Unity - Isekai Parlor Simulator [v1.7.1] [Studio Echydna]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    v.1.2.1 -> v1.7.1

    Mostly playing in 1.2.1 version. Fun game, at first didn't read the tutorial about learning to boost XP, so the girls easily incapacitate, and the game is mostly over. It is management but like a turn based so we can play slowly.

    Still have a bug here and there, like some placeholder text, camera stuck at one point, can't fired a girl.
  2. 1.00 star(s)

    The Omni Degenerate

    I actually deleted the game after an hour of gameplay. The game is way too frustrating. honestly, Give the girls more starting stamina/let them recover more,more quickly. Stop customers who don't get served from lowering your establishments reputation. and increase how much the girls earn per customer The game is horribly balanced and I played it on the easiest difficulty, and I still couldn't go into the green on reputation or money after the first week. Games like this are honestly the reason I pirate before I buy. Because if I had spent money on this, I would be outright demanding a refund. Hell, I didn't even pay for this game. And I still feel like I want one.

    I tried everything I could think of. Small number of girls, large number of girls overworking, not overworking. making sure customers were satisfied with the thumbs up or down as much as possible with each one. Trying to mitigate their rest in a number of different ways, and absolutely nothing I did worked. It either went into the negative with one or both rep and money, the girls quit, or I couldn't manage the amount of stamina required. And some of this possibly is intentional game design, but if it is, it is intentionally bad game design.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Very few games taged with "management" have any management at all, the main focus of the game here it's actually management, just for that deserves a better score.
    Probably would give it 4 stars due to some lackluster UI, but it's hitting in all the right spots for fans of the genere and is really hard to find a decent one in porn/management. Updates come often enough bringing new content.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    The scenes in this game suck. They're really nothing special. The character models are just strange looking and very unfeminine, like borderline male bodies. They're also few and far between.

    The management mechanic, and 90% of the game, is fucking fantastic and addictive. The gameplay loop of this game is so much fun. But I'm here to beat my meat, not manage hoes. The monster girl parlor is a much better game, as it straddles but the gameplay loop and hentai very well. Go play that instead.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    Confusing and repetitive.

    I needed to visit the forum in the 1st minute of my playthrough because the game did not explain what the fuck am I doing here and why there is a warning every time I try to continue into the next round. There is a tutorial in form of raw pages of text. Not the best way to maintain player attention, not gonna lie. If the employed girl decides to leave because she serviced a couple of times as prostitute, then why exactly do I have to pay penalty? It's not my business she did not liked it. She can leave, but taking money because of it makes no sense.
    Every costumer here sets his own price, and you can decide whenever you let him in or not. They have their preferences and turn-offs, and your job is to choose suitable employee for him. Looking great so far.
    Then why if I put him in the room with the employee that is in his type I'm getting prompt he does not like it? Where's the logic here?

    Yeah, don't even bother. All this game has to offer is some mediocre management simulator, and since there is a ton of games like that, I recommend to just skip this one altogether.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is very smart and different. The art is enjoable an it's in general a project that I would like to see completed. It's rare to see a good management game these days

    I would like to see more races and more variety in the sprites. I don't know if it's a stylistic choice (I suppose it is) but the clients are all vectors, which is fine, but I think that in this type of game an actual sprite would be enjoable.

    Keep up with the good work!
    Likes: Kernt
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    Disclaimers: This is more of a critical suggestion piece than a review. I've only played through the first level so far. However, I've played probably way too many brothel sims in my spare time and I feel I'm in a decent space to give criticism, or at least why I'd rather go back to other sims than this.


    Other brothel games break up the game loop better. In many games like Brothel King and Strive for Power you can explore the city and other factions, speak with/date people, get into fights, train yourself and your staff. That's probably way outside the scope of the game, so let's think smaller. Some games let the girls do different jobs, like dancing or singing, or tavern work. Everybody gets hungry in a brothel. This game only has advertising. Also, a big part of enhancing payoff is lacking here: edging, teasing, suspense; the sidejobs I mention help a little more with that. You also get to see the girls in a different light, which makes the sexy bits sexier.

    On the less sexy but more game side of things, the game could do with some holidays, or events. Having more goals besides just building the brothel and completing the level. Maybe a VIP books a week in advance. Maybe your top earner wants sick leave. Competing with rival brothels. The story mentioned it was lucrative, so that would make sense, right?

    Bifrost gives each girl special abilities you can use during the day. They can heal each other, or produce items, and its just another venue for showcasing the novelty of monster girls. Probably why personal training is such a big part of these games as well, you can make meaningful decisions about spending your resources even during the prep phase, while still making it sexy and fun. Ability teaching/inheritance also adds a level of complexity and personalization to your decisions, which is why breeding is part of a lot of these games. These are decade-old games too, one would hope to be building on the shoulders of giants, so to speak, not repackaging Candy Crush for the 70000th time. Terrible analogy, but I hope you get my point.

    Emotive response/Relationships:

    It's giving me a weird whitewashed vibe. I get wanting to be super wholesome (or not pissing off Patreon) but even barebone stories/settings need conflict to generate interest. Again, rival brothels seems to fit here. I also like how in other games you can pursue relationships with the prostitutes, giving you a more vested interest as the gameplay directly ties into how well the relationship fares. The other datable npcs seem to just be there, your decisions have little to no impact on them.

    Anyways, if the dev reads this I hope I didn't come off too discouraging or condescending. I just want good games, and there's a dearth of that especially in this genre. Plus I have a fondness for pixel art.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Needs more attention from the community. It has good framework and game is being updated regularly. Other than that, excellent menagment game, bit tough in the beginning until you learn how it works.
    Unfortunately not that fappable(meh at best), but certainly entertaining.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    First, I love brothel management sims, and I wish the best of luck to the devs.
    I give them 5 stars (v0.11.3) since for a pre-alpha/alpha it has enough content to keep me playing for a while without encountering any major bugs (only the occasional event triggering without warning felt a bit annoying).

    There's only one thing I wish it gets reworked soon: the Courtesan's menu. Instead of showing picture profiles, it should show a resume of the main stats of the girls (with maybe filtering too). Otherwise is very time-consuming when you have lots of workers and want to find, let's say, all your S cup girls, or those who lack one specific training. Having to click everyone's profile to get this info makes me want to do it manually checking their pop-up profile in the brothel scene (making me feel that the menu was useless).
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    Repetitive boring grind, it has music, but no sound effects, no audio for H-scenes, glitchy animations can spawn 3 animations in one room when there should be two, if you are not careful with your spending you can end up in an impossible situation very easily, where you can only get bankrupt, thus forcing you to play on easy difficulty, the only way out is to load a save, please skip this one it's a waste of time.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    Rather nice art, for most things exept for some reason for the girls themself (at least the tiny ones you actually see ingame doing their things)

    Music is decent

    Story is seemingly non

    Big point for the 2 stars; it fails as a brothel game, the price of the girls (you know...the reason you could say "yeah, fu it i take the weaker one that is cheaper") rises with each level, meaning instead of getting better they are getting worse with every day
    to top it of ..you cant even fire then because the whore-union is strongarming you to pay them two days of income if you decide to do so
  12. 2.00 star(s)

    Rex Blue

    Isekai Parlor Simulator is a brothel simulator featuring a lot of different races and pixel graphics.

    I just wish it had anything else going for it. While there's good pixel art and animations, and a solid number of monster girl races, the brothel management aspect is just paper thin. Your girls can train, rest stamina, rest happiness, work, or advertise. That's it. Worse yet, the training just consists of sending them to a one time course that's expensive but boosts all stats. As a result, the girls are just a same-y stat block with a race and tit size.

    Once you get some brothel reputation, you can build some more rooms, but they're basically just for capacity or girls with special needs (like a pool for mermaids you fuckin degenerates).

    There's just not enough here. While you can do a little optimizing in regards to which races and tit sizes populate your brothel, the auto-training, auto-leveling stat blob makes the girls a formless blob. There's an almost complete lack of decision making, which is a death knell for a brothel sim.
  13. 3.00 star(s)

    dusty stu

    3.25 rounded down to a 3.

    It's on the right track. Most aspects of the game are fine or good, and slowly being improved with updates.

    ~The gameplay is mostly intuitive, but it's pretty damn hard. It's annoying having to constantly mouse over each girl to re-check their stats. But why do I have to pay girls to fire them? Is there an almighty, unspoken prostitute union enforcing severance pay ???
    ~The pacing bogs down at the 10+ girls mark (as with most manager games). Needs more automation. Or at the very least a 'send all girls to rest/vacation' button. That alone would cut down on the tedium by around 40%
    ~+The pixel art is well animated/drawn, but each sex scene is only about 6 frames (About 1 second) looped. Compare this to Monster Black market, which has 3-4 stages to each sex scene, and creampie and sex sounds. MBM is superior to this art in every way.
    - - - Holy mermaid tits, the sound is bad. I muted it almost immediately. The end phase sound is like some child pounding on a piano right in my ear.
    - - Again, MBM spoiled me. There's no creampie (or any finishes), no sex sounds, no animation progression, no impregnation/pregnancy, and no bdsm/forced content (pretty much all vanilla or femdom).

    So the best parts of this are:
    + Good variety of girls species and random paper doll generation.
    ~ + Fairly complete in what you expect out of a brothel game.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    I really like graphics, it's pixel art but its very well made pixel art.

    I'm not sure if I'm stupid or not but why WASD not working for moving around? Instead You use Right mouse... it's really annoying and took me while to find out about it...

    There could be also re-roll button at start of the game because i got only 1 girl that looks good... other 4 were ugly... so well... I didn't wanted to restart game over and over again to find good looking 3 starting girls so i picked 1 good and 2 ugly...

    There is some buildings, I still didnt unlocked them all but it looks like there is some gameplay and I can spend some hours in this game <3

    I know there are some better games on F95 of same type so I can't give 5 stars to this one :p Because these other games have more buildings and more options. But 4 is good enough i think :D
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    as of v0.5 this is a fun game with a lot of potential. If you enjoy management and brothel sims than you should check this game out. not too grindy and sex scenes are cute. could use big busts on the pixels and sex sounds but it still has good scenes.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    First of all, I would like to state that I am giving 4 stars considering that it is an under development game. That's why I would like to make an assessment on what we have, not what should be. The fundamentals of the game seem solid and open to further development. Economy balance is better compared to many completed games in this genre. If the animations are polished a bit more, they are clear enough also some of them are funny and entertaining :) . The point that I feel lacking is the interaction with the employees and our protogenist is not involved in the game yet.
  17. 4.00 star(s)

    El Presidente

    Review for v0.5
    It got better! Any problem from the 0.3 was resolved, now there is a tutorial, fluids sex scenes and more visual, the Ui is good and you can close the game, and mermaids are less awful!
    For now there is content for 4 hours, but i hope it'll be more updates in the future