RPGM - Isekai Awakening [v1.32] [Jackie Boy]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Decent potential, but could really go either way.

    Gameplay is mostly grind judging by this demo. Play minigames that take 30-60 seconds to raise targets stats by 1 or 2. Do this several times to level up once and expand options you can take with them. While this is a demo, it would be good to have included two girls so we could have a better idea of how the referrals and levels work. Also would've been nice to see the purpose of MC's stats, though it is much appreciated to be told they're pointless in the demo.

    Art is about what you would expect from pixel art. Could be nicer but it's whatever.

    The biggest detriment in my opinion is the lack of story/text-based sex interactions. Lack of story is understandable given the demo. But it looks like it at least as some potential for a more interesting/amusing story. But the sex scenes are literally just rapidly clicking the mouse to raise a bar while the pixel sprites go at it. Why do we need to click? Who knows. Without any dialogue here and only the limited art quality of pixel art, it's incredibly lackluster.

    Overall, current state of the game is very grindy and available sex is dull af. It has good potential. But minigames, story, and dialogue all could use improvements. So I'll give it an optimistic 3 stars in hopes it improves.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    this is a promising one for now but mini game machanics sucks and there is just too little content for demo all you do is go to bar play(ust touch the last option and wait for 60 second) and spend time with bartander?