VN - Unity - Completed - HuniePop - Valentines Day Update [Final] [HuniePot]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Such a great game, a true classic. Incredible voice acting, fun games, fun characters, good art and a really good game. This has been copied to death, since this game has been so succesful after launch. Highly recommend!
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Hunie Pop is a puzzle game like we see everywhere but this one bring us what we need : girls ! The gameplay with the phones and the photos are simple but effectives and the last puzzle for the s*x is all for our imagination, for me, it's all we need !
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    I was really dissapointed, I expected a three match game with good dating vn segments, but what I got was a three match game, with one-note characters, very little romance that felt meaningfull, very little vn mostly just boring questions, and below average art and boring sex CG´s.

    I like the concept of the upgrades but they only make stats go up which is boring, first I was excited about the collection aspect of the game, like the gift , hair styles and clothes but that also felt underwhelming.

    I thought the voices were okay but I doesn´t matter if the characters feel so lifeless.

    Only play it if you want a three match game, if you want porn or romance look somewhere else, the game also feels grindy and gets pretty boring, the minigame always stays pretty much the same no new elements are introduced.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Very fun match-3+ game combined with some VN+management. I Have played this for hours. Jerked off here and there but generally played for the win. For some reason it triggered my hardcore gamer behaviour and I had to tryhard it few times.

    CGs look great, gameplay is fun and requires prep and some skill. Plus memory. :] Or just write data down and screenshot girls so you aren't blindsided like me playing it 1st time. Really good game. Hooked me up on match-N games but I kept my allegiance to this one.
  5. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 7001139

    Ah yes, my first ever eroge ever. I still remember the day I binge watched Markiplier to play the game and realizing I'm attracted to 2D women, especially kemonomimi girls (Momo my beloved).

    The puzzle part is fairly easy if you're addicted to Solitaire and Candy Crush like me. Interactions with girls are also easy if you don't have a memory of goldfish or know how to search.

    The character designs and voice actings are great, they reflect the girls' personalities. But they look like talking cardboard cutout which breaks the immersion.

    Musics are nothing special, they get the job done.

    Overall it's a classic game that everyone who's smart enough to solve match same parts puzzles should play.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    HuniePop is a competent match 3 game featuring sexy nude pictures of various women. You basically choose which women to woo and get to know. The voice acting is actually pretty good for a porn game. It features an RPG element where you can customize your items and such to give you an edge with the match 3 elements. Lots of different body and personality types so you're bound to find someone to your liking.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    I write this with the context of having played bits of several Nutaku knockoffs, so these may not apply to you. Anyway...

    This was a really fun game. For one thing, the puzzle element, while a bit difficult to pick up at first, was the good kind of challenging, although I did win a lot more often towards the end with the right gift combo. As a sucker for match-3s, it was a nice spin on the formula.

    The game was also surprisingly mature, with a real effort made to value the gift giving and dating, which, while occasionally annoying, I appreciated. It has legitimate charm, the way it calls you a cheater for trying to use the in game files in a quiz, the way Kyu actually seems proud of you when you get the hang of things.

    My primary complaint is that it's short, and somewhat unrewarding. The one thing almost every Nutaku ripoff has over the original is a much larger CG gallery. But that says more about me then the game, and it's definitely still worth a play.
  8. 5.00 star(s)

    Burnt Origami

    This game is different from many of the others on this website, in a number of ways. I think it is such a staple of the industry and a well known name that everyone should give it a shot. If you still need convincing, here are my thoughts on HuniePop:

    Story and Gameplay
    You are a loser. Kyu is a love fairy who teaches losers like you to pick up chicks. Have fun from there, working your way through a number of local women!
    You start your interaction by speaking with women. Imagine that! By conversing with the girls and going on dates with them, you get different currencies to buy gifts for the girls, alcohol, and food to buff yourself on the dates.
    Dates are match-3 gameplay. I enjoyed the strategy needed, but I imagine it might not be for everyone. However, working through these is worth it for the results as successes bring you goodies, and failures just bring another chance on another day.
    The characters are the stars of the show. Each woman is unique in her story, the way they speak to you and want you to speak to them. They all sport cute outfits you can collect through dates and each have their own... ending. After a few successful dates with someone, you can take them home at night for a special kind of match-3 accomanied with a lewd photograph of the aftermath. And there are quite a few of these girls!

    Art and Sound
    This is top tier art right here. Cute girls in cute outfits. Very lewd reward photos. Not much else to say. This is nearly fully voice acted (the player voice is the only that I remember not being voiced), and is done so really well! During the night-time match-3, each character voices their satisfaction (play with headphones). Music is amazing and sets the tone of each date that you go on.

    • Solid gameplay, well crafted and professional
    • Work for your reward (difficulty settings available)
    • Lots of cute girls
    If you want all the outfits, some only unlock at certain date locations and might be a bit grindy for some. Furthermore, two of the girls require taking specific actions to even meet them; I had to Google it.

    Is this a game to jerk off to? Maybe not. I did find the characters attractive and the situations hot enough that the photos were a good payoff personally. It is also just fun as a puzzle game on its own, and could be played just for that! It really doesn't hurt to give this game a go and enjoy the polished experience with hot women falling for you though the power of match-3 and love fairies.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Still one of the best games I've ever played, by which I mean out of all games I have ever played, not just adult games. Although looked at as a match 4 game (which in itself it really well done, challenging, enjoyable, and ties into the other game mechanics), the real game is getting to know the various girls. And there isn't one in the bunch that doesn't have her own unique charm. The voice work and script for each girl is superb, and navigating your way through the conversations with them is non-stop fun. It's a shame they threw that all away in the sequel and turned them into mindless sex crazed stereotypes with no personality.

    I don't think this game will ever be topped. The best of the dating sims.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    The art was quality and fun for it's style, the game play was challenging but well done and beatable, guides were made so it isn't impossible to unlock everything, all in a package that got onto Steam in the early days of trying to get adult games on a main stream platform.
    If you like this kind of game this is one of the better ones out there.
    Hopefully it gets the talked about sequel but we'll see.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I really liked this game, even it is not a fapping game.
    It's more of a dating simulator with some fun to play elements and erotic content.
    You have to memorize all the facts about the girls, like age, body measurements, favourites, to answer their questions correctly and to buy the right drinks, food, clothes and accessoires for them.
    So you have to pay always attention to what they are telling you.
    I find it different and fun to play, especially the minigame is addicting.

    Yes i copy the coment so i can give 5 STARS
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    I really liked this game, even it is not a fapping game.
    It's more of a dating simulator with some fun to play elements and erotic content.
    You have to memorize all the facts about the girls, like age, body measurements, favourites, to answer their questions correctly and to buy the right drinks, food, clothes and accessoires for them.
    So you have to pay always attention to what they are telling you.
    I find it different and fun to play, especially the minigame is addicting.
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