Hi everyone.
Dob here
Its been a while.
I've been really unwell for the past few months and I've only just got out of hospital. My health is dramatically better, my family is healthy, safe and secure, financially I'm doing okay. But most importantly I'm ready to start my game design again.
I've had quite a think on the direction where I want to go.
I love Inertia, the story and characters I've created. There's a lot of potential and unused scripts/scenes that I want to implement to see the game grow... In saying this I'm going to be continuing Inertia but at the same time something new may spike my creative flow.
I'm thinking of working on a new project behind the scene which I was visioning in my head while I was in hospital. It will involve all characters from the game but will be a male protagonist lead instead. I know this may lose a lot fans and players but I still will give you opportunities to choose options for the females, so in a sense multi protag.
This is something I need to dwell over with the next few days and I'd love any input.
Another thing I wanted to mention is that Renders have always been my strong point, grammar and creating a story... not so much. I wanted to ask if there was anyone willing to work alongside me, understand my ideas/visions and help script write Inertia.
I'm happy to be back and I hope everyone has been keeping safe and healthy during these strange times
- Dob.
Dob here
Its been a while.
I've been really unwell for the past few months and I've only just got out of hospital. My health is dramatically better, my family is healthy, safe and secure, financially I'm doing okay. But most importantly I'm ready to start my game design again.
I've had quite a think on the direction where I want to go.
I love Inertia, the story and characters I've created. There's a lot of potential and unused scripts/scenes that I want to implement to see the game grow... In saying this I'm going to be continuing Inertia but at the same time something new may spike my creative flow.
I'm thinking of working on a new project behind the scene which I was visioning in my head while I was in hospital. It will involve all characters from the game but will be a male protagonist lead instead. I know this may lose a lot fans and players but I still will give you opportunities to choose options for the females, so in a sense multi protag.
This is something I need to dwell over with the next few days and I'd love any input.
Another thing I wanted to mention is that Renders have always been my strong point, grammar and creating a story... not so much. I wanted to ask if there was anyone willing to work alongside me, understand my ideas/visions and help script write Inertia.
I'm happy to be back and I hope everyone has been keeping safe and healthy during these strange times
- Dob.
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