Sure thing, thanks for taking interest to check this out also

. A bit more background here too in case it helps.
So when I first noticed this issue was like a month ago, at which time I had "Better Repack R3" plus "Sideloader Modpack" and for the first time started messing with Studio then. But with that version of the game I had installed who knows what mods, I was going berzerk installing mods and getting used to the main game portion. I thought to myself "Self, maybe one of the mods I installed borked this deal up".
So I saved my "User Data" folder and deleted the whole mess from my hard drive. I made a completely new folder, downloaded BR5+Sideloader and did a fresh and new install. After that all I did was copy my cards into the appropriate folder in the new game install. Still there, so ya, I'm pretty much at a loss.
Anyway, here is one of the cards that gives me the problem.
Oh, one more thing that may have something to do with this thing perhaps? After doing a clean new install of BR5+Sideloader I did use the KK Manager utility dealio and updated with whatever it offered. I assume that is pretty standard for folks but maybe not? I'd do another reinstall and not update to see if ti changes If i HAVE to but gosh, that takes like forevor to download and stuff so Id prefer not to for now maybe.