... there's too much infighting and derogatory terms in here in general. ... a minority thinks that dual plumbing is unrealistic/weird ...
... it's interesting to see several people here who prefer pre-op transsexual women and that you also are annoyed with the confluence.
It is unfortunate that it has lead to squabling in the forums, but this has become an interest to me on a sociological level.
While there's no denying that porn in general is offensive by nature to many people, I think it is worth noting that to both trans and hermaphroditic people, being called
the other is taken similarly to calling a gay man a "British cigarette." They really
really don't like it. In other words, to them, the mere fact that they are not listed separately
is derogatory.
People born intersexed (which can present in various ways, with hermaphrodites being the most well-known) account for around 1.7% of the populace. It's not much, but it's a real thing. So, it's odd to me that people would find hermaphrodites "unrealistic" (except when they have a scrotum, I'm
fairly certain that's actually unrealistic). I'm not sure whether intesexed people ever present with this relatively new CG concept of looking fully female overall, with sizable breasts, but a fully functional penis. That seems weird to me, because often these characters seem to be presented not as "pre-op trans" but as "naturally born trans." That said, while I generally prefer true hermaphrodism, I
have been forced to accept that what Bonkers is making is super hot.

Now, I have to go download this and seek the answer that has yet to be revealed like a perverted detective.