Never have I found a game so simple in art form yet so tempting to play! Influencing is a game that may look unassuming and plain in art and animation, but holds extreme potential and as of late is becoming much less buggy. I find myself drawn to this game for it's overall features and not for any specific feature, plus more is soon to come in the near future.
- Mechanics are diverse for 'influencing' characters
- Help system explains almost any mechanic you're not fully understanding
- cheat system accommodates for anything you're struggling to control
- sex animations are simple yet kinky enough for a fair sized audience
- Sex sounds and moaning are a plus
- Ability to customize character and customize generated world
- Rather broad variety of options to mess with for generated worlds
- Game isn't difficult, and made easier through help menu
- Game allows you to have residents who you can 'control'
- artwork isn't super detailed, but enough to be enticing
- New modding section has been added to their discord!
- Dialogue between mc and npc can be diverse, if not a little repetitive
- Customization of characters is somewhat limited, however this may change
- Limited choice of clothing relatively speaking
- Can't customize character while in generated world (so make save before starting new game)
- Can't roll back time on game so make lots of saves/quicksaves
- Limited number of sex scenes, though they do vary based on gender/pref
- Sex animation and sex sounds can and will be improved in near future
- Dialogue can become a bit of a grind
- game can lag more or less based on your pc specs
- sometimes game can crash. As gamers just remember that save instinct

- jobs are limited and not fully fleshed out yet.
- The dev is working by their self on this project. Not bad for one person
- Updates are typically every 1-2 months (refer to previous con)
- locations are copy and pasted, could do with various rooms generated
There's absolutely a lot to say about this game. It has a lot of positives, and a few things it needs to improve upon. Sure the game has an 'Archer' art-style and some limitations, but you'll be pitted against 100-300 npcs, so you will be more busy with quantity over quality in interactions. I've been tracking the developer's discord and they've been making big moves lately on bug fixing and improvements. There's even big a big announcement about a change to the art style of the game which may involve some new 'flow' to the hundreds of npcs you could meet. This game is not bad for what it is currently, and any issues with it are heard and read by the dev, which is more than some devs' actually do out there. There is a lot of potential to be had here as it is improved and patched in the next year/s to come so I will be updating this review when I find things have changed in any way. Thanks for reading, f95
