Under the animations tab there's a button that says "Re all" which resets all animations to their first frame and synchronizes them.Hey guys, was looking around the forum if on if there is a way to sync the sample animations in studio or is it just luck based? As in sync MC to partner.
Is there a chance to get more detailed info on this. I am missing several steps to recreate this. Sorry for noob.Attached are the example.
You can mix both of them to make simple collision based jiggle. Or if you dont need the collision, I think you can configure the butt jiggle in chara making since both butt and breast have dynamic bones.
Hi there, Ive been distancing myself from this game but I do visit here time to time.Is there a chance to get more detailed info on this. I am missing several steps to recreate this. Sorry for noob.
Po dodaniu go do sceny i wybraniu kliknij przycisk anim i zmień kolor.Cześć, mam pytanie, czy ktoś z was wie jak naprawić tekstury na penisie Hooh. Mam problem, że po załadowaniu go do sceny neostudio jest całkowicie biały. Zainstalowałem betterpack R16 i sideloader 3. Nie mam pojęcia jak to rozwiązać. Proszę o pomoc.
Po dodaniu przejdź do scen i kliknij przycisk anim i zmień kolor.
Po dodaniu go do sceny i zaznaczeniu kliknij przycisk animacji i zmień kolor.
View attachment 4000338
Thanks, I'll check it out when I have some free timeIf it works, that'll be great . Sorry for the Polish language, I was sure I chose the English translation
And Hwo can i get Smegma on this cock and scat. Hwo i make it thisPo dodaniu go do sceny i wybraniu kliknij przycisk anim i zmień kolor.
After you add it to the scene and with it selected click the anim button and change the color.
View attachment 4000338
In general, changing the color works, but I have this problem that I don't have any skin on it and so on. Probably some textures don't work for me, where can I find them? and where it is put into which folder. I'm also interested in changing the color of the head in the penisPo dodaniu go do sceny i wybraniu kliknij przycisk anim i zmień kolor.
After you add it to the scene and with it selected click the anim button and change the color.
View attachment 4000338
HiIn general, changing the color works, but I have this problem that I don't have any skin on it and so on. Probably some textures don't work for me, where can I find them? and where it is put into which folder. I'm also interested in changing the color of the head in the penis
Unfortunately, I won't help you because I can't. I'm sorry, maybe someone else will help.No help for me
Wygląda na to, że brakuje Ci plików zipmods.
Sprawdź te informacje: https://thef95zone.info/threads/illusion...-maker-help-guides-thread.66252/post-13385223
Unfortunately it didn't help, maybe I should download everything from this link from hooha, or the fault lies here, it's probably for R15, and I have R16, maybe I'll download HS2 again and install updates only for R15.