Hey kid wanna /ss/?
It's pretty good. I personally prefer my smut with a bit more depth of character but the occassional detour down "Let's-All-Fuck-And-Smile-While-We-Do-It" street is just fine by me, and you can't deny the effort that went into this.
Every UI element is there to do it's job, it's not cluttered whatsoever, there's no RNG bullshit on waiting for certain characters to be at certain places, just follow the Exclamation Points and you've got yourself a good time. If I had a complaint, and it's more a warning than a complaint, it's that the MC and Sam (the twin sister) have very, shall we say, "age-appropriate" dialog, which will likely offput anyone who isn't tolerant of loli/shota from the outset. I guess that and it's a tad wordy for what you're actually after. Other than that, totally worth.
It's pretty good. I personally prefer my smut with a bit more depth of character but the occassional detour down "Let's-All-Fuck-And-Smile-While-We-Do-It" street is just fine by me, and you can't deny the effort that went into this.
Every UI element is there to do it's job, it's not cluttered whatsoever, there's no RNG bullshit on waiting for certain characters to be at certain places, just follow the Exclamation Points and you've got yourself a good time. If I had a complaint, and it's more a warning than a complaint, it's that the MC and Sam (the twin sister) have very, shall we say, "age-appropriate" dialog, which will likely offput anyone who isn't tolerant of loli/shota from the outset. I guess that and it's a tad wordy for what you're actually after. Other than that, totally worth.