
Jul 6, 2017
I am a total airhead or this game is super hard. I beat a few puzzles but fail just about every one now.
Priorities outside of dates (note: you don't HAVE to go on a date when you select a pair on the "Finder" screen.. and these two items do not require you to go on a date; just give the items then go back to the "Finder" screen and select a different pair if you want):
- Smoothies. Give the Sexual smoothies to girls who favor Sexuality the most, Romance smoothies to girls who favor Romance the most, etc.
- Shoes and unique gifts.

The items above affect multipliers when you get matches. The more of those gifts you give, the more points you score with those matches.

Priorities pre-date:
- First priority when starting a date for me was determining which girl I would focus on. The game tries to tell you that you should equally split your focus, but that's bullshit in my experience. I have beaten many dates without switching focus at all (stam gem matches - woo), and there was no penalty. Most of the time I would choose one girl to receive most of the focus based on some factor such as baggage (ie: I don't want to focus on a girl like Lilani if her "Low Self Esteem" baggage is active, because 4+ matches that don't include Romance will give you nothing. Another example would be not focusing on Ashley when her "Commitment Issues" baggage is active, because I don't want to have to count moves). This tactic was paramount for the boss fight, for my strategy. I've read people saying you'll have to forefeit the first few matches until you get a "good" setup. I beat it on my first try with crappy baggage on both of my first 2 sets. The main reason I decided to do this is because Passion is the key. It takes moves to build passion. It takes more moves to build passion on 2 girls (unless you have the duplicating gifts, but then you're farming sentiment instead). If you only have to build passion on one girl, you'll have more moves to spend on getting the affection.

- Talk. I would talk to both girls at least once. Each time you talk with a girl you get +1 move. What I would typically do is talk with my focus girl once, and talk with my non-focus as many times as I could. The problem you might run into from time to time is that you do something stupid and exhaust your focus girl and your non-focus has no stamina because you used it all talking. It didn't happen often enough for me to change my strategy.
- Food. You can use two food items. I would spend 1 food item increasing either Passion or Sentiment (so I could give gifts immediately), and the 2nd food item on Stamina -- both going to whomever I decided I was focusing on (except in a few instances where it made sense to give gifts on my non-focused girl before doing anything on my focused girl).

Date priority:
- Once you're in the actual date and able to make matches, first priority is to get Passion as high as possible (as close to 100%) as fast as possible for whomever you're focusing on - match as many hearts as you can. This is another multiplier.
- Once you have Passion to at least 75% (don't stop there if you don't have to) you can start looking for 4+ matches. When the required affection gets up over 3,000 you will NOT win the date by matching 3s. Take your time and plan it out. Take a 10min break if you need to.
- Prioritize your matching. I used this priority:
--- Stamina if needed
-- 4+ bells OR 3 bells and another match OR 3 bells + used gift to make bell matches not cost a move (if you haven't used the gift, a 3 match of bells is useless unless you're making other matches in that same move)
--- Most gems matched
--- Most favored gem
--- Sentiment if you have unused gifts OR Passion if you're still not at 100% (note: this can fluctuate in the priority based on the gifts available)
--- Anything else.

With these tips you should easily beat the game. There is also a strategy where you intentionally upset one girl so her baggage doesn't affect you while you make matches on another girl. I used this strategy once and it wasn't really even required then. Not saying it's a bad strategy; it's fine. It was just a little unnerving that with one girl out I couldn't make a mistake. I didn't see much of a need for that stress, but you might have a different experience.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2016
TORRENT HuniePop 2 - Double Date v1.0.4 [PC - Uncensored]
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Patch note:
  • The store now has tabs that let you filter the items by item type.
  • You can now click the girl pair relationship slots within the a girl’s profile to instantly switch over to the opposite girl’s profile.
  • Just for fun, there is now a 10% chance that Kyu will show up in one of four alternate outfits when you visit her at the hotel room.
  • Added a code that lets players swap out Abia’s headwear for alternate hairstyles. This can be done if certain players have a particular sensitivity to her normal fashion sense, or just to mix things up a little. All you have to do is submit the code “THE HAIRIER THE BETTER” in the code section of the title screen. If you want to swap back, just submit the code again.
  • Changed the compression on some of our art assets so they look a little better.
  • Fixed a whole bunch of typos.
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Reactions: VelvetUnderground


Apr 18, 2017
Added a code that lets players swap out Abia’s headwear for alternate hairstyles. This can be done if certain players have a particular sensitivity to her normal fashion sense
I would be curious if they were actually getting complaints about this or if this was something in dev before the release.


Jun 9, 2018
The puzzle and gameplay aspect is actually really good. It's challenging and fun as far as these things go.

The problem is that we aren't playing this game for the gameplay. We're playing it for the romance/sex/nudity/etc. The first game really let us get to know the girls and the texting was awesome. If they had kept the exact same game as the first but spent 4 years expanding the interaction between the girls and the player it would have been much more successful.

Having said that, the base game is solid and I'd really like to see some additional content come out. If more is added to the game in regards to the sexual content this could really end up being something great.
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Reactions: HardToBeHuman


Active Member
Oct 26, 2017
If l play this game again, it would be like playing Russian roulette with a clip-loading pistol. Or rather, just losing my LIFE BAR for nothing. MGS2LifeBarAlmostEmpty.gif

Deleted member 2602227

Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2020
huniepop 1, was among my first porn games, had huniepop 2 been released earlier it would've been a greater success.. I think..
Edit: If Loren the amazon princess from winterwolves counts as a porn game? No matter, I wont buy any more games from him as I believe that the power hungry person from this forum is the same Ryan/Ryahn as him..


Aug 5, 2016
I'm curious if the amount of hate the game is receiving has to do with the long delay/unrealistic hype.
It's been a while but from what I remember the CG in the first game was very similar, just being ecchi and not downright hardcore. It's a solid game that didn't quite live up to expectations and the rating is way lower than it should be if you're being objective about it.
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Aug 20, 2017
I'm curious if the amount of hate the game is receiving has to do with the long delay/unrealistic hype.
It's been a while but from what I remember the CG in the first game was very similar, just being ecchi and not downright hardcore. It's a solid game that didn't quite live up to expectations and the rating is way lower than it should be if you're being objective about it.
I don't understand why people would hate.

It is literally Hunie Pop 2, more of the same, with slight alterations.
I like that the girls are quite more curvier than the first game.
Game play is exactly the same as it was.
Story is at the same level.
Girls have a bit more personality, which is always good to make them memorable.
It is also less grindy than the first one.

Overall I think it is good, but I'd understand people expecing more after so many years since the first one, but no reason to hate.
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Reactions: Maericke
2.40 star(s) 73 Votes