HTML - Hunter's Harem [v0.4.5.6a] [Huntermc]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    More of a fun take on mind control. I mean, who wouldn't want to do stuff to a person thats bullied you and taken your money for years?

    People are mean to the MC. He gets a spellbook. The mc then goes out and has fun. Kind of grindy, but really not bad when compared to others. No big hassles to use spells. Just kind of short and easy. Nice change

    Easy to navigate
    Easy to play
    Everything works (pretty much)
    More of an almost quick play
    Very enjoyable with a quick payoff.

    I was getting really laggy for some reason but the Developer fixed that in the release

    Not sure what else other than wish it were expanded but even if it doesn't, I appreciate what the dev did. I've really enjoyed it. Hope it gets updated sometime. The Dev doesn't bug you for money all the time like some others can.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    It's laggy. How is an HTML game laggy?

    Technical problems aside, the writing is pretty bare bones, the story is basic mind control stuff. If you're into domination, rape and mind control you might like it, otherwise probably skip it. The scenes don't really have any dialogue. The content is kinda designed to be a grind with little else. Though you can opt out of the grind, if you do, there's really nothing left.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Sadly enough its barebones, with ye regularly overused real porn actress images. Nevermind that what passes for plot and story devolves into just enslaving women to unlock one pic new sex positions. Major incel vibes.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    Still only a 2.5 to 3 star game.
    Major issues are as follows
    • Buggy, scenes triggering at the wrong times, not triggering in others
    • Lack any real substance for any character, not asking for much here but get even less
    • Grindy design, difficulty options and cheats help, but make things interesting give me a reason to do things instead, please
    • Actresses chosen are okay, but you should have more scenes or something idk.
    • Plot is vague even by porn game standards, a spell for all is a novel compared to this
    • Hypnosis / mind control always love the genre
    • The bones of possible characters are there.
    • The interface is actually nice. Getting keys unlocks fast travel to locations
    • Decent variety of content
  5. 2.00 star(s)

    God of Debauchery

    This is not so much a game as much as an excursion into grinding for scenes.

    There are a few limited options to explore in the game, with no sense of urgency or driving force behind anything beyond the desire to see new scenes.

    In shorter terms, This is like a poor man's Spell for All.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game with a hypno fetish. Hypnotizing Both male and female characters and finding their weak spots. Very nice gifs and consistent selection of visuals witch matches the characters. Navigation can be cleaned up a bit to save some clicks here and there, since the grind is moderate. The only problem I found so far is that once you submit a character to your will, the only thing you can do with them is fuck them (one way or another). However, after the first time you bang them it's all the same every time. You're not gaining anything else. If the current state of the game is "near the end", then it's okay. But if there is way more planned, this can become a problem.

    Maybe adding more random encounters or finding more uses of your slaves will be better.
    I also did not find any use of the items from the occult shop. Maybe I did, but I forgot (i played it long time ago and now loaded an old save).

    I liked the orgasm system and the variatons of the sex scenes from character to character, according to their "profile". Can't wait for the next version!
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    review is for v0.4.5.5d
    A whole bunch of good ideas, that when put together equate to something average.
    As somebody who has never created a game, take what I'm about to say with grain of salt, but I feel like this game could easily be a 4 (maybe even a 5) with one single change, Make all actions only doable once per day (per character). The way the game is now, it's honestly not "fun" to play, the whole thing boils down to:
    Study book until everything is maxed
    Get a character in private
    hypnotize them
    use a spell to get all your mana a stamina back
    hypnotize them again
    use spell again
    repeat until person is completely corrupted.
    If there are events between corruption levels, you will pretty much never see them, and I don't think they exist anyways. The sex "minigame" is honestly kind of boring and doesn't really add anything. The final straw is that there's some serious lag when clicking things, the optimization is piss poor.
    The concept was interesting, and the characters weren't bad, and with just a little bit of tweaking to balance out different actions, it really could be a good game, but as it stands now, it's just way to repetitive.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    A great game with massive potential. It has my favorite parts of college daze and has some wonderful moments. The characters aren't as deep as Harem Hotel, but do they need to be? Wish the game was updated more frequently but I guess that will happen when it gets more attention. Definitely one of my top ten games on this site.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Good game, although main storyline seems to be left forgotten. Fortunately there is a lot of side content, ie casting mind control spells on everything that breathes :p
    I had well enough time, but there isn't enough if any interaction between mind controlled girls. Hope game would develops in steady pace.

    edit: recent changes to "improve" NPC's movement seemed to prevent some events from triggering. NPC's used to roam between locations based on their schedule. Now they seems to get stuck, if they meet player on their path.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    There is not much to this game and not a lot of thought has gone into the story or mechanics.

    Its basically a linear progression with each girl with very little interaction between the NPC's and the storyline. Its just grind up your magic ability and then progress each NPC in a totally linear way. I grinded my magic up from the start and then pretty much as soon as I had the first interaction with an NPC I could stay in the same location and view scene, use magic, view next scene, use magic etc.

    There doesn't appear to be anything you can do outside of the NPCs linear path. They might be your slave but if you bump into them at another location they seem to forget that.

    There needs to be deeper mechanics at play in this game and way more interactions/spells etc. and just more of a story. The story at present is basically get note from uncle then read book and corrupt girls. You don't go back to the book or learn anything new about corruption and spells as the game progresses.

    I've not played this game in ages and it seems like there has only been a very small update in all that time.

    There are also plenty of automatic game overs that make you lose all progress since the last save, which is totally idiotic for a porn game.
  11. 3.00 star(s)

    Rex Blue

    It's an interesting concept, but I feel like the execution needs some work. The game badly needs some time pressure or variety. As it stands right now, there's not much to do outside of grind out spellcasting stats and spend mana corrupting girls. That would be reasonably acceptable if the payoff were more than a short corruption scene each time you hit a new influence checkpoint.

    I feel like the game would improve if influence was gained through scene hunting with girls rather than grind a spell into her face. Maybe spell casting experience could be gained by using the spells in different ways or on different girls, forcing the player to get out of the house rather than grinding the book. There really needs to be some sort of goal, more variety, or a better pay off. As it is right now, it's just grindy without much of anything to make it worth it.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    That's a great little game about mind control and corruption. Quite interesting mechanic and scenario. Already has a decent amount of content at this stage of development. Looking forward to future releases.
  13. 5.00 star(s)

    Chimp :D

    Lots of content, a good power system, and a dev that actively listens to the community and fixes bugs. A match made in heaven. I'd give this 10 stars if I could. My only criticism is that once a girl is fully corrupted it feels like there isn't alot to do with them besides the repeatable sex events. In the future it'd be cool to see post slave events fleshed out more.
  14. 5.00 star(s)

    Dr. Strangelove

    I downloaded this game with out any expectations but still it was awesome. especially reading characters conversations after you corrupt them further and see their characters changing. story is nice and easy to understand, ui is easy to use. there are some bugs but I'm sure dev will patch them. my only wish is that in the new updates there will be more interactions and events with corrupted characters. 9 /10 must play
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    Just played this game over the last 2 days. and the high star rating is based on, you get what you expect. without too much fuss or blinking lights. its easy to navigate, making it easy to play.

    This is a Basic Mind control game, you leand a spell and then you get everyone to love you, madly. followed by all the sex you want to click your way though.

    The first girls are easy. just magic and bang !
    later you find a few where you have to do something first, befor you get to the magic and bang part.

    The story is good enough to carry the game, yet not overly complex og background heavy.

    But be aware that the browser you are playing the game in can create problems for you. i used Microsoft Edge and only hade a few issues.

    If you are into the mind control stuff, this is a nice little game that i am sure will give you a happy ending, a few of times ^^

    I dit enjoy my playthrough
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    Bugs upon bugs upon bugs, nothing seems to work.
    Keep away from this until there has been at least 1 minute of testing before release.
    Tried it a year ago or so, there it seemed to at least have some content, now it's all bugged. There is some but very little new content added the last year as far as I can see from the image folder.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    Version Reviewed: v0.3.9a

    What a unicorn. A HTML real porn game with the "transformation" tag that doesn't involve the MC being sissified. In fact this game is 100% power trip as the MC gets back at everybody in his life, deserved or not. The storyline is that you inherit a book containing 4 spells, a mind control spells, a gender swap spell, and a couple that juggle the two kinds of mana the game has. Using mostly the mind control spell he turns everybody in his life into his "willing" sex slaves. This includes his mom, sister, ex-GF, best friend, worst enemy, and of course his childhood crush. If they happen to be men then they get zapped by the second spell.

    Gameplay is basically just visit the characters and hit them with the mind control spell until they're fully slutted up. There's also a money grind. There is some basic adventure game puzzle mechanics to unlock about half of the targets but they're all pretty basic. I discovered a help screen that explained them only after I did it. The money grind and spell grind is pretty boring in the beginning, but eventually the girls earn money for you if you aren't studying overnight. The total amount of content isn't amazing but it is passable in the current game. Two more characters are yet to be developed.

    Art is real porn, and the girls aren't always consistent in the art which is one thing that bugs me with these real porn games.

    The writing is basic but has a fair number of typos. The MC is pretty much pure evil, never stopping once to consider what he's doing. He immediately decides he wants a bunch of slaves and does it. The idea of romance never once crosses his mind. The girls are just as one-dimentional all either. There's basically only two types of dialog in this game "I hate you" or "fuck me right now".

    On Firefox I've noticed that this game slows down a lot as you play it. There is definitely some kind of memory leak or something. You can fix this by hitting refresh on the page. It doesn't even lose progress.

    Overall this game is alright. I gave it an extra star for breaking out of the HTML real porn game mold. The MC doesn't get sent on stupid fetch quests or sidetracked with nonsense. He sees a goal and everything he does is to further that goal. It's also a mind control game where it feels like your mind control powers actually work, which is surprisingly rare. It loses half a star because the mother gets really annoying once you've leveled up, constantly barging into your bedroom while you're working to show off her new dildo or something. I'm hoping the dev has you transform your basement into a dungeon to lock her in or something so she's not always interrupting you.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    Fun, quite good amount of content, well written, and the game mechanics are fun and not too grindy. To me, once this game is done can be a 5 star game, but as for now it had unfinished arcs, having more characters would make it even better and maybe adding a character or items that makes the learning process clearer or faster would make the game even more fun that what it is.