Tutorial [ILLUSION] HS2 Studio Neo|Chara Maker - (Help & guides Thread)

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Big Banana02

Jan 8, 2021
Well... Tbh, thats what you get from nitpicking the mods.
Getting the whole optional modpack then pick what you need afterwards is less headache rather than nitpicking beforehand.
Try add the mod I attached. Probably thats what you need.
Oh my God! My friend, I actually saw it. Thank you so much, with all my gratitude!

Can you add me to your friends list on Discord? I'm studying and learning about HS2 to make an H game in the future. If you're free, I'll ask you some questions, but if you're busy, I won't bother you.

I’m self-learning everything, but working with English materials is really difficult because it’s not my native language.

Screenshot (281).png
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Active Member
Jul 6, 2020
Oh my God! My friend, I actually saw it. Thank you so much, with all my gratitude!

Can you add me to your friends list on Discord? I'm studying and learning about HS2 to make an H game in the future. If you're free, I'll ask you some questions, but if you're busy, I won't bother you.

I’m self-learning everything, but working with English materials is really difficult because it’s not my native language.

View attachment 4408834
You can add me, my Discord name is same as here, amano04. I'll open the friend req perms for a while so you can add me.


New Member
Dec 24, 2024
hun hunter,帖子:4529673,会员:1124697 said:
[指南] hooh 编写的阴茎物品

A. 引言
制作的这些物品和模型与其他工作室物品类似,但它们在功能上提供了更多特性,在创建您自己的工作室 H 场景时会很有用。

B. 附加到字符
让我们回到我们的场景并加载另一个男性/女性角色(没关系,附件方法仍然相同)然后去添加>项目>向下滚动到“hooh A”>向下滚动到“hooh Ecchi”>“S-Dick Type A Track Nearest”并将其添加。

注意: 由于错误...在下面的所有示例中,我使用了名为“S-Dick Type A”的项目而不是“S-Dick Type A Track Nearest ”,但它不应该影响这些示例中的任何内容,因为两个项目在组成和节点格式上是相同的,“track nearest”类型可以与 hooh 制作的其他对象交互。所以无论如何,请在所有示例中使用“S-Dick Type A Track Nearest ”,以节省您以后切换它们的时间。


1.首先 从工作区中选择角色
4.选择并突出显示骨骼“cm_j_dan101_00”,这是用于将其连接到身体的原始阴茎的根骨骼。因此,为了能够让 hooh 的 S-dick 像原始 chara 阴茎一样行动和表现,而其他身体骨骼在摆姿势或动画中移动,最好使用这个 dan 节点作为我们的附着锚点。


6.接下来,从工作区中选择S-dick A型项目。
7.确保先清除搜索字段,否则将不会显示任何结果,因为它会在 S-dick 项目的骨骼列表中查找名为“dan”的节点但不返回任何内容。
8.然后单击“ IK ”选项卡,因为我们要使用项目的IK 根节点而不是任何 FK 骨骼节点。
9.突出显示名为“scripted_dick”的骨骼(该项目的 IK 根节点)。






C. S-Dick 的 FK 节点和姿势
在我们开始之前,让我们看一下 S-dick 项目详细信息并查看所有可用的 FK 节点。为此,请从工作区中选择该项目,然后单击“动画”。这将显示我们用于重新着色项目的相同菜单,但这次我们将打开“FK”复选框,以便我们可以查看该项目可用的所有 FK 节点。打开 HS2PE 插件菜单以获得更好的骨骼列表。

现在,正如您在上图中所看到的,S-dick 项目包含多个 FK 节点,这与我们之前使用的立方体项目不同。这意味着可以根据需要对此项目进行摆姿势、塑形和动画处理。这就是使这个和所有 FK 项目变得特别的原因。这是原始阴茎和 hooh 的 S-dick 与 FK 节点的比较图像:


库存阴茎的杆装置只有 2 个 FK 节点,这使其难以正确摆姿势和弯曲,而 S-dick 的装置则并非如此。

如果你在工作室中创建自己的 H 场景,特别是如果你用 hooh 替换原始阴茎,这将非常方便。因此,仅举一个例子,让我们尝试使用旋转为那些 FK 节点塑造 S-dick。使用 HS2PE 上红色框内标记的节点,其余节点主要用于球囊。

注意: 此列表中称为“根”的骨骼是 FK 根骨骼,它与我们之前排列到身体的 IK 根骨骼不同,这就是为什么当 IK 根链接到身体时您仍然可以自由旋转该节点的原因。

接下来在本指南中,您将了解到一种更好的方法来使用“dick navigator”工作室项目来摆放/使用 hooh 的 S-dick,这将增加动态功能。所以继续执行几个“撤消”并重置我们刚刚对 S-dick 所做的所有 FK 编辑。

D. 迪克导航员

首先让我们将“dick navigator”项目添加到我们的场景中并进行测试以便更好地理解。
1.首先,仔细检查你正在使用的 S-dick 名称后面是否有“ track nearest ”,否则 dick 导航器将不会执行任何操作。
2. 转到添加>项目>hooh A>hooh ecchi>“dick navigator”并将其添加到场景中的某个位置。如果导航器的位置靠近S-dick,您会注意到dick正被拉向它。暂时忽略它。
4.现在再次选择导航器并单击“粘贴 transfrome”。

由于导航员离 S-dick 太近,S-dick 应该像这样缩小。

6.接下来,选择导航器并将其移动到 Z 轴上,然后将其直接放置在 S-dick 前面。使用您喜欢的任何方式,箭头、移动工具、键盘等,只需确保仅在“Z”上移动它。一个简单的方法是单击并按住鼠标左键上的“Z”字母,然后将其“向右”拖动以将其移开。尝试制作类似这样的内容:



简单来说,这个导航器项目有一个名为“目标”的功能(类似于你用来手动让角色的视线在角色脸部运动中移动到固定方向的功能),而 S-dick 有一个跟踪器组件,允许它以某种方式跟踪该目标(即从点“A”红球到点“B”蓝球)。在使用 hooh 的导航器时理解这一点很重要,这样你就能知道如何使用它、调整它以及将它放在哪儿。

由于导航器可以旋转、移动和缩放,因此它将相应地影响 S-dick。这就是为什么我们在上面的示例的步骤 (7) 中将其向上倾斜。现在让我们测试一下。

8.从工作场所选择你的角色,由于我们之前将 S-dick附加到它上面,所以角色的移动也会随之移动。然后,通过拖动将你的角色(缓慢地)沿 Z 轴向导航器移动。你现在应该能够看到导航器正在运行。


提示: 处理这些物品最基本的事情是:
-用 hooh 的“S-dick track nearest”替换角色阴茎,并将其附加到角色阴茎骨骼节点“cm_j_dan101_00”
-将 hooh 的“阴茎导航器”放置在女性的阴道上,并将其附着在骨头“cf_j_kokan”上。
- 在工作室中将两个角色与一些 H 动画配对,S-dick 就会穿过阴道。

-指导者:hun hunter
-nodeconstraints 插件作者:
-scripted dicks 作者:


New Member
Dec 24, 2024
"Hello, after adding the navigator, the dick becomes very small. I followed your method, but it still gets shortened. How should I edit the dick after adding the navigator?"


New Member
May 22, 2024
We have a few tutorials so far... :)
As a result of the locking of the Honey Select Card Sharing thread, I have started my own sharing Discord. With time, effort, and us, it will grow...
Cap,Can i join ? the link is not work.
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Active Member
Jul 6, 2020
"Hello, after adding the navigator, the dick becomes very small. I followed your method, but it still gets shortened. How should I edit the dick after adding the navigator?"
Open Item+ menu at left side menu and change the benis scale.
You can also tweak the collider's length and diameter from there.
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Dec 16, 2024
so i am having an issue with the studio not working. i previously had an issue where clothes were not working so i downloaded the whole repack again and extracted to a new folder. then i copied all the folders except the bepinex and it fixed the clothes loading issue and even fixed an issue i did not know i had in the presets, but now studio stays on an infinite blue loading screen saying studio is loading. make loads really fast and studio used to but now it will not load. anyone know how to fix this? thanks


New Member
Jan 14, 2025
Hi everyone! for some reason i cant move any object or character in studio neo. Its been some time since i last used it but i remember moving the characters with no issue before this, its like i cant select the root or the position is locked. Anyone knows what could be the issue? issue1.png


Active Member
Jul 6, 2020
so i am having an issue with the studio not working. i previously had an issue where clothes were not working so i downloaded the whole repack again and extracted to a new folder. then i copied all the folders except the bepinex and it fixed the clothes loading issue and even fixed an issue i did not know i had in the presets, but now studio stays on an infinite blue loading screen saying studio is loading. make loads really fast and studio used to but now it will not load. anyone know how to fix this? thanks
IMO the safest way to migrate to new installation is to move your personal mods folder, your personal plugins, personal data (userdata, cubemap, lensdirt, preset).
Not everything except bepinex folder.

Personally I have my own plugins inside /bepinex/plugins/[personal plugin] folder. Yes there are some plugins that won't work if I did that, but I pretty much know which one which.
Personal mods are easy, since you can just shove them into single folder and will work as long as its inside /mods folder.

Usually first time launch will takes some times because the engine need to initialize/cache/whatever you call it the mods.
I just migrated to new installation recently bcs I accidentally broke my plugins and it took me few minutes at first time launch. You can check the console and it should be stopped at loading mods sequence.


Active Member
Jul 6, 2020
Hi everyone! for some reason i cant move any object or character in studio neo. Its been some time since i last used it but i remember moving the characters with no issue before this, its like i cant select the root or the position is locked. Anyone knows what could be the issue? View attachment 4442812
What do you mean by cant move anything?
You didnt selected anything from the workspace in your screenshot.


New Member
Jan 14, 2025
What do you mean by cant move anything?
You didnt selected anything from the workspace in your screenshot.
I guess that’s the issue, I can’t select any object on the workspace. I click on it but it doesn’t get highlighted or anything. This didn’t happen before. Idk if theres a way to reset studio neo or redownload it (got it from a the latest repack btw)


New Member
Jan 14, 2025
Hi everyone! for some reason i cant move any object or character in studio neo. Its been some time since i last used it but i remember moving the characters with no issue before this, its like i cant select the root or the position is locked. Anyone knows what could be the issue? View attachment 4442812

Just in case someone ever gets the same bug, by reading the logs after closing it i figured it had something to do with "HooahUtility" plugin that i had installed. Removed it and now i ccan select things again. i2.png
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Nov 11, 2019
How to apply blood texture on character body using render editor/or material editor . I have blood texture image I want to apply over character body look like bleeding and fight injury effect. How to do that and section should I place the texture look like apply on body


Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2020


New Member
Mar 4, 2023
Hey, guys. I have a newbie question.
I wanted to try to make something of my own in HS2, and I don't understand the pipeline of scene work. What is the right way to create my room/home if I don't want to just use a full pre-made environment? The only option is to model the room in blender and then transfer to studio? I've seen videos of people creating locations as if from a "constructor", walls-floor-stairs and then filling them with furniture right in the studio, but I haven't found such a constructor for a home room. How adequate would it be to just create an empty room in blender, port it, and then fill it with existing assets already in the studio, or would it be necessary to fully model the scene and load it as a map? Maybe I'm missing something, but I can only find maps of completed rooms, nowhere can I find empty spaces/houses to fill them myself.
Most of the guides I find are about working with light or animations, and I don't understand how people create locations. Maybe I'm stupid or I don't understand something.


Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2020
Hey, guys. I have a newbie question.
I wanted to try to make something of my own in HS2, and I don't understand the pipeline of scene work. What is the right way to create my room/home if I don't want to just use a full pre-made environment? The only option is to model the room in blender and then transfer to studio? I've seen videos of people creating locations as if from a "constructor", walls-floor-stairs and then filling them with furniture right in the studio, but I haven't found such a constructor for a home room. How adequate would it be to just create an empty room in blender, port it, and then fill it with existing assets already in the studio, or would it be necessary to fully model the scene and load it as a map? Maybe I'm missing something, but I can only find maps of completed rooms, nowhere can I find empty spaces/houses to fill them myself.
Most of the guides I find are about working with light or animations, and I don't understand how people create locations. Maybe I'm stupid or I don't understand something.
There is no right way per se. Everyone does things according to their skillset, and energy and time budgets.

The easiest is to take an existing map of a room, strip out the pieces it came with and redecorate. That's where everyone who desires customization starts.

Then the next progression step is to make your own shell, i.e. a room or a house using shape primitives. Just grab random scenes and eventually you'll see such approach.

With blender - I dunno, it takes a while to build up a library of little things that hs2 comes loaded with. The hs2 library is impressive, one can completely peruse whatever it comes with for most of their storytelling needs.

Hence I'd imagine that until your blender folder has a lot of assets, then assembling things in hs2 right away is the fastest way to build the environment you want.
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New Member
Mar 4, 2023
There is no right way per se. Everyone does things according to their skillset, and energy and time budgets.

The easiest is to take an existing map of a room, strip out the pieces it came with and redecorate. That's where everyone who desires customization starts.

Then the next progression step is to make your own shell, i.e. a room or a house using shape primitives. Just grab random scenes and eventually you'll see such approach.

With blender - I dunno, it takes a while to build up a library of little things that hs2 comes loaded with. The hs2 library is impressive, one can completely peruse whatever it comes with for most of their storytelling needs.

Hence I'd imagine that until your blender folder has a lot of assets, then assembling things in hs2 right away is the fastest way to build the environment you want.
Thank you. Looked at different scenes and realized that they make spaces using primitives + assigning them the right textures, and I used to try to look for assets to construct. That helped, now I know what to do.
I don't understand why there aren't any videos on the internet about it.
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Active Member
Jul 6, 2020
Kind of a noob question, but I couldn't find a solution anywhere.

I have accidentally closed the state menu, in which you can enable and disable the penis. It was located under the "workspace" window. I have found no way to bring it back. Could anyone please help me with how to bring it back?

View attachment 4457893
I dont understand what you meant.
Did you mean this window?
You can enable the penis from there.
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If you mean the penis item like below, all you need is to check or uncheck the box on the left.
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New Member
Dec 11, 2018
I dont understand what you meant.
Did you mean this window?
You can enable the penis from there.
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If you mean the penis item like below, all you need is to check or uncheck the box on the left.
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Thanks, it solved my issue!
5.00 star(s) 2 Votes