What I meant is that, some Devs choose "slow burn approach" and create the story also that way to fit it. The reason they do this to prevent people to lose interest if they make MC fuck everybody earlier. They think this way, they guess that people will lose interest if MC fuck too much too early.
I am trying to say this is not the case. Look Anna Exciting Affection. She now fucks everybody and even became a porn star but it didn't lose people, instead people are now more eager. Same with Office Wife game.
Devs want to make profit right at the end? Make IoM more successful ? Make MC fuck now and you will get it. Delay it for future updates for the excuses of "it doesnt fit with the story now", people will abandon more for sure and you will have less people.
Have you ever considered why this great potential game have only 56 pages so far after more than 1.5 years ? It should has been 200 at least.
Hi Chinesewarrior,
Your questions are very interesting

However, I cannot tell if you like slow burn games in general or not. ^^!
You may think all of them are just wasting time... What is right ?
The way I see slow burn games :
Imagine you travel during your vacation, what kind of person are you ?
- Travel,is boring, only destination matters.
- You enjoy the landscape you see during the travel as much as the destination.
I disagree with you when you say here the dev tries to delay the event MC will be fucked... I have not this feeling.
Slow burn games are this second choice above and I recognize myself into it. I do not see what we have in this game as "delay" or "excuses to not have not MC be fucked".
The story matters.
I see it as foreplay before sex.
The dev seems to have a plan for his game... In Discord, he is seen to have in mind content that is further than what is released.
he would be seen as easily changeable and not reliable about his choices if he cancelled what he plans to have MC fucked too soon for the reasons you said : the game gather subscribers who mostly like this slow burn side of the game.
No certainty here in what I just said, just what can be inferred...
And to have good foreplay, as I said, the only thing I want to see is enough significant progress towards the goal (MC being fucked) update after update. Through texts and the storytelling, I can see such significant progression in this game.
MC is clearly more corrupted at the end of each update relased so far than she was in the beginning of each of them...
And in this last update, she really seems to be on the edge. I cannot wait to play next update ^^
I cannot say more... I have no other clue... Only the dev knows...
What I saw so far is enough to convince me the game goes in the right direction...
Best regards.