
Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2020
How difficult is to translate Wolf RPG games? Also, i seem to keep missing the skills menu

which button is it?
Difficult enough that I've had to restart the whole process 4 or 5 times now, last time was completely my fault, celebrated new year coming in, had a little too much vodka and decided that working on the translation was a great idea (so, tired, tipsy and still not my best)and managed to bork the Onii-chan Titles back to japanese with no explanation of why... this is why I only drink on special occasions, I'm a lightweight :p , also, making the translation make sense is going to be a headscratcher, as some parts of just the prologue make little sense, I'm planning to play the translation on one screen, while editing it at the same time as I play so context of the scene is properly accounted for... but even then some of the parts make little sense to me, so may have to play it by ear a little

also, backups of backups, I compiled my latest translation, which uses a untouched version of the game, and that killed the in game picture edit of sisters stats (the stats part is a static image, so have to edit the image to remove the jap, and put the translation in its place, and I'm taking care to make sure it "fits" with the look of the game (no New times roman or comic sans here!)

Skills Menu :
It appears sorta randomly? it spawns once you have enough points to level something I think. it appears in the bottom corner under the items button and is a little round picture of the sister sitting.

*edit* also considering I only started talking about translating what... 48-60ish hours ago, I think I'm doing alright.

well, I'm tired, its half 7 (UK here) in the morning of the new year and I haven't slept yet... time to work on the translation! I do my best work sleep deprived :p

edit 2 : just checked my pc's recycle bin, ive had to restart the translation 8 times so far, learning curves are a pain, but I'm learning a bit at a time, also taking notes in a simple notepad for reference, as theres over 500 events, and some have crazy amounts of lines, mixed with coding, and screwing the coding is a big no-no, and thats not including different map areas, combat system, upgrade system etc
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Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2020
the more I work on this, the more I realise I have so little clue what I was getting into, now, somehow, starting fresh (sorta, Ive got a quick start thing going on atm) I've managed to bork the save button so its now the chagelog/tips section, and you only have to hover over it for it to open, no click needed... into the recycle bin it goes... *sigh* but hey, bugs are a part of these things... right?

*editing as I work, so check back every now and then for a sorta live feed on my pitiful 1st attempts at translating*

1, think Im rushing a bit too much, gonna try slowing down my pace and being more careful
2, I think, and I COULD be very wrong, but it might be possible to name the Onii-chan in the final version, theres some points in the translation that are blank or "..." that look like a name is meant to be used.... a example : "Even with ... My arms are dull." this is in the prologue section in the adventurers guild, referring to traveling from somewhere (and fighting along the way) also, for the record, the area/town/village name is Mequa
3, save button still borked, working on it, >.<
4 on plus side, progress pics, Nighttime edition!
5, unborked the Titles reverting to jap issue, will fix spacing issue later
6 progress! narrowed down the save issue to 100 lines, should have it sorted within... 10 mins?
7, Found the probmatic lines, not sure of the WHY though, but as its the tips pages for the Brother/sister/basic... think I'll leave this alone for now, I need to be able to save so I can jump to areas where I'm translating instead of starting a new game each time

8, 4 hours of sitting here, working on it, Saves are unborked, Titles are functioning again, prologue and nighttime H scenes are badly translated, but functioning properly. next on list is Menus/talking to sister in room functions (which I had partially done, but killed by accident), some misc translations have been done that might be the battle system? but can't tell right now, I havent even been able to try and play the game yet >.< keep having to rebuild the game, which is wiping me to the start each time, so once I get the game (badly) translated I can then start to work on the hard part, making it understandable, and before that I need to start working on the pictures (like the status display that shows Bro and Sis trust/interest etc, which is a static image, and I'll need to keep those backed up as everytime I change something it will wipe the entire game, so I will have to manually put them back afterwards... every...single time.

well, progress is happening, but holy hell, this is going to take some work, and I'm having to go carefully, as I've managed to bork a few things so far, and have probably borked more that I haven't even reached in game yet, but on plus side, Fixed the (visible issues) that I borked :D so hey, valuable experiance!
My current methodology is to translate, maybe 100 or so lines, which may be as few as 6 words to possibly 400(?) rebuild the game, check its running, and then advance, I'm also taking notes of which lines contain which data so I can find things later.

well, thats it for status update. I need sleep.
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Sep 3, 2019
the more I work on this, the more I realise I have so little clue what I was getting into, now, somehow, starting fresh (sorta, Ive got a quick start thing going on atm) I've managed to bork the save button so its now the chagelog/tips section, and you only have to hover over it for it to open, no click needed... into the recycle bin it goes... *sigh* but hey, bugs are a part of these things... right?

*editing as I work, so check back every now and then for a sorta live feed on my pitiful 1st attempts at translating*

1, think Im rushing a bit too much, gonna try slowing down my pace and being more careful
2, I think, and I COULD be very wrong, but it might be possible to name the Onii-chan in the final version, theres some points in the translation that are blank or "..." that look like a name is meant to be used.... a example : "Even with ... My arms are dull." this is in the prologue section in the adventurers guild, referring to traveling from somewhere (and fighting along the way) also, for the record, the area/town/village name is Mequa
3, save button still borked, working on it, >.<
4 on plus side, progress pics, Nighttime edition!
5, unborked the Titles reverting to jap issue, will fix spacing issue later
6 progress! narrowed down the save issue to 100 lines, should have it sorted within... 10 mins?
7, Found the probmatic lines, not sure of the WHY though, but as its the tips pages for the Brother/sister/basic... think I'll leave this alone for now, I need to be able to save so I can jump to areas where I'm translating instead of starting a new game each time

8, 4 hours of sitting here, working on it, Saves are unborked, Titles are functioning again, prologue and nighttime H scenes are badly translated, but functioning properly. next on list is Menus/talking to sister in room functions (which I had partially done, but killed by accident), some misc translations have been done that might be the battle system? but can't tell right now, I havent even been able to try and play the game yet >.< keep having to rebuild the game, which is wiping me to the start each time, so once I get the game (badly) translated I can then start to work on the hard part, making it understandable, and before that I need to start working on the pictures (like the status display that shows Bro and Sis trust/interest etc, which is a static image, and I'll need to keep those backed up as everytime I change something it will wipe the entire game, so I will have to manually put them back afterwards... every...single time.

well, progress is happening, but holy hell, this is going to take some work, and I'm having to go carefully, as I've managed to bork a few things so far, and have probably borked more that I haven't even reached in game yet, but on plus side, Fixed the (visible issues) that I borked :D so hey, valuable experiance!
My current methodology is to translate, maybe 100 or so lines, which may be as few as 6 words to possibly 400(?) rebuild the game, check its running, and then advance, I'm also taking notes of which lines contain which data so I can find things later.

well, thats it for status update. I need sleep.
That's really a great job and I really appreciate it, but please have some rest and avoid burn-out, we will be really needing your help when the real games shipped in Feb. :LOL:


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2020
That's really a great job and I really appreciate it, but please have some rest and avoid burn-out, we will be really needing your help when the real games shipped in Feb. :LOL:
to be fair, theres more in the files then the demo lets you get to, for instance, attempting an insertion will pop a message saying not in the trial version, but the pics, speech etc, are there, for cowgirl, prone, side and piledriver etc, even bathroom masturbation and such. theres also mentions of a race, some countdown of days until "fog" etc, its all there, and if I dig hard enough... I might be able to get around the demo restrictions given time. having said that, there is could also be whole tonne of data left out.

anyway, 100% to bed now, so catch you all in about 6-9 hours


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2020

good... late afternoon everyone, I'm up and nursing my first cup of tea the day. going to wake up a bit more before I dive back into it, but I'll be editng this post as I go. Goals for today : find the main room Menus and translate them (again, but completely this time), and also get started on changing the Sister and brother status images to english. maybe get started on the upgrade buttons too, depends on how it goes.

===Update Edits===

1)random bits tranlated here and there, might have found the panty hunt text, mostly working, and you can trigger a game over here by the looks of it if sisters mood is bad enough, angry Imouto = Megumin
2)stumbled upon town shopping, yikes, lots of work to do here... also found a farm job?
3)took a break to prep meal for tonight, panty hunt menu working now (pics attached

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Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2020
cool, I'm digging through both the battle system and the Item lists atm, its a royal pain, gotta make sure I'm not altering code by accident...
looking good so far... also, theres sexy pajamas in the game code :p

and the battle screen :
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Sep 6, 2021
Okay so I'm done with most of them. In some the OCR couldn't figure out the kanji/hiragana or I couldn't find the context for it. I'll post these separately, so if anyone know what they mean then please do tell.

hbutton_m12.png hbutton_m28.png hbutton_m33.png hbutton_m34.png

Funnily enough there is a button called 'Tentacle' so that might be interesting. hbutton_m26.png

Also Shadesishere , if you could send over the decrypted game without the translation that would be great help. I'm gonna do some more buttons.

The trobulesome ones seem to be used in the battles such as this one:

And skill names like:


I'm sure they show up in the text fields itself like: "Onii-chan used ___ ". If so I'd like to ask you to send me over the translations of them so we can have consistency. If not then all I need to do is translate them in a way that doesnt sound dumb.

And the real kickers will be the panty descriptions...


Anyways, here are the buttons:
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Active Member
Mar 4, 2019
so 3 questions,
1. what is the difference in official eng and unofficial eng
2.what is this new sequel and where to get
3. any traits to aim for?


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2020
Altering your quote for speed

View attachment 1574991 View attachment 1574993 View attachment 1574994 View attachment 1574995
Cum Return Choice(?) ????
Funnily enough there is a button called 'Tentacle' so that might be interesting. View attachment 1574998

Also Shadesishere , if you could send over the decrypted game without the translation that would be great help. I'm gonna do some more buttons.

And skill names like:

View attachment 1575000
Quick ... something?
how should I send it?

edit : have altered the upper interface so everything fits in, one or two pieces to alter still, but barely any overlap, also altered Sisters moods to fit so no "Love Onii-chan" this time around boys, just "LOVE"

I'm getting to the point where I need to start tackling the status inteface, sort the buttons out so they transfer over when I rebuild the game, and then... the slow annoying part, fixing the translation into something understandable, and fixing a error thats been popping up the last... 6 builds I've done? it doesnt affect anything yet, but in the last 5 hours I've done a hell of a lot, more then I've shown
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Nov 3, 2021
does anyone know how to get save files to work i cant get anyone save files to work on my game
Saves don't transfer between the official/fan translations or modded/unmodded games, so a save using the modded official translation will only work. There's no way to tell what version a save is for from the file itself; you'll just have to hope whoever uploaded mentioned what version of the game they use.

so 3 questions,
1. what is the difference in official eng and unofficial eng
2.what is this new sequel and where to get
3. any traits to aim for?
1. Largely a style/font choice; neither are bad. I made a post with screenshots.
2. The sequel comes out in February. We're talking about the demo which was recently released. You can find it on the dev's blog or .
3. You can just use any traits you like the sound of since they don't majorly affect the game (aside from Bear Head which gives you an additional ending but it's not anything special).


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2020
Status update... Status has been updated lol, no seriously, I've fixed the error I was getting and started altering the status display :

Starting to look like a proper thing right now... sadly I cant do much regarding the Style of the "at the beginning", "Totally unknown" or "normal" right now, but I can make them smaller so they fit better later, next up is to do Onii-chans stats... probably gonna have to do some weird top down writing and shortening...

Something like that...
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