
Apr 23, 2019
Proof that a game doesn't have to be super complicated to be really fun. I do dig good pixel art too and this is great. Only a little through but the unlockables and all... This is a solid play. There even give you a few moments between the mini game to admire the animation (and the gallery of course.) I mean, not super fappable but man this is a fun game with great pixel art. Looking forward to unlocking the rest. First post. I know I'm late to the game... Just found f95... FIRST POST!
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Reactions: FerKing


Feb 25, 2020
Nice to see a male forced-prostitution game for once

ThoughI wish there were a keyboard shortcut to service the next visitor. It's annoying moving from keyboard to mouse constantly
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May 6, 2019
If you don't make enough in a day to pay off the credit, you lose all that you made for that day. Maybe add an option to quit back to the menu with your savings instead of waiting through your whole day to get nothing.
Are you high? You get to KEEP the money labeled as "Savings" even if you fail some way along the lines of day 2~3 on the first try. Keep trying and stack up the Savings and buy upgrades on the Main Menu.
But you MUST play through UNTIL you get a GAMEOVER to keep all your Savings!!!!!!!!
ALCON who want to keep playing the game without unlocking everything w/ Cheat button on the Main Menu.
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Jan 16, 2018
Just found this game, here's my guide for anybody who picks it up.

First, this is a rogue-like game. It's designed for you to fail, but you get to keep money to spend in the shop to add girls,have sex last longer, get more clients per day, etc...

Each day, you will see 3 girls (4 with the perk)
At the end of the day, you will lose however much money is in the "CREDIT" box.
If you have surplus, it goes into savings to spend later from the title screen.
Each day the amount of CREDIT needed will increase.
IF on any day, you don't have enough to cover the CREDIT, game over. Back to title.

#1 Once you get into it, you can get a feel for how much per girl you can make based on the perks you have at that time.
Basically, after your first girl on first day, you know about how much you can make.
Multiple by 3 - that's your rough max total per day. If on any given day, that total and the CREDIT are close to the same number, plan to throw that day and lose. In fact, if you are only going to make a few 100, throw the day at the end. You don't want to have to do a full day you know you will lose and only have a few 100 to show for it. Better to get back to grinding the early days where you make the most money.

#2 as another poster said, you can hit all three directions (there's no right arrow I've seen so far) at the same time and it works.

#4 Once you get to about day 4 or 5 and can bank about 10K for those 4 or 5 days. Do a run or two of buying girls and clothes a few times only - at least if you want it to be more diverse early on with the vissuals. It doesnt take long to only do 4 or 5 days and you can do several pricey things at once with that much money. Then proceed like normal. At least that was my strat.

#5 If you can keep time (music) doing the tip above and having good time keeping, you can string perfects as the timing is very regular.

There is an unlock button if you want to unlock everything (at least in the version I got, I bought from DLSite)

It says "censor" and I guess it kind of is. HIs dick is so small compared to the bodies (poor guy) it's barely noticeable.

Happy frapping.
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