Quite solid start, I think. Devs aren't here, right? So bit of a waste of time, but -
Art is obviously decent (also vaguely familiar? Can't place it though ^^; ), and there's quite a bit of it (poses, outfit, backgrounds, it's not lazily done).
Writing is solid. It's a bit rushed, a bit clunky sometimes, and there's some proofreading misses (esp. with capitalization) but it never feels annoyingly stupid or like some incomprehensible MTL or something. The story feels a bit cliché but not in any annoying way; I'm actually reasonably curious how things will turn out precisely.
Not much in terms of porn yet, so if that's your main focus, probably not worth grabbing yet. It's got some teases build in though. That being said there's otherwise a good chunk of content here. With demos all too often you get like 5 minutes of "game", but here depending on your reading speed it's for once enough to really introduce the game.
Choices so far are basically "do I like this girl, yes/no". Now I personally don't really advocate for complex reactivity (takes up too many resources), but at least a little bit more without major plot divergences - maybe let the player pick different reactions at some points for flavor/minor scene variations, perhaps let us influence the precise nature of the relationships a bit, something like that - would be welcome to make the game feel more dynamic, I think.
I'll probably forget but if I don't I'll look forward to future updates