I know I will look dumb, but jokes aside, ready? Money talk
context, we are talking about entertainment
I think people see Exclusive Content in H games like P2W, the sense of playing hentai games if we will try to understand the genre - is 18+ content, it can be more game-like, it can have a really good plot sometimes on funny gameplay or even a great art+music, but at the end of all it will be pornography content, so all parts of the game will lead to it, lock pornography in porno under the paywall is like a subscription for OnlyFans or Pay 2 Win in Shooters (

) - it will avoid many of potential customers, that's why shooters and OnlyFans should have a great marketing and give you a free sample or even a whole game/photo set, but with specific custom features for sponsors, otherwise - people will quit it and go to F95 and will never be a Simp/CoD player
If you do exclusive content with the goal of getting the money you should invest in marketing and do a lot of FREE content with really good quality to shut people off before they will ask about exclusive content cockblocking.
But now, let's do a reality check, nothing personal Hex, as I said, I didn't play your game yet, maybe you a genius of H-games:
1) You did a decent new game, you don't have a special reputation and people can't see something incredible in this
2) Many people start to play your game and see blocked content with special access for donators
3) They want to try it and ask other people about the code
4) They can google it/find a solution/steal/craft/e.t.c OR
4.1 Go to your support page
4.2 Find the deal
4.3 Read about the deal
4.4 Read about the site and payment system, lucky if they are fluent with itch or Patreon, unlucky if you don't have a language-specific page or they don't have a way to pay you with their payment systems (that's why game developers cooperate with Steam because of simple way to pay and have a good reputation)
4.5 Think about payment or subscription, if they see subscriptions more-likely they will stop and pay you nothing, customers don't like the subscription model, and you need a mega-giga-good bait to catch them, that's why battle passes or permanent access models are so popular, people more likely will pay money as a donation for OnlyFans leakers or buy a single crafted video with a girl, but ignore her OnlyFans (even if the price of it can be decent, it should be really really worth it to catch even a coomer)
4.6 They will get the content they wanted, but they can be upset about quality or quantity and will immediately stop supporting you or regret their subscription, otherwise they will stay with you and support you, and it will be 0.005% potential customers (maybe more), you will need to spend time with them to prevent their quit and do additional content for them every time, maybe fetish specific if we back to H games or maybe it will be Dragonflight, but still you will lose them and never reach the start position of hype
Back to reality:
5. Because you posted your game on the F95 it will be hacked in a week and you will get zero money, all potential customers will lose attention and back to your game after the new update with a hand-crafted hack tool, you will try to upgrade your defense system and waste your time on it without any sense, the content will become harder and you will be nervous about your game, F95 hackers will still hack any defense system because they have years of experience and free time to fun and tools already prepared for every engine
So, how we can milk some money from people, who love entertainment? Different ways
Balance a free sample with exclusive content, You can use special skins, requests, vote for new content, cheats, or early access, just ask them for a charity, use marketing for your game, buy traffic from porn sites, or try to promote it on different platforms to catch audience who can be more potential customers - it's hard to do, not like just cut parts of your game, it will cost you, but income will be better
Did a great, fantastic game with the best art, voice acting, new mechanics e.t.c - risky way, you will start high enough to never fail, I know less than 10 games with this start, and they can do nothing or cut the game, but have money support
Sell your game from the start, you can promote your game on the forums, can have a Patreon, e.t.c it will be just free marketing and a way to communicate with the active part of customers for you, your real goal will be to reach Steam top 50 H-games and sell 20-30 copies every day for guys who will play it once and never open again
I am not an expert in hentai game marketing and maybe missed a few important details about sailing them, but I hope you get the point, the fewer Old Huntsman's cases we have - the better I sleep.