- Apr 2, 2017
- 1,084
- 1,019
Feels like a missed opportunity making the roomate a dominant chad, rather than a kindred spirit the mc can embrace for support and a myriad of other saucy efforts.
It's terribly pretty, reasonably well written, but something about constantly being demeaned and called a pretty little white boy.. ehhhhh. Feels like this one is going to be a "straight" (har har) shooter-- if you want to see a fairly androgenous attractive youth literally mentally and physically mind fucked into being a placid bimbo, to service their "betters", yeah, probably this is for you.
If the notion of transitioning into a feminine lifestyle or body (by choice or not) taking away all semblance of personal agency and freedom of choice rubs you raw-- and not in the hot and spicy way-- probably not.
Unless there are some wild twists upcoming, that's how it feels anyway.
I get it, it's a genre that sells, and I'm sure there are folks that can identify, enjoy, or roleplay the heck out of it and dig the setting. And more power to 'em, seriously. However, it's baffling how few of these stories exist where a avatar can change, adapt, and fornicate with the world with their own set of values-- not something forced upon them. And I'm not talking about something earth shattering or genre breaching.. just, like.. if my avatar develops into a beautiful person, with or without something extra below the belt, it should be up to them who they bend over for.. or who *they* bend over. At least, to a degree. Plots and stories exist for a reason, after all. And it's super early yet, so who knows how the ultimate narraitive will shape up.
But for a college making motions about not conforming to gender roles, but essentially boiling down to it's just alphas with dicks and betas that service 'em.. isn't that just as bad, if not worse? Meh.
It's terribly pretty, reasonably well written, but something about constantly being demeaned and called a pretty little white boy.. ehhhhh. Feels like this one is going to be a "straight" (har har) shooter-- if you want to see a fairly androgenous attractive youth literally mentally and physically mind fucked into being a placid bimbo, to service their "betters", yeah, probably this is for you.
If the notion of transitioning into a feminine lifestyle or body (by choice or not) taking away all semblance of personal agency and freedom of choice rubs you raw-- and not in the hot and spicy way-- probably not.
Unless there are some wild twists upcoming, that's how it feels anyway.
I get it, it's a genre that sells, and I'm sure there are folks that can identify, enjoy, or roleplay the heck out of it and dig the setting. And more power to 'em, seriously. However, it's baffling how few of these stories exist where a avatar can change, adapt, and fornicate with the world with their own set of values-- not something forced upon them. And I'm not talking about something earth shattering or genre breaching.. just, like.. if my avatar develops into a beautiful person, with or without something extra below the belt, it should be up to them who they bend over for.. or who *they* bend over. At least, to a degree. Plots and stories exist for a reason, after all. And it's super early yet, so who knows how the ultimate narraitive will shape up.
But for a college making motions about not conforming to gender roles, but essentially boiling down to it's just alphas with dicks and betas that service 'em.. isn't that just as bad, if not worse? Meh.