- Jun 16, 2021
- 136
- 173
First of, she never mentions of crowning herself or anyone other than you. If you think about it; it would be stupid and selfish. She is not popular among the commonfolk and nobles, atleast in positive way; known only by her wrath (puppet show at the street), she is a she (medieval bro) and even Conrad (king's bro) is higher in the line of succession. MC is the key factor of coup as she said. And as far I remember, her plan as we know of is: Capturing the king, disbanding council and installing you on the throne.I had the impression she would just crown herself the new empress if you don't accept her deal, since there would be no male heirs to contest her claim and she has the backing of her faction. Remember that she talks about eliminating key opposition individuals when making you the offer to join the coup, if you join her it makes things easier and the cleaner for everyone involved, but if you don't she is gonna take the power by force one way or the other, if it takes a civil war so be it. The queen will probably be a major adversary for her with the help of the elves and some renegade nobility that won't recognize Cass as a legitimate ruler, but I doubt Ellin or Lia join the resistance in any significant way unless Cass harms you.
A theory about Conrad: If any of you followed the walkthrough, you may have noticed that if your relationship with Cass is higher than 0 (zero) she recommends Aker as counselor but if its under 0 (zero) she recommends Conrad. Maybe a secret ally? No hint whatsoever except stat req. but its a theory nothing more. So, what I am trying to say is: if you turn down her coup offer, she may offer the throne to Conrad. Afterall, Conrad is probably second-in-line in the succession. We haven't seen of his character much but he has been acting like King's right hand minus the political power it brings. Also I am sure that he is popular among the people, well-read (he cites from the book) and he had been beside the king since his succession so for better or worse he knows the politics of kingdom. Plus he is a warrior and pretty handsome (no gay).
Priscilla's mumsy act is so good that if Cass' route debranches Elf Queen I wont be longing for her much XDI just love the fact that this game has us all theorycrafting the outcomes of the political events in 0.5, rather than just fixating on which MILF is hotter, the Queen Mother or Priscilla...
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