
Nov 10, 2019
does anyone have a list of all the scenes or events and how to unlock everything? I manages to get the village and principle ending but im curious on how to unlock the others.


Oct 7, 2017
Got my hands on the raw japanese v2.0 and started translating (mtl but edited to proper english, as far as my english skills go)
But it's going to be a slow 'on my free time" thing.
Even more since I'm doing this line by line (almost word by word actually, with a dictionary to understand the meaning of each sentence before translating) directly in rpgm engine (no "translate all" magic software) to avoid breaking the game.

Edit : It's honestly hair tearing, it feels like a game still in development (which I guess it is) because you can actually find the "test zones" of the dev in the game as well as several huge blocks of code which aren't used in the game anymore (from previous versions) but the dev left them here... and I don't know if I should spend hours on it if it's not going to be used in the game (which I don't actually know, because it's a mess that feel really "amateur" from a coding pov)

So I now find myself in a : "Wait, do I need to translate this ? because I already saw it 4 times just above..." situation. Guess I'll spend more time than planned on playtesting and code hunting to make sure I leave nothing actually useful behind and that I don't spend hours working on something useless.
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Active Member
Nov 13, 2017
Inferior Genes [v2.0] [STARWORKS] - Compressed

Original PC Size: 1.1 GB
Compressed PC Size: 187.6 GB

This compression is unofficial and may break the game.


Former Legendary Game Compressor
Mar 16, 2019
Inferior Genes [v2.0] STARWORKS

Original Size Win: 1.10 GB

Compressed Size Win: 229 MB: -

This compression is unofficial. Compressing process reduces image/audio/video quality and can break the game, be aware of that.

You can find all of my Walkthrough Mods content here:

Or you can:
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2020
Inferior Genes [v2.0] STARWORKS

Original Size Win: 1.10 GB

Compressed Size Win: 229 MB: MEGA

This compression is unofficial. Compressing process reduces image/audio/video quality and can break the game, be aware of that.

You can find all of my Walkthrough Mods content here:

Or you can:
thankyou my friend


Oct 7, 2017
Small update on translation, going slower than expected.

1 : I had to spend some time solving the word wrapping problem (words going out of the text box because the sentences are too long).
The dev actually included a plugin which allow automatic word wrapping, but this plugin also disable rpgm "line break" options, so that the plugin can create these line break automatically when needed (Don't ask me details on how or why).
Issue is that instead of using a "name box" system, the dev included the name of the speaker in the message box.

TL;DR : instead of something like this : 40764-3f06bed72c330f4b299ba195056b537f.png which would work well with automatic word wrapping.

I end up with this : 2020-12-18 05_35_08-Inferior genes_v2.0.png which make it annoying to read.
So now I also need to manually add line break while translating so that all the text fit in the box (and more playtest to confirm what I translate fit).

2 : Some parts of the game, like the long opening scene, don't have name tags to say who is speaking. Make the dialogue confusing, and I guess the mtl from v1 must have made many go "wtf is going on" and give up understanding what is being said.
So I had to take the liberty (and thus edit the game instead of just merely translating) to add name tags to make these parts understandable. Blame it on my OCD.

Btw, the long opening scene is actually about a classmate of the heroine confessing to her, and her refusing. which didn't look like this at all with the original mtl without name tags.

Also some must have noticed some characters saying things like "black hair chan" and must have been confused.
It's because the heroine's name is "Tomoda Kurokami"
And "Kurokami" literally mean "black hair" in japanese.
So the mtl wrote "black hair" instead of her name when people talked to her...

Anyway I've mostly took care of the small issues encountered so far so now the translation should go a bit faster and on a steady rhythm.
May 21, 2018
Small update on translation, going slower than expected.

1 : I had to spend some time solving the word wrapping problem (words going out of the text box because the sentences are too long).
The dev actually included a plugin which allow automatic word wrapping, but this plugin also disable rpgm "line break" options, so that the plugin can create these line break automatically when needed (Don't ask me details on how or why).
Issue is that instead of using a "name box" system, the dev included the name of the speaker in the message box.

TL;DR : instead of something like this : View attachment 945437 which would work well with automatic word wrapping.

I end up with this : View attachment 945436 which make it annoying to read.
So now I also need to manually add line break while translating so that all the text fit in the box (and more playtest to confirm what I translate fit).

2 : Some parts of the game, like the long opening scene, don't have name tags to say who is speaking. Make the dialogue confusing, and I guess the mtl from v1 must have made many go "wtf is going on" and give up understanding what is being said.
So I had to take the liberty (and thus edit the game instead of just merely translating) to add name tags to make these parts understandable. Blame it on my OCD.

Btw, the long opening scene is actually about a classmate of the heroine confessing to her, and her refusing. which didn't look like this at all with the original mtl without name tags.

Also some must have noticed some characters saying things like "black hair chan" and must have been confused.
It's because the heroine's name is "Tomoda Kurokami"
And "Kurokami" literally mean "black hair" in japanese.
So the mtl wrote "black hair" instead of her name when people talked to her...

Anyway I've mostly took care of the small issues encountered so far so now the translation should go a bit faster and on a steady rhythm.



New Member
Nov 20, 2019
my game is all in JAP, i need hlep it´s there some other file to change the lenguages


Oct 7, 2017
Another day, another issue...

So you probably noticed there is a "log" system/window in the game, which wasn't translated in the partial patch of v1 from our umlf friend.
(the square in the top left of this picture).

So this window is used as the action log, which record everything that happened to the mc.

Issue is... that it's a system created in the game by a japanese plugin.
And while translating I ended with this :
2020-12-19 05_36_59-Window.png
And I was like : "Why the f is there only 1 word here ? Did I make a mistake ?"

Turns out, after some testing, that this japanese plugin only works with japanese language (which doesn't require spaces when they write), and the code consider a "space" to be the end of the plugin command to add a log, which explain why there was only one word being written.

Then I was like "How the f do I write in english without using spaces ?"
I tried several things, like using the "Alt+0160" unicode blank character instead of spaces, or putting the sentence between "" or ' ' or () or anything my keyboard allow.

After 1 hour of nothing working, I got tired, so I decided to go retard way and just don't put spaces:
2020-12-19 05_38_54-Window.png
Sorry it will look ugly but I have no way around this.
I tried editing the plugin and also increased the size of the window to fit the english sentences.
But while I have a hobby with coding and rpgm, I don't want to spend days modding a game just to fit a new language :p
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Oct 7, 2017
Well looks like the game is in more capable hands now and I can't seem to work out how to port my translation to the 2.0 version anyway, so good luck Stompai, hope the game gets the proper translation it deserves from you.
To be honest, this game has two important points, 1 good and 1 bad.

The good is the dialogue, the dev took good care to make them nice to read, pretty exciting to read even without pictures as I translate.
It's a porn game so I didn't expect high quality writing but the way he portrayed the moral struggle and inner thought of the heroine as she fall to depravity with "inferior genes" is pretty entertaining.

Bad point is the coding... it's a giant mess, so I'm not surprise trying to apply something from the previous version won't work.
I think I've seen some part where the same chunk of code was repeated 5-6 times with just one being used and the other 5 being from previous versions not used anymore.
I'd say the dev, instead of upgrading his already existing code with the new content, simply did a copy paste on a new file with a new name to go from there, leaving the former code to rot.

And that's the issue for translation, even if you managed to apply the patch, since it apply to part of the code not used anymore, it wouldn't even show in the game anymore.

2020-12-19 17_58_32-Database.png
For example on this screenshot : the files with japanese name (11,12,13,14,16) are older code not used anymore, and they are all the same with just slight differences.
Same for the files with "Home Action Command" names (2,8,9,10,19,20 + some more lower on this list of about 300 files)
The same code at varying degree of development that I sadly noticed too late after translating them...

As for my current progress, I'm pretty much done with all the system / ui part.
I finished the full opening from beginning until gameplay start.
And several main story events.


Dec 16, 2020
Got my hands on the raw japanese v2.0 and started translating (mtl but edited to proper english, as far as my english skills go)
But it's going to be a slow 'on my free time" thing.
Even more since I'm doing this line by line (almost word by word actually, with a dictionary to understand the meaning of each sentence before translating) directly in rpgm engine (no "translate all" magic software) to avoid breaking the game.

Edit : It's honestly hair tearing, it feels like a game still in development (which I guess it is) because you can actually find the "test zones" of the dev in the game as well as several huge blocks of code which aren't used in the game anymore (from previous versions) but the dev left them here... and I don't know if I should spend hours on it if it's not going to be used in the game (which I don't actually know, because it's a mess that feel really "amateur" from a coding pov)

So I now find myself in a : "Wait, do I need to translate this ? because I already saw it 4 times just above..." situation. Guess I'll spend more time than planned on playtesting and code hunting to make sure I leave nothing actually useful behind and that I don't spend hours working on something useless.
Thanks for taking your time to translate this mylord! not like a certain someone Mirgosoft who so proud with his dreadful MTL even having a patreon for MTL service euwwww
2.80 star(s) 13 Votes