- Oct 21, 2022
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Video for those who don't want to read.
will turn into
Hope this helps.
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- Load the game into Mtool
- From the Translate Tab select "Export the original text needs to be translated"
- If you don't see that button wait for it to fully load, may take a minute.
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- That will create a file in the games folder named "ManualTransFile.json"
- Move that file to a new folder. The new folder should now only have the "ManualTransFile.json" inside of it. The folder name is unimportant, I usually name it MTL.
- Open Translator++
- Start a new Project in Translator++
- Scroll to the bottom and select "Parse any Script with custom parser"
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- Download the "Mtool parser model" - Download Parser
- Extract that to a folder, I keep it in the folder I have Translator++ in, but anywhere is fine as long as you know where it's at.
- Under "Load Translator++ Parser Model file" select the extracted Mtool parser model.
- Click "Select Folder!" and choose the folder that has the "ManualTransFile.json"
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- Once that is loaded, Under the Object Tab, select the "Manual TransFile" checkbox
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- Click the Batch Translation button. It looks like a JPN character behind the letter A
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- In the Batch Translation Window Select the Google Translator
- You can set the Target column if you want, I use Machine Translation. (Unless you do after MTL edits, this is not important)
- Click Translate Now - This will take a while depending on the amount of text to be translated.
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- IMPORTANT!!! - Google turns a lot of the text into quotes. You need to find and replace all the (") with blank spaces.
- Press CTRL+F to pull up the find window, select replace tab and replace (") with ( ) - Dont include the ()
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- Once you hit ENTER it will freeze the program until it's done, so give it a minute, it might take a while.
- Once it's done you will see the (") around sentences should be removed.
- There may be a regex expression that makes this simpler, but I haven't messed with that. If I figure it out, I'll update this page.

- Google also will sometimes add different types of quotations, They look like this.

- You need to find and replace these too. I just copy and paste the left side quotations into the find and replace, then repeat for the right side ones.
- If you are unsure, refer to the attached video above.
- Do a quick scan through the text to make sure there are no other quotation marks. Sometimes Translator++ won't get them all the first time, so I usually run the replace a few times.
- Now select the Injection icon at the top, which looks like an injection needle.
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- In the Apply Translation window, It should already have the "Manual TransFile.json" selected
- Select the Target Directory, this can be a new empty folder or the folder the "Manual TransFile.json" is in, but that will overwrite it.
- Click Apply Translation
- For this tutorial, we don't change anything else in that window.
- That will then take a few minutes. Once that's done you can close Translator++ (Save it first if you want to be safe)
- Back over in Mtool, we can now Load the Translation File
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- If all goes well, you are done. The game should now be translated.
- If you get an error popup like this.
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- That means there is an issue somewhere. Most likely you missed some quotation marks.
- You can either reload the Translator++ save, and try and CTRL+F find and replace them. Or Use an online Json Validator to solve the issue.
- I use JSONLint.com Just drag the "Manual TransFile.json" into the box and click the Validate JSON button
- This will tell you where the error is, just fix the error and keep clicking Validate JSON until it says no issues found.
- Once that done just copy the text from the validator and paste it into the "Manual TransFile.json" with notepad. Then go back and load it into Mtool.
- JSONLINT will tell you what line the error is on.
- This is the most common issue I have had

- See in this one the original had double quotation (""). To not throw and issue with JSON you need to add a backslash ( \ ) like the original text had.
- Just change the "" to be \""
- Just compare the original text with the translated text and see what is different, that will solve most errors.
- Most games Ive translated dont have this issue and work right away, the ones that don't, take a few extra minutes with a JSON validator to fix.
- The example I used for this had a bunch of \ stuff that caused Google to not translate some stuff, but that's not the norm, and you can fix it by checking the translation in translator++ before you click the inject button.
Hope this helps.
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