Unreal Engine - Isles of Origa [v0.5.2] [Insektum]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Aight, this one is a bit special. here's my review that nobody asked for of the game in it's current early form(0.5.2), here we go.

    I am amazed. but maybe not in a "that a good porn game" way.
    Everything that ties to the ambiance and environment is way way way above standard for a porn game, in fact it's borderline criminal to make something this good for a niche that small of people that want to jack off playing a game where a girl fucks insects.

    the map is 1: gorgeous 2: huge 3: more diverse than I expected.
    the music: brother, so simple yet so perfect.
    the details : grass blades that move as you walk through, wind simulated grass and trees effect. day/night cycle with a beautifully done moon lighting. clouds that are good, not just clouds.jpeg. the sound of the wind in the trees, the rolling animation if you fall from too high. all them little things you think you don't give a fuck about until it's done right.

    the 3d models are nice, the girl model is more detailed than you might think, fuck around with camera angles and you'll notice some details that you don't suspect are there.:BootyTime:
    the insect models can look blocky but they're just as good as they need to be, their dicks however, man, dev-san took some time working of these.
    Animations are fine, no risk taken there. it's what you expect but you're left wanting more.
    the inventory is again, a bit too much for the use we have of it but it's an above average implementation with slots for clothing such as panties, leggings, torso and the rest. unexpected but gladly welcomed. I'd expect more stacking for objects to avoid it being messy tho'.

    Now, the part that hurt the game, i'll be quick on that one:Gameplay. There's none.
    walk around, grab flower, make potion of questionable usefulness and fuck insects if you want to. that's it.

    I'd love to see some chill base building with progression tied to exploration and gathering, a bit like valheim. but if the dev said "nah, is just a chill place to walk around relax and get stuffed by big roaches" i'd be fine with it. really.
    The ambiance and chill vibe of the game made me feel the same way I felt when I played World Adrift(the Bossa(fuck them btw) studio one) before they unplugged it from life support.
    A sense of loneliness and relaxation, again, not something you'd expect downloading a game about getting railed by insects.

    As I write this shit i'll try to pass as a review, the game is in a very early form and I'm sure most aspects will be expanded upon. the foundation is very solid, even the performances are great, which is rare on a unity porn game with a huge map, dynamic environment and wind simulation effects. so i'll keep watching this project hoping to see it flourish.

    as of 0.5.2 (very early dev stage)
    as a game : 2/10
    as a love project and foundation : 10/10

    hopefully gameplay get's added later and variety in insects behavior is added, some agressive, some passives, some territorial etc... but as of now, extremely good foundation, love to see good project like this take shape, godspeed to the devs.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Ver 0.5.1
    I rate the game as a technical demo. There is no game here yet.
    As a connoisseur of sexual intercourse between various creatures, and especially insects, I was pleased. I like that the game has a crafting and sandbox bias, I like the graphics and physics with animations. The author chose a good direction and I like it, although such large sandbox projects frighten me in the sense that for indie developers it looks like an unbearable burden. Only a few such projects turn out to be truly full-fledged, because it requires a lot of money and human resources.
    The heroine's figure could have been more appetizing. Curvy heroines with insects look more interesting.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Beautiful island, smooth graphics and animations, runs well.
    BUT it is absolutely empty right now, there is nothing to do so wait for updates. I spent like an hour running around and found only 2 insects.
    Very solid foundation for a game overall.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    Tech demo.
    Absolutely no content, just a big open map with two insect types and a whole bunch of useless flowers. Will probably become something good with time but as it stands do NOT download.
    Waste of bandwidth.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    Very high quality, but currently lacks content. I also question the devs ability to make anything decent to play and not just pretty looking. Following are the reasons why.

    The game starts you on an island and gives a basic tutorial through character dialogue and then gives you control. Then you start walking and it gives you two extra pieces of information

    1 ) "getting semen might be a bit hard, I might have to get my hands dirty (press E to interact)"
    2 ) "I'm starting to get horny (press M to masturbate)"

    I'm paraphrasing but it basically boils down to the tutorial telling you to interact with the insects by pressing E and pressing M to masturbate, in this order.

    If at this point you go looking for an insect to interact with, maybe because it's the first thing the game told you, maybe because you don't want generic masturbation scene number 10329. You will softlock yourself.
    Because once a scene ends, the only way to leave the scene and regain control is by pressing the most stupidest key ever set as de default for this ( END ). How should you know that the dev set this stupid ass key to not get softlocked? By doing the second thing it told you and pressing M, of course! Because at the end of the masturbation scene, and only at the end of the masturbation scene, does the game ever tell you how to leave a scene.

    After restarting the game a couple times trying to figure this one out (or reading this thread), you finally have enough knowledge to go around looking for some stuff to do. And proceed to realize you're on a huge barren island with only two other species around and one scene that repeats itself over and over with each.
    Then you see you can craft potions, go looking for ingredients, craft the potion and when you go to drink it, you instead throw the potion. Why? Because the potion you crafted is supposed to be thrown on the insects to make them horny. Very fast moving insects which you're trying to hit with a potion that has a delay for throwing and not crosshair or indicator of where it'll fall.

    Yeah. Pretty, but barren, game filled with terribly implemented systems. I don't know how log this has been in development so I can't say if dev is competent but rushing things out the door or incompetent and actually thinks the systems he has implemented are at all complete.

    Animations are good though. When this eventually gets more content I'll probably either enjoy playing if they've improved things or enjoy the 100% save some kind soul will share.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I am truly impressed with this game. You can tell there's a lot of love and effort put into it. The world is beautiful even though it is small. The main girl is cute as hell. Surprising there's no caves and and there's no bugs raping you which is sad. You can't even see yourself giving birth. But I can't wait to see how far and how much this game will grow.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I adore Insektum's video content, so to see them working on a game is awesome. After playing, I think the bones are super solid, I love the conditional sex animations (non-aroused, aroused, and pregnant) as well as the models and animation work. I can only hope development continues, and as such have decided to support Insektum on patreon :)
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    So, I think this is still in fairly early development. As such I will give a rating suited for game that still needs to find it bearings. I will give it 3 starts, which more than anything else rests on an expectation of this game getting much better.

    Let's start with the good; this game is absolutely beautiful. It's a fairly large map too. For whatever reason the graphics weirdly gives me vibes of Elder Scrolls Oblivion with the setting sun and night sky. Yes, the game has a day/night cycle, which is pretty cool. Though, really, it would've been a lot more cool if it was used for something.

    Yet the large and beautiful map is also very empty. Nothing really moves or lives in this world. Instead you run around, desperate to find something, anything to interact with. Then once you find some of those insects you quickly realize that it is fairly boring. You run up to one and interact with it. That's it.

    You can, supposedly, craft potions. I did craft some, but I never figured out how to use them.

    I think this game would work a lot better if the protagonist had some sort of goal such as having to escape or survive the Island while hunting and being hunted. This would also allow that crouch feature to be used for hiding and whatnot. It would also give you more purpose than running randomly around for new particular purpose.

    In short:
    The Good
    • Beautiful map
    • Day and night cycle

    The In-between
    • Different bugs? I only found 2 versions and I went all over the map.

    The Bad
    • The map is devoid of life, which is only underscored by its vastness.
    • The potion system didn't work
    • Not really any other point but to find and interact with bugs
    The game has potential. Now it has a map, time to add on stuff to do.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I love games with these tags (insects and pregnancy;)), good luck with the development, I hope everything works out for you <3
    at the moment there is a lack of a map and minimap as well as small quests
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Honestly not a bad little tech demo

    its got a nice lil art style, and for a UE game it runs suprisingly well compared to others on the site

    animations are limited but pretty solid, the rest of the devs art certainly inspires confidence in the ultimate product. the clipping/placement issues are definitely noticable though which is a shame

    The map is massive, but the bugs are sparse, and i spent alot longer than i'd like to admit trying to find the other kind. im sure it wont be a problem down the line but as of now it is

    definitely one im gonna keep an eye on
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    not even in to insectai (everyone's got their kinks, no shame in it) but the game is very smooth and pleasant to watch/play. i like that there is night & day, swimming & crafting, a hee-uge map, and an almost 3rd person shooter aspect except your throwing bottles instead.

    extremely promising, glad i checked it out.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    im giving this tech demo 5 stars cause it's got great potential. there isn't really any deeply baked issues in the foundation that can't be solved in the future.

    this looks like some good sug bex and i am totally on board for any project that has a complete focus on that. while theres only 2 insects right now, the current animations seem simple but enjoyable (albeit off position as of right now, unless the flying bug is supposed to give you a nose job :p), but it's clear there will be more variety in the future.

    thankfully the character/insect assets of this game seem to be unique/commissioned or whatever, i really dig the art style the 3d modeler has. the map is also quite nice, there's some pretty scenery, but there is room for more biome diversity and points of interest.

    besides additional variety in insects, clothing, and places, here is hoping for features like a map/quick travel, bestiary/scene viewer, and potentially narrative elements in both scenes and some overarching plot.
  13. 2.00 star(s)

    Qui Gon

    I have no idea how someone can give this tech demo 5 stars.

    1. There is no character creator nor simple customizations, like hair style color or eye color possible.

    2. The animations are only 3 per creature of which there are only 2.

    3. The animations are terrible clipping through the body & almost never line up with the target! Destroying the immersion.

    4. Animation depend on your & the creatures state, if ur pregnant there is no penetration possible. Meaning you can NOT choose in what position you wanna "engage"

    5. Lewd sounds are always the exactly the same in a 3 second loop no variation at all.

    6. No lewd fluids whatsoever & there is no birth scene the screen just turns black & a ADULT insect is spawned, There is no larva stage!

    7. "Pregnancy" last at max 60 seconds & no matter what you do or if ur currently in a scene the screen turns black & the Adult insects spawns this is awful. Way to fast & just unsatisfying.

    Lastly there is never a build up in sexual tension possible & the sleep invoking tune in the background compliments this issue, there are no goals
    set & worst of all not even STATS to see what filth you committed yourself to.
    Potential is not worth 5 stars Ubisoft has potential as well & look what mess they are delivering.
    2 Stars cuz it runs well serves the man of culture tag is more than generous.
    (in reality its a 1 Star tech demonstrator)

    If you want a much better experience go for the VN "Creature Get" even to it was abandoned...
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    At the moment, the game only has two insects with three animations each one. (As far as I know) But the game has great potential to grow and become a great game. Definitely a game to keep an eye on if you haven't played it already. The game is missing character customization at the moment but seems to be planned as there is a clothing craft option in the alchemy tab. I do also hope they add body sliders, as I would like to customize my character. 4.5/5