I have absolutely no idea why. I found out that the censoring is in the "level1" file which has no extention. I'll upload the original and the modded one, all i did was import dump to a unnamed shader and save (remove shader method), nothing more, nothing less.
Edit: figured it out
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The Hentai Witcher
Jun 2, 2018
When i try to save the file, it has a different size and less files...? I have absolutely no idea why. I found out that the censoring is in the "level1" file which has no extention. I'll upload the original and the modded one, all i did was import dump to a unnamed shader and save (remove shader method), nothing more, nothing less.
Kinda hard to help when we don't really know what the game is.


Engaged Member
Jul 17, 2017
When i try to save the file, it has a different size and less files...? I have absolutely no idea why. I found out that the censoring is in the "level1" file which has no extention. I'll upload the original and the modded one, all i did was import dump to a unnamed shader and save (remove shader method), nothing more, nothing less.
Edit: figured it out
Usually the censor is found in resources.assets, or sharedassetsx.
The level file you're exploring probably just references the same shader, try to edit it, and save it and see if it automatically renames the asset. If it does automatically rename, that name is the asset you're really looking for.


Engaged Member
Jul 17, 2017
Did you ever manage to find how to remove the censor from ?
couldnt figure that one out, tons of material assets with no specific naming.
Pixelate is found, but does not uncensor everything.
Other tries have yielded a completely invisible man, with the censor unchanged.
Might try again.
Sep 24, 2017
I'm struggling to get this one uncensored. It's a WIP 3D shooter, the gameplay imo is pretty solid.


About the mosaic removal: I was able to locate three instances of "mozaic" material in sharedassets3.assets that led me to the shader with the path ID 633. However the shader asset was huge after extraction. I went ahead and installed Liquid Studio to tr to open that file since it's too big for Notepad+. I changed the values under colmask but it didn't do anything to the mosaic but introduced some visual glitches. Then I tried to delete the entire shader but it's still intact while many other game objects had purple textures now. It could be the mosaic was not actually there or I was doing something wrong.


Engaged Member
Jul 17, 2017
I'm struggling to get this one uncensored. It's a WIP 3D shooter, the gameplay imo is pretty solid.
. . .

It could be the mosaic was not actually there or I was doing something wrong.
I've had some similar issues with some games. It's more than likely the shader is referenced by other textures, or you've got the wrong one.

I actually have this game backed up on my external drive, I'm assuming it may have had some updates since I last checked it out. But I do remember now - the censor is a bitch.
Not sure if this one is any better than what you've got, but if I did make any edits, that's as far as I got.
Unfortunately I didn't leave any backups or notes for myself to see what I changed, but I may have another look.
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Jan 11, 2019
Anyone tried uncensoring this game?

A guy in 4chan mentioned its a shader type mosaic but you need to edit the assembly Csharp, but he also gave this tool that allows you to work with it. Anyone willing to give a try? Might be able to solve Assembly Csharp being too hard to work with. Prick

Can't figure out how to run the tool lol
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Jan 9, 2018
View attachment 389758

Here's his tips. Might be useful on other games as well
So, I didn't use any dnspy software
-used UABE, saw that the only "Mosaic" word was in a Mosaic_custom shader
-looked it up
-didnt find any umm Block_size thing to modify
-saw that it had a m_PathID = 137 (which was an unnamed_asset )
-opened it and modified all colMask to 0

Worked for me with the 3.24 version


Active Member
Feb 7, 2019
View attachment 389758

Here's his tips. Might be useful on other games as well
ILSpy + Reflexil, and I don't recommend it to someone unfamiliar with C#/IL, rough around the edges but very powerful.
dnSpy is easier to work with for simple value changes and provides a better overview of each Type. Personally I often browse with dnSpy and edit with ILSpy.
How the mosaic is handled is different from game to game. Some straight up call it mosaic, others hide it behind more obscure names, and some provide inbuilt ways of disabling it by checking for the existence of specific files or entries.

Instead of looking for specific names, learn to work your way through to for instance where genitals are rendered, and which elements are involved in that process.


Jan 11, 2019
So, I didn't use any dnspy software
-used UABE, saw that the only "Mosaic" word was in a Mosaic_custom shader
-looked it up
-didnt find any umm Block_size thing to modify
-saw that it had a m_PathID = 137 (which was an unnamed_asset )
-opened it and modified all colMask to 0

Worked for me with the 3.24 version
thanks fam

ILSpy + Reflexil, and I don't recommend it to someone unfamiliar with C#/IL, rough around the edges but very powerful.
dnSpy is easier to work with for simple value changes and provides a better overview of each Type. Personally I often browse with dnSpy and edit with ILSpy.
How the mosaic is handled is different from game to game. Some straight up call it mosaic, others hide it behind more obscure names, and some provide inbuilt ways of disabling it by checking for the existence of specific files or entries.

Instead of looking for specific names, learn to work your way through to for instance where genitals are rendered, and which elements are involved in that process.
Ahh alright, will improve on that, thanks


Jan 9, 2018
Did you ever manage to find how to remove the censor from ?
So, yeah with the "Pixelate" I managed to remove the censor only from the vagina, his dong is still censored, but here you go if you're interested, ah and I won't keep it on my drive forever so get it if ya want it


Aug 8, 2017
Did you ever manage to find how to remove the censor from ?
So, yeah with the "Pixelate" I managed to remove the censor only from the vagina, his dong is still censored, but here you go if you're interested, ah and I won't keep it on my drive forever so get it if ya want it
Ok boys, I am back, enough with skyrim and it andless mods.

anyway, I've managed to complet the full uncensor for the game, so it was hard and easy at the same time, just becaus we all forget about an easy method that is already exist in the TUTO ( monoscript removal), the hard part was identifing the right file, and i was able to find it using this demo software ( ) u can check it out its a powerfull tool, but the demo version dosent let you do much.

so the file that you need to remove called "POFX_Pixelate" and this just for the penis, for the vagina just download the asset provided by "AlexDuKaNa" , i will also atach the modified asset, I hope this help in other games :).


Engaged Member
Jul 17, 2017
I hope this help in other games :).
Thanks for some feedback

I've ran into a number of games now which required the use of multiple methods such as what you've described.
It just depends on the developer, I guess.

In any case, if one method removes only half of the censor, you probably only did half the work. Keep digging!
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Aug 8, 2017
Hello boys, we have some new revelations and mabye a new method for uncensoring some hard-ass games.

I'm ganna be as thorough and simple as my bad english allows me to, so here we go, buckle up and enjoy the ride :p.

The game in hand is: Infinite Squirt
the uncensor is already done with Assemby CSharp but not with assets edit yet (correct me if i'm wrong).

So i have successfully done it with assets editing with tow methodes :

- First one is more like a brute force but it is worth mentioning cuz the process may help in other games.

The game files were genetically named ( like box1,box2...) so it was hard to locate any mosaic material file.

-1- i used AssetStudio to locate the penis mesh, the name was (Cylinder055) thank you devs, how obvious :D.

-2- I used DevXUnityUnpackerToolsDemo to locate the material tied with (cylinder055) and the name was (MSC) this was the mosaic material, again nice name.

-3- Dumped (MSC) changed Blocksize from 12 to 1 and boom no more pixels.(and its time to faaaa... not yet).

The shader was the only one uncommonly named (MosaicField) but its not like the shaders that we used to see with colmask, it just looked like a miss in note pad, i tried to do some modification but no result. (I have i theory why this shader is different check the note at the bottom).

Something else that worked is altering the path id of the shader in the material file (MSC) with another shader path id (not all shaders worked) i used the colorcorrection one and it worked. ( I did this just to have an alternative incase the blocksize didnt work).

So this is all old news, this second part is what i think is maybe a new method.

This new method tackles this new type of shaders that I've found in this game. ( found in this game aswell : ).

I applied a method that was mentioned by "TheBlueKnight" in this post #109 for that game and it seems that it has the same effect on this one.

So this how its done:

In this scrumbled looking shader file there is a word that ganna do the magic called (Ztest) beside it there is a parameter (Less ) and according to this manual: it could take one of this seven parameters (Less;Greater;LEqual;GEqual;Equal;NotEqual;Always), I've tested them all and only (Equal) worked. No more mosaic, the others gaved none to some undesired results.

Ok let's recap:

So if you come across this type of shader ( I will attach it so you can see how it looks like)
-Look for Ztest and change whatever comes after it to Equal.

Note: ( this is just a wild guess, looking at the name "Ztest", Zbrush comes to my mind (its a 3d sculpting software like blinder and maya ...) , so I think the 3d models in the game were made by Zbrush so maybe it has also an impact on the shaders. pls correct me if I'm wrong).

I hope this help. And Thanks to everyone that contributed to the thread in any way, it accually helped me alot. And last but not least thanks to our LORD and SAVIOR Prick for making this guide in the first place. ( Now i can fap in peace :p ).


Engaged Member
Jul 17, 2017
So if you come across this type of shader ( I will attach it so you can see how it looks like)
-Look for Ztest and change whatever comes after it to Equal.
In short, Ztest is a feature of culling.
It's responsible for how one object behaves while behind another object.

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New Member
Oct 21, 2017

I have tried a lot, but I can't crack it. I found a lot of files called "mosaic", but none of the above. I tried.. request help.
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