VN - Ren'Py - Intertwined [v0.13.2] [Nyx]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is really really incredible, it has great renders all the girls are hot, and the scenes are great, but where this game thrives is its running, while the whole intertwined aspect can be a bit contrived at points, it's fun and keeps the game interesting, it's interesting to see the next level, it has great witty dialogue and great selection of choices and paths, many of the LIs are masterfully written to where you feel real attachment to them. Great Game Can't wait for more updates
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    - Plot is all over the place, soap opera where everyone is related and knows each other
    - Sex scenes are terrible
    - Alot of the characters are just plain awful (Mom, Santiago, Andres, the loser friend)
    - MC is typical meat head that all girls wants, hes not funny or charming.
    - No sounds
    - Animations is from like stone age
    - Zero humor
    + Renders are alright
    + Good amount of content?
    + Routing
    - You have 0 choices really, u only choose who to bang.

    So you cant nut, you dont laugh and just bunch of text that you dont care about. I would not recommend, theres better games similar to this.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I really enjoyed my first playthrough and am looking forward to experiencing more of the game by playing individual paths while I wait for the next update. This is definitely one of those games that you need to play several times in order to appreciate it fully, and I absolutely recommend playing “blind” first of all – with no expectations or targets, just making the choices you want to make in the moment. That way, I think you’ll get the best of all the little twists and reveals as they hit you for the first time. I did it that way and had a few little gut punches as my choices came back to bite my ass, and it’s great when a game can make me feel that way.

    In any other game, those myriad twists and revelations would be coincidental to the point of absurdity, but it’s pretty much literally the name of the game here. I don’t mind it at all because it’s deliberate and clever without trying too hard to be clever. None of the twists are really that convoluted – most of them can be spotted well in advance of them being sprung – but they still work well and I love the way the story has been interwoven like this.

    I also love the way the choices really do have an impact. A wrong move can not only lock you out of a particular love interest, but others will avoid you as well, as they show solidarity with a friend you’ve hurt. I don’t think enough games show that side of relationships, as they usually only focus on the impact on the person immediately effected.

    The girls are fantastic, with a both a great overall selection, and some real standouts within that group. Their actual characters are really nice as well, with a good variety of personalities, and the main girls mostly have a good bit of story too, rather than just showing up as eye candy and potential lewd-scene partners. My one complaint is the same one I often find in these games, and that is regarding the range of skin tones used. There are a couple of characters (it might just be Alexis and MC, actually) who look a bit out of place, as everyone else looks vibrant and healthy, but those two are practically grey. I’m not sure why this comes up quite a bit, or if it’s just me, but it definitely looks a bit odd.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    I had some high hopes seeing the high rating, but have no clue why people think so highly of this VN ...

    As for the good, I generally like the character models and I think the dev did a good job of creating static scenes. The branching, despite me having issues with the story and choices themselves, seems well done. Tracking story branches especially as the number of branches increases is very difficult and should be commended.

    Now, on to the bad, the story at a high-level ... kinda sucks? A lot of the events are nonsensical and rushed or glossed over and most of the characters are either shitty people, dumb, or both. I see at a high level a semblance of a narrative and the writing style is good but the content just isn't.

    First, other than two of the LI's, most of the LI's have little to no build up in the relationship building department with the MC. It's basically 0-60 instantly. If this game was going for the Harem tag, this could be more excusable, but focusing on romance is a lot more difficult and actually requires build up with the characters. Of the two LI's where it make 'sense' (Alexis and Erryn) given their history, one of them is an insufferable idiot who you are effectively required to interact with as part of the story. And you're basically forced to forgive her for being an idiot.

    Part of the problem is the dev tries to cram in so many LI's into the story which is a bad idea. After not showing some characters for a while, I literally forgot who someone was. Generally, it'd be better to have hard-cut branches, early, so if you're on branch 1, you have LI's A, B, C, but if you're on branch 2, you have LI's D, E, F, it makes it significantly easier to make a coherent story and actually focus on buildup.

    Second, the reveal about MC's real father just didn't seem like it was handled well -- yes Andres and Santiago are both shitty people , but the mom Emily is also kinda shitty (see note above about how a lot of people in this VN are shitty). It was super clear from the narrative that meeting Santiago would be a bad decision -- even if she didn't physically cheat, it sounds like emotional cheating -- the mc just seems to brush it off, but even he wonders if Emily ever actually cared about Andres .

    Lastly the sex scenes didn't really interest me, they just seemed boring. Probably just a difference in taste and style.

    I played this for a good 5-6 hours, but can't really stand to play this any longer. I might revisit again, but I was seriously getting frustrated by the story the longer I played.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good game, it was one of the first vn I played, when it was still in a very early stage and I was very happy to see how the game has been growing and how the story gets better. The best of all (FOR ME) is the development of the characters and the process with them, I'm glad it's not the typical game that with two words you already have them in bed. Keep it up (y)
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    Cons: The emotional portrayal of the characters is too rough, the girls lack a sufficient emotional foundation with mc,the early emotional groundwork of the game is too thin, resulting in a lack of substitution(I think this is fatal for AVN), and the rendering quality is poor. No music at all.Some of the plot twists in the game are too blunt.
    Pros: Some of the characters are likable, and the rough script shows the author's ambition.
    All in all, I think this work is overrated.This is my personal opinion, but there are a thousand Hamlets in a thousand eyes, so please ignore my comments if you like this work.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    I give this game a 2/5
    Very generic game like many others nothing creative at all tbh, its ur typical generic boring game.
    The graphics are alright nothing special, the character models i dont like them personaly, they are not that bad but for me they are not that good looking the MC face is generic as hell and all the girls have the hots for him for some reason.
    The story and writing so far its the thing it throws me off the most, not good written everything is handle to you, every girl in the world is like omg i love him his so hot...and i barely know them for a 1 weeks or so....
    if u looking for somethig to paste time sure go for it, if u want to play a decent or good game forget about this one its a hard pass
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    This game is strange to me, like a few others mentioned it in other reviews, I don't understand why it's so highly rated. This game is 3/5 at best, nothing more, nothing less. It's just an average VN.

    The graphics are pretty basic, it just looks like all those 2018-2020 VN's, same goes for the models of the characters in the game.

    The animations are really not that great at the start of the game but do get a little better later on with the updates. That being said, they're still pretty average compared to other similar VN's.

    But the WORST in this game is by far the narrative/story. My god, the script and dialogues are so bad, the characters are just making shitty decisions, after shitty decisions, and then some MORE shitty decisions. The characters all act like victims, and they have absolutely no self-awareness or social awareness. Afterwards they cry about it, as if we, the players, would feel any type of emotional impact due to the pathetic decisions they took. The story feels like a stereotypical bad Korean drama or some trashy TV Jerry Springer who's the father type of crap.

    Overall, this game is very mid, don't get fooled by the high reviews; it's just your average VN experience that's already been done before. 3/5
  9. 4.00 star(s)

    Scotty Doesn't Know

    Building and forming all the relationships is brilliant. Really capturing your imagination and desires for certain women. Following MCs various paths is some of the best in any VN ever made. Having to make decisions that will affect your current relationship, by flirting or having sex with others can have huge consequences. Very well thought out, with so many branching options depending on who you want to be with and how they will react to your decisions.

    You're spoilt for choice with all the available women in the game. I think there's too many to choose from. Could easily get away with only having half or even two thirds instead. The more women means the longer the updates take with making sure each character has enough screen time, especially with so many branching options on top of that.

    The scenes and situations just didn't feel sexy. Everything was romantic (not a bad thing but not great for fapping). Even cheating on a girlfriend with other women felt more romantic, no lust or heavy passion. So its very immersive and emotional but again not very sexy.

    I expected to have quite a few sneaky encounters with some women knowing that your girlfriend is around or going on group dates, etc. Sadly there's hardly anything like that. Almost always done in one on one situations. So that riskiness and fear of being caught is never really explored. Would have added a taboo aspect to the story with so many women all knowing each other but still wanting MC and risking getting caught. Missed some great opportunities for sexy encounters.
    Fapability is actually quite poor for me. Sex scenes are very short and no hot teasing.
    Valerias flirting scenes were very good though but still quite mild and Erryns jealousy if you are with Alexis is fun.

    Some scenes go against the fabric of science and common sense - like locking Erryn and Lexi in her room so they have to make up. Bedroom doors don't lock from the outside lol. A couple other things like that, which made me bang my head and laugh at how stupid it was.

    There's a lot of so called humour in the game. To me it was very hit and miss. Although it only comes across as cringe very rarely, most of the jokes didn't hit with me. Other times it was cute and clever.

    Environments and backgrounds are quite good for the most part. Although props and extras (like extra people, cars, plants in background, etc) are missing quite a lot. Sometimes it does look full of life, other times scenes look empty with not enough detail.

    Some things which were quite poorly implemeted:
    -Constant flashbacks which were unnecessary. Could have just been told not shown, breaks the momentum of the game moving forward and shows Dev didn't have many paths written out originally.
    -You can easily pick the plot twists of how characters are connected. Even for upcoming twists it's obvious. Yet MC and us are supposed to be shocked at these revelations.
    -Playing this game without a walkthrough can be a nightmare. You can unknowingly end your main relationship and others with one tiny decision and not know you did it until afterwards.
    -MC getting angry saying his father is not his real Dad after he finds out his Mom had a previous lover. The man raised and loved you, your entire life. He is your Dad, blood has nothing to do with it. Strangely it doesn't actually make a difference in the plot why MC feels this anyway.

    The women have a very diverse range of looks. Most are stunning, although their bodies look extremely similar. D cups breasts, perfectly toned stomachs and bodies (even the Moms). Faces lack that skin texture detail although thats ok as they are perfectly fine and do a good job of relaying emotion and personality through the expressions and poses.

    This probably doesn't sound like a 4 star review, more like a 1 or 2 but its one of the most immersive VN games ever created.
    If you like to get involved into the world of a game and have meaningful relationships that have consequences and many options. This is up there with the best. Dialogue is near top notch most of the time. Yes there are small sections which are either unnecessary or don't fit that well. Overall its very well written. Story is engaging although not much of a plot. This is relationship building and the drama that comes with it. Its like a guilty addiction and pleasure. You originally play it to see the hot teasing and lewd scenes, find out they're poor. Then stay for the engaging story and drama.
  10. 2.00 star(s)

    Wenas el chamo


    I am so sorry, but I don't understand how this VN gets such good reviews and can be so bad at times.
    1-The story never leads to anything, it's like there is no plot to get to.

    2-While the “pixelated scenery” many VN's have, this one does nothing to make them not stand out.

    3-The models of the characters are nothing of the other world, very few are saved.

    4-The characters in general are unbearable, they either cry for everything or get angry for everything. The worst is the MC, I'll talk about him.

    5-The worst (BIG SPOILER ALERT): The MC's story, the mother, the “father”, the other “father”, melissa, etc. It's so badly done, I'm going to quit the game because of this. Errors in the narrative, denouement even worse, the MC has no decent thoughts. The mother is unforgivable, but the game doesn't care, and as soon as she finishes telling you her whore hisotria, the MC smiles and forgives her...
    “I'm dating you, but I'm pregnant by another man, but you can't get mad and you have to put yourself in my place” pfffffffffff and the worst thing is that they tried to justify it with that she only knew it a week ago (but even after that discussion, the mother keeps going out to parties and meeting the other guy pffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff). I don't want to sound sexist, but I am 100% sure that the creator of this VN is a woman. All the role of victim

    5-The decisions are like “if you help her with the bags +1 point, if you don't help her the route ends” (like this in several situations).

    Summary: Bad story, bad narrative, poorly explained parts, totally expected “plot twists”, useless characters, no rendering, and in fact, many “animations” run at 2 FPS.

    I don't understand how it has so many positive reviews, but ok.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    The best VN ever. Need more likes, I am shocked it is not higher in the list of liked stories. Love the story and the different paths that you can take. Number two on my list of VN's out there today. I can't wait until the next release.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    Intertwined is a solid 4/5 game that plays like the 2nd season of a spanish soap opera - small town, 3 main families and a constant barrage of mysterious heritages. Somehow, everybody is related to somebody you could've, are currently, or are planning on fucking.

    • Great models: men aren't ugly and women are decently well proportioned.
    • Plenty of choices: plenty of possible LIs also means there is a piece of the pie here for everyone. But that also has its downsides.
    • Plenty of lewdness: For the most part, the pacing of sexy scenes is nicely done, with one exception.
    • Pointless story: an AVN with a story that seems to go nowhere. There are no "stakes", it looks like the main plot of the story is MC finishing high-school, and figuring out which college to go to. Sorta like a prequel series to BaDIK. other than that, just another dating simulator.
    • Overcrowded: I would say this game has a 'mild cough' instead of 'suffering' from a larger list of possible LIs. Especially since the game itself kinda indirectly warns you that your actions will have consequences down the line (a warning for the manwhores), so you are encouraged to focus on one main girl if you want any semblance of a happy ending. This also means that you will most likely eventually hit a dry spell if you decide to be honourable from early on -
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      One of the main drawbacks of a larger roster.
    And that is basically it. There is also some serious
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    if the theories are proven right soon. But as those tags are not present here, the teasing comes across as purely cruel.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Really good story, Layla and Nikki's are my favorite LIs. But the others are also close very close second. Top AVN for sure, the plot is very interesting and the girls are very beautiful. Only con is the lack of music, but I think that will be fixed eventually.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best stories that I've had the pleasure of experiencing, 'Intertwined' excels not only in its narrative depth but also in its exceptional character design and visually stunning renders. From the moment I immersed myself in its world, I found myself drawn into a web of intrigue and emotional resonance that has kept me eagerly anticipating each new chapter. The characters, meticulously crafted with their own unique personalities and backstories, feel remarkably lifelike thanks to the detailed artwork and expressive renders.

    What sets 'Intertwined' apart is its ability to forge a genuine emotional connection with its audience. I've become deeply invested in the fates of these characters, their joys and struggles becoming intertwined with my own emotions. Every decision feels significant, influencing not just the immediate plot but also the intricate web of relationships that shape the narrative trajectory. As I approach the conclusion of this captivating visual novel, I find myself reflecting on the impact it has had on me as both a player and a storyteller.

    In conclusion, 'Intertwined' stands as a testament to the power of interactive storytelling within the realm of adult visual novels. It delivers a compelling narrative experience that blends profound character development with stunning visuals, leaving a lasting impression on anyone who seeks an immersive journey into the complexities of human emotions and relationships.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    For me the best AVN I have played so far.

    + Awesome and diverse characters. Every character has a story and their behavior makes sense - I've never seen better anywhere.
    + The story is very nicely written, the MC has private banter with each character, just as it should be.
    + Immersion in the story.
    + Your choices matter, the story unfolds accordingly and there are a number of paths = high replayability.
    + Renderings, animations, all at a high level.
    + Humour, I laughed many times.

    I myself prefer AVNs that are all about story and characters, and I got that in spades here. 5/5 no question about it.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    "Intertwined" is an absolute standout in the world of adult visual novels, offering a truly captivating experience from start to finish. The narrative control is superb, keeping players engaged with credible twists and a refreshing absence of the typical harem trope, allowing for deeper commitment to chosen love interests. The characters, rendered beautifully with top-notch models, exude both sex appeal and depth, contributing to the immersive storytelling. Despite occasional criticisms regarding pacing and emotional depth, the game's intricate plot, well-developed relationships, and meaningful choices ensure ample replay value. The interactions between characters feel authentic, adding layers to the storyline without veering into melodrama. While some may find certain aspects frustrating, such as limited choices or slow story progression, the overall quality of writing and character development shines through. With its blend of drama, comedy, and realism, "Intertwined" sets a new standard for adult gaming experiences, promising hours of enjoyment and anticipation for future episodes.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    An absolute standout game here, a real GEM! :love:(y):love:

    Story keeps you entertained right from the start to the very (current) end. Renders are beautifully done and the models are top notch. Re-play value also as there are few ladies to choose from.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    The degree of narrative control is absolutely fantastic, twists are credible, and the - at least perceived - lack of a harem option adds commitment to the chosen LI's.

    And the characters are sexy as hell. Well made, well told, let's have more of it.
  19. 5.00 star(s)

    Fortnite Battlepass

    Hot, interesting story, nice renders

    Great cast of girls, MC is not a wimp or depressed emo kid for once, thank fucking christ.

    Great replayability.
    Good times.

    Looking forward to more intertwines madness.
  20. 2.00 star(s)



    This is gonna be a long-ish review because I'm not even halfway there. But I think I'm ready to give this game a verdict (not the final one).

    I've played multiple AVNs before and everytime I see some agreement and disagreement from other people, I can relate to both. But this game is somewhat different, I can't see why lots of people like this game and more leaning towards the disagreement (except if this is your first AVN ever). The MC has strong build with cool ass tattoos but this dude is actually a punching bag around the corner. He's also somewhat weak minded, don't even know how to react properly under stress. One of the example is when he got detention and came back to home, he caught Emily (MC's mom) kissing her neighbor (Melissa) and he went mad as hell about it, thinking that his mom divorced his dad because of Melissa. Few days later, he came back to his mom and asked for explanation, turns out his real dad (Santiago) is a bastard and his family won't even marry him and MC's mom. His mom then married someone who also already knew about her pregnancy. Guess what? MC's reaction is basically just "oh okay haha can I see my real dad?" and then they're being okay again. What the hell is this? the entire family is fucked. Emily is a hoe, Santiago is a douchebag, and their son is an idiot, what a great fucking family. Hell, they don't even know the word "resposibillity" at all. I swear to God, if she was my real mom, I would've disowned her for the rest of my life.

    This game also has too many unnecessary flashbacks. What is this? Is this Naruto? I don't think so. Why so many unnecessary flashbacks??

    Sex scenes? Probably one of the worst I've seen. Feels like I'm playing a video on 8-bit.

    Intertwined also has a few of inconcistencies. Is this game take place in the US? why do they call soccer as football? why do 18 year old kids are allowed to drink in a bar?

    The women are also weird, like they keep hitting the MC all of sudden. So far, the only women who have different approach are Cora and Layla. Their interest over MC seems genuine and they're the only reason why I don't give this game one star.

    I still don't get it why many people like this game. Summertime Saga from 2016 has better storyline than this.

    Edit: I made it through past 50% of this game, I think I'm gonna keep the rating this way. Also, what's up with most men in this game? why they're such an asshole? even your supposedly "best friend" is also betrayed you. I don't think average American men from the Midwest and East Coast act like a damn predator. I can tell that the dev is British, but they need to research more on how people around the world truly act in real life.