is it easy and straight forward to harem ? or is there like a walkthrough ?
Hi, this is causing the game to blackscreen upon launchGallery unlock
put Assembly-CSharp.dll in Incubus\Incubus_Data\Managed
This should be on the main page! Must download this to avoid black screen. You sir, deserves a BIG THUMBS UP!This game will freeze on new game with no tutorial with black screen or freeze after tutorial exp gain because of Steam access attempts (assuming you dont own the game on steam). Here is a version with that cut out.
Should also note that you should only play in full screen as they do not do blocking overlays correctly when in windowed mode. Seems to happen anyway in tutorial mode so recommend skipping that anyway. mate. After your file was added, all my problem got solved.
Another thing to note is, that the gallery is not complete. If you don't play the game yourself, you will not see around 30-40% of the content.
I'm having the exact same bugHow to solve this? can't get any further than this.
See my post a page back that has been linked to several times including on this page referencing it as fix for that.I'm having the exact same bug
Thanks i read it but stopped at the "tutorial part" without reading further.See my post a page back that has been linked to several times including on this page referencing it as fix for that.
I would also be interested in knowing if there are more sex position/sex skills available. The books I have up to now are useless for that (and I too am missing the book of White Hawk).Thanks i read it but stopped at the "tutorial part" without reading further.
Anyone can tell me how i'm supposed to use acquire new skills ? I have boook of rabbit, dragon and lion and i levelup quite a few times. But i can't find nowhere to spend my SP on those skills. I saw a picture on main page showing a Book of White Hawk. Do i miss something to unlock this part of the fameplay ?
I managed to find the book of White Hawk, it's linked to a achievement if i remember correctly. I too found how to spend SP, you can only spend them in your home. You need to look for a cog/settings icon in the bottom part of the screen.I would also be interested in knowing if there are more sex position/sex skills available. The books I have up to now are useless for that (and I too am missing the book of White Hawk).
Thanks, it is quite sad because during sex there are a lot of empty buttons (and you can even change page), but in the end it seems we only have three positions available...But no books i found gave new sex pose/skills, only utilitarian ones.
Got no clue about the House of the Wise or the train station. I'm guessing it's for new content in a next update ? Maybe ?And what about the "House of the Wise"? Do you know how to enable that/what is that for?
EDIT: also, I got the rings but I did not manage to invite any girl to the park. Could you tell me exactly how to do that?