All endings, let me know if you have more questions or if more details are needed on any of these.
Rehabilitaion failure, get punished up to rank 4, choose to wait quitely.
Rehabilition end, dont get caught in punishments lust must be less then 3, get the lockerroom key and use the devise to get taken out of the place.
Still Rehabilitating end, same as Rehabilitation end but have lvl 3 lust from getting caught twice.
Cow end, just get punished as much as you can and then take the friend and get caught again (a little extra happens if you try to take her out the front door, as well as if you chose to masterbate)
Kidnapped, after getting to the first basment floor, lab 1, you will see one researcher wandering in a lab, go talk to him. Then out the door of the lab he is in just go left in the hallway, the wall is fake, you will then get a ID, but you cant use it, you need to take it to the front door and she will tell you to take it to the room with three doors from the stairway down from the break room, three step from that stairway is a clue to the code, it will tell you to click in the middle of the punishment room for the code, 3365. Go down the stairs from the break room and through the doors, take the ID to the front door. Leave the facility and when the option pops up choose manage on your own. (the wooden key is under the fallen paining in the breakroom.
Rehabilitation success working in the farm, Same as Kidnapped but call for help.
Rehabilitation hide and masterbate end. Raise lust to 3 and Get the ID and the Lockerroom key (make sure to have the extend testing that needs lust 3), talk to Sarah (guard at front door) after getting locker key, masterbate in both the bathroom and with the dildo. Then get caught and have lust raised to 4 and choose wait quietly. If you did it all right you will get the hide and masterbate end, if you missed somthing this will give the rehab failure end.