Was really interested in it until the Prison bit.
The game itself is kinda your generic side-scroller point-and-click adventure game, there's a lot of scenes, a lot of options, and what I think is some kinda weird reality-bending magic plot thing in the works.
The game's translation is really bad because it's likely machined from something difficult to turn into English but it's understandable enough, it has a walkthrough in-game now that usually helps and a fairly detailed one on the website in case you get stuck anyway.
Like I said, fairly generic but there's a lot of content, the art is okay but breaks a bunch which is to be expected honestly since there's so many outfits and so many NPCs. The "questlines" themselves are pretty straightforward and you have a lot of choice in what happens most of the time, this choice is obviously taken away sometimes because rape tag lol. This is fine too though, that's supposed to be that way. A lot of the scenes do get repetitive and there's a few little niggles like one guy that's supposed to provide you scenes sometimes choosing not to because it's random when it really has no right being that way. Either way, for what it is and how allegedly early this is into progress it's fine, that is, until the Prison.
Where the game turned around and ruined itself was during the Prison thing added in the latest update (v0.80.36 as of writing this). It's such a slog, there's very few scenes and even less interesting ones which is saying something, it's a hassle to get out of it and there's new ways to get back into it once you do get out that you're not explicitly told about so you're gonna waste time again for an inordinate amount of time. You also can't save in there since it doesn't use your bed, the game has no manual saving feature, and you're kinda stuck anyway. The Prison is such a terrible and obnoxious experience that it's legitimately turned me off the game, and off in general after playing it. I hope it's fixed or streamlined in the future, as it is now it easily knocked the rating from a tentative 4 to a 2 in spite of all the other content. :/