VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Hustle Town [Complete] [Mickydoo]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Too long.. too many unwanted conversations, very poor attempt at humour. Should've atleast made it non sandbox style, if the dev is aiming for long ass pointless conversations, & a ridiculous story that leads to nowhere.
    Would say a complete waste of time, if it wasn't for that pretty girl penny.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    This game is a mess.
    • Dialogues are half-assed, characters act like they know MC for ages despite having just met him.
    • Phone functions don't work, most of the map never gets used.
    • The game has sandbox UI but is in fact very linear.
    • Some of the girls are totally hideous (looking at you, Jade, the new face of my nightmares).
    • Story felt boring, inconsequential and too long.
    • Too much weed smoking.
    • Girls all share same kinks and enjoy getting butt-fucked the second time they have sex with MC. I find that very hard to believe.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Had to give this game a nice rating man, it is really hot , and have a nice grinding method that doesn t get boring, the girls are hot as fuck and kinky and for real real, the godamned jenny is too much !! XD

    Also, the animations and scenes keeps getting better from time to time, like the dev has put effort on doing the game and it is noticable

    The renders keep improving as well, i didn t finished the game but i can assure it is worth your time :)
  4. 5.00 star(s)

    Gummer the old one

    The story is excellent... a well-developed concept like in a good movie.
    The game execution is tedious, over several days the same process over and over again to get more information about the storyline and thus also to get game progress.
    Nevertheless, I think the direction is good, which is necessary to build the harem.
    Render and graphics are not that great. The girls are rather boyish, some would put them in the loli category.
    Surprise, a game without monster tits in a K cup.
    Conclusion: well done, keep it up
  5. 3.00 star(s)

    Jack Beauregard

    -------- └(・-・)┘ --------

    The game is average/good, it is saved by its characters, dialogue and sex scenes.

    The story is ok and some scenes are very good, especially the nice reference to That '70s Show which is really cool!

    Visually nothing to say, except that the MC looks a little silly, but it does not matter much. Especially since the girls raise the level a lot.
    Moreover, the game has very good animations, which is always a plus.

    The biggest flaw of the game is probably the sandbox, which was aborted in the middle of the game. It caused me many bugs, including one that corrupted my savegame (fortunately, I had just started.)

    In terms of rating, I would have given it a 4 if the sandbox (and the bugs that go with it) had not been present. But since it's a little too broken in some places, I give it a 3 star.

    I still recommend it and since criticism is easier than practice, I want to say thank you and kudos to Mickydoo for his work.

    Signed Jack Beauregard
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    The dialogue is so stupidly funny that you just laugh out loud. The girls are pretty and very different, even if some of them are a little alike. The sex scenes are both naughty and sometimes funny. I like that, sex is funny! :)

    The story could be better, there's a good idea behind it but it's not really fullfilled. That's one of the reason I give it 4 of 5. Then I'm a little divided about the stone thing which is the other reason. I smoked when I was 18-19, but I stopped then. One reason was just that I didn't want to be stupid and the smoking made me that. Well, the characters don't get smarter when they smoke, so that's why I'm divided.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    Okay so... I felt like the story was REALLY LONG and VERY BLAND. I just didn't feel like there was anything to keep me going and I wanted to keep giving up. Especially when you tell yourself "I feel like I am close to the end I should just finish it" except there is a monumental amount of dialogue... so when you think its close to over you don't realize it isn't. The story wasn't bad just very bland and nothing to keep you going.

    The animations were also bland and over pretty fast on top of the really boring variety that was given in terms of positions.

    The up side of this game is that the girls are very beautiful and you get quite a lot of variety. I personally really liked Amy. Luckily the game also requires no walk through and its very easy to progress. No walkthrough required.

    I recommend trying it since honestly when it comes to these kinds of games it can really come down to whether you just enjoy the story or you don't. The story could be good for some people and if you enjoy the story then its not a bad game at all.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    I enjoyed the game for the most part with the girls (Jade being my favorite) and the surrounding story being pretty interesting The game does get quite repetitive though and it seems like all the girls have the same interests when it comes to sex. A little variety would've boosted this to 4 stars.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    Ok, here is the game in a nutshell:

    MC goes to see someone.
    "Hey, how are you doing?"
    LI: "blah blah blah gotta go"
    MC: "Ok, see you later"
    MC: Goes and gets stoned
    MC goes to see someone "Hey, how are you doing?"
    LI: "blah blah blah gotta go but we will hook up later"
    MC "ok, see you later"
    MC goes and gets stoned.
    <insert random 2 frame sex scene with a cum button>

    Here are some other points:
    1) You could swap the heads on all of the models and they would look almost the same as every model in the game has essentially the same body type.
    2) There are incomplete arcs. The few women in the game that look different , that you want to fuck and you actually get a lead to do so, never pan out.
    3) Everything is very static
    4) It is a 'sandbox' but not really. It has rooms that never get used, but at some point you can't even click on locations. You are essentially just clicking on the faces of the, usually only, person you can click on at that time. Dev should have removed the map system all together.
    5) Animations are really bad and sex scenes are incredibly boring and short.
    6) The dev constantly breaks immersion by telling you about bugs or why he chose to do something in the game.

    I actually finished the game. Not because it was good, but because it would almost always put me to sleep within 10-15 min. It genuinely helped me to get to sleep some nights.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    Mistery city is an overused thematic but I said to give it a chance: well it proved to be disapointing. Not in the sense that it could not be interesting, but in the way information is presented, when and how you receive bits of information Most of the time you have to wait to smoke something before you can actually do something. I have no problem with smoking: normal or weed, or drinking but if any of these elements are presented in excess or seems to be the cool kids way of doing, I would like to have the option to skip it (or how other games have done it, to have one version with smoking and one without).
    In the end everything seems rushed or badly explained. Also I did not really made a connection with the MC and his way of acting.
    What annoyed me is that you had now impact on who the 5 gils gonna be in the end. I would have prefered to let Jade behind and take Bella, Nicky or Zoe.

    The aspect of the girls is not great except for Zoe and Amy. Jade face is a turn off for me. Mikayla is fine, Jenny looks younger then 18. Bella is almost the only one that has a 20 ish body. A character that I liked is Maisie: such a shame she did not received more screen time.
    The girl that I really liked and I was looking with interest for the next interaction was Amy: her body and face were gorgeaus and those eyes were even better.

    While in the begining you are given the impression of a sandbox everything is linear with only one option at a time.
    You can interact with some items, the option being there from the beginning even if you do not need the item. There is
    a phone in the game but I found it pointless. The same could be said about the "Jenny" option
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    I was between 3 and 4 stars by the end but at one point I was between 4 and 5.

    I really like the girls in this game. I found them all really hot and likable and that's the most important thing in games to me. I'm afraid this review is going to sound more negative than I really feel overall because I don't have much more to say about it but the girls really are good enough to give the game a 4 based on them alone. In the beginning I was excited to meet them all and looking forward to having more fun with them. My disappointment is mainly in that I didn't get to do as much of that as I was hoping for.

    WAY too many quick, short scenes in the second half of the game. I want to actually interact with the girls. Doesn't have to be sex but something more than just hi, bye, I'm tired, I'll see you later, etc. which is seriously so much of the game past a certain point.

    I also felt like there was a little too much emphasis on the lesbian stuff. It may just be my personal taste/insecurity or whatever but I just don't love seeing and hearing about the stuff where the girls don't need me around. In fairness, there are also quite a few scenes where it is a threesome with the MC so maybe this is just some confirmation bias but I definitely had the feeling of being left out more than I would like. Some of this is fine obviously. Girl on girl is hot and threesomes are great. Just maybe tone down the bits where they specifically ask MC to leave or go out of their way to mention the things they did/do without him. Or include much more development/romance with the MC.

    Also WAY too much weed smoking. I mean it's basically everyone by the end. It's too much. I honestly think it might be a tie between the number of animations for smoke being blown and animations of sex acts.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    In my opinion this is the best first game of any single developer on this site. I loved it right from the start and Mickydoo is the only dev I follow. I don't think I'm a fanboy, I think this game is great.

    The good:
    This is one of the very few times that girls look and behave like girls. And each and every looks different and just … fine. And they grow on you, because they actually do what they want. Sometimes they want you and want you to spend time, sometimes they have other things in mind. Sometimes they even prefer another girl over the protagonist. And you're not invited to join. I think some people had a problem with this. I loved it.

    It is finished now, but a big quality of the game was the constant delivery of new content.

    The very good:
    The humor. I loved the morning scenes in the café, sometimes I was looking forward to those moments more than to the sex scenes. Also the whole story, as it evolves, is so absurdly funny and clever. Playing with the clichés, but not constantly falling for them.

    The pictures. Here is someone with an eye for light and composition. Oh my, are there beautiful stills in this … Really. The harsh summer light, the hair painting shadows in the faces. The smoke. Just beautiful.

    The look of the girls. Very unique. Very special. I already miss to have a new episode every month to meet them again. And he didn't even reuse them in his new game! Depressing.

    The last big animation is actually good. Very sexy! Clearly it took him some time to get things the way he wanted. But there is savage progress. Wait and see!

    The bad:
    There is a lot of criticism about this and that. Some has a truth to it. The game changed a lot during the process of programming, and probably Mickeydoo sometimes bit off more than he could chew. Most is simply because it was a first work, and some things only became clear in the process. I am very happy he changed it and continued the game, instead of another abandoned ... sandbox.

    This was obviously planned as a sandbox but turned out to be a visual novel. But: it had to. You can't put a story with independently acting, active girls in a sandbox. Well you can, if you are willing to spend the next 10 years programming it, or if you introduce a corruption railroading system. Both would not suit the game at all. I think. All sandbox games from single producers I can think of are unfinished …

    The animations were … not good in the beginning. But just when I had decided I would care less about them they started to improve.

    The initial banner didn't really advertise the game, the one now in use is better, but I still think a better banner would have created more interest and more fans.

    The ugly:
    I just shake my head when an Australian is told that he should learn better English. Maybe someone didn't get the joke, maybe someone hates the daily banter? Maybe someone should brush up their own language competence?

    I love the game despite all its shortcomings. It took some time to work solidly, a lot of concepts and story lines came and went (like in real life) and remained unfinished. However, the strengths outweigh the deficits so far, that this is clearly a five star product.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    This is a review for the complete game. This was (a) my first time trying this game and (b) a complete play through. The game deserves a 4-star, but despite being "complete", it's not a finished product. I'm giving it a 3-star rating, though I seriously considered a 2.

    The story is interesting and serviceable, but the big mysteries are never solved (e.g. why the girls feel a connection with the MC and why they can't just leave the town themselves). The more time you spend thinking about it, the more issues crop up. Overall, a small minus, but not a huge deal.

    The quality of the renders are pretty good, though a couple of poses are awkward. It's nice to see a large variety of clothing on the characters. There's limited audio, which are fine, but can be jarring when they appear.

    The gameplay has significant issues, and this is where the major faults of the game lie. It's pretty clear that the Dev intended the game to be a sandbox, but in the end, it's just a visual novel. There's extremely limited choices, with most not having any meaningful impact and a handful that results in 2 paths with different events/scenes, but that converge back. The description suggests that there would be puzzle elements in figuring out how to get things, but that's really not the case. Also, the MC and most of/all the other characters have phones, but the MC spends hours walking across town to have a 10 second conversation with a girl repeatedly.

    Overall, the game lacks polish of a finished product. I'm not saying things need to be perfect, but it's clear the Dev never bothered going back through the game to clean up even fairly simple things. There are a number of bugs that the Dev was aware of (there are comments in game), but never fixed. There are other little comments from the Dev in the game that should have been removed before the games completion. There's also a phone interface that's never used. Another example: part way through the game, the Dev adds a bedroom for the MC so he can sleep there rather than ending/starting each day in the living room. It would have been fairly straight forward to go back and use that image in earlier parts of the game, but that didn't happen. In fact, a large portion of the time after the bedroom was added, the living room image is still used around sleep.
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    This game is a mess. I'm a sucker for a good mystery and this game started off promising. There seemed to be a secret to the town that the protagonist had to uncover. However, the story is rushed to hell and doesn't even make sense most of the time. Why the hell does everyone feel the need to leave the town? Why can only 5 of them go? What relation does the past have to do with the present? There are so many unanswered questions and plotholes, mainly because the mystery took a backseat for most of the game. And then it all got wrapped up offscreen.

    The characters are also a mess. They're either stupid, like the protagonist and Mikayla; annoying, like Jade; don't have any personality, like Amy, Jenny, Penny, and all of the NPC's; or some combination of those 3 traits. Also, all everyone loves to do in this game is smoke weed and fuck. So I guess add horny and junky to everyone's personality traits.

    The gameplay itself is also a mess. It's presented as a sandbox, but it isn't. You wake up, click the map, and then click each girl's icon, but it's always the same general order. On top of that, there are lots of scenes where you go to the girl and talk about nothing and then you leave; so many of the interactions in this game are pointless. Speaking of pointless, there's also a phone with apps for no reason. Oh and this game is all about the illusion of choice as most of the options presented to you don't really matter, aside from determining which girl you'll get a scene with, and I personally hate having to choose between girls/scenes. There are also tons of notes from the developer with spoilers that interrupt gameplay. The game should've been cleaned up before it was "completed."

    I will say that most of the girls look pretty good. However, some of them feel very similar, like Jenny and Jade, who I'm pretty sure have the same nose and mouth. The sex scenes also have some good animations. But, for how long this game is, which is due to a lot of the interactions being pointless, there are way too few sex scenes. Plus some girls, like Danni, only have threesome scenes, so if you want a 1 on 1 with everyone, you won't get it.

    Overall, this game was not fun and I would not recommend playing it.
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    Incredibly boring game, I could not even get myself to finish it.
    The characters are all as dull, none of them held my interest.
    The story is is threadbare and I hate point-and-click.
    The girls looked a bit weird, especially their noses for some reason.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    I think that Hustle Town was close to being a pretty good game. The one thing that I didn't like was the illusion of choice not actually changing much of anything. I found the models refreshing and with a bit more tuning the scenes could be pretty good.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    I really debated between 3 stars and 4.

    To the good:
    - I LOVED the look of the women and the outfit changes, that does a lot for me and I'd give that 6 stars.
    - It was fun, the story wasn't particular engaging, but the game moved along pretty quickly, had alight atmosphere and there was a lot of quantity of sex scenes.
    - I enjoyed most of the characters personality. Not, perhaps the most depth, but funny and relatable.
    - I did like the audio

    The Cons:
    - The story was disjointed and deemed rushed at the end. I thought we were building up to something, but it never materialized.
    - The writing has some choppiness
    - The sex scenes were way too short; I appreciate the animations, but I'd like to see some more text.

    Tl;Dr - I finished it, which I don't often, go play it.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    Trashy, lovable, sometimes hard to follow conversations but plenty of content.
    Some scenes are kinda short, but the hilarious conversations made me smile.
    A good easy VN taking itself NOT serious at all, which is awesome.
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    Great models & characters, but it didn't catch me. Low immersion. I think in my case, that's because it tries to look like sandbox, but isn't sandbox. It's really more of a kinetic novel with not many choices to make.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Crazy game but good way, if likes dumb humor and good playability then can't pick better game. Also game has a lot content to play and player won't get bored since there are plenty of surprises.

    Highly recommended.