Let me start with one thing. A rating of three is not a bad game for me.
It is either an average game or a game with serious flaws but with potential to be really good.
For me, giving a game that you like five stars just because you like it, while completely ignoring the weaknesses or even if there is barely enough game to make any form of judgement; anything like that is simply wrong.
That's why, in all fairness, even though I like it, I can't give the game more than 3 stars.
The artwork for the game is okay, the models are mostly fine, if nothing sensational.
The story isn't anything special, but that doesn't matter if it is done well.
In this case here, however, the writing has significant flaws.
It's never unreadable, but there are way too many typos, especially since running the text through spellchecker could get rid of most of them.
There are a lot of very awkward sentences, some are just plain and simple wrong.
Especially the dialogue and thoughts of the characters are way too simple, often they seem outright childish.
Another problem is the pacing, while on one hand we have lots of dialogue that seems too extensive, on the other hand the story just rushes along, so much so that I felt left behind at times. That doesn't mean I don't understand what's happening, I think it is happening too fast or with not enough explanation for WHY and HOW it is happening.
Okay, that was a lot of criticism, but it's not a bad game. It could be a great game, if the flaws were fixed.
The simplest one to fix is the typos. Just run a spellcheck and have someone who does alright with grammar read through the result to fix instances where a similar sounding word is used, that means something completely different.
The writing is harder to fix, but in their other game the devs seem to handle it much better, so maybe work together on the writing or whoever is editing "Seducing the devil" should be asked to do the same here.
As for pacing, I don't know, for me this also shouldn't be that hard. Read through the game as if it wasn't yours, and whenever it seems to rush or to stall, change it. Don't be afraid to rework the timeline of events, or at least show more of why and how things are developing like this.
Right now, for example, the main love story seems completely like Emma is an infatuated teenager. There's simply no reason why she should love the MC, apart from initially finding him cute and nice. And the MC on the other hand has no reason to love Emma, it seems way more as if he feels it is his duty to love her, due to her feelings appearing to be so strong (which is ironic, because like I wrote it seems more like infatuation than real love from her).
This game has potential, I will definitely check out the next few versions to see if it uses that potential to grow.
It is either an average game or a game with serious flaws but with potential to be really good.
For me, giving a game that you like five stars just because you like it, while completely ignoring the weaknesses or even if there is barely enough game to make any form of judgement; anything like that is simply wrong.
That's why, in all fairness, even though I like it, I can't give the game more than 3 stars.
The artwork for the game is okay, the models are mostly fine, if nothing sensational.
The story isn't anything special, but that doesn't matter if it is done well.
In this case here, however, the writing has significant flaws.
It's never unreadable, but there are way too many typos, especially since running the text through spellchecker could get rid of most of them.
There are a lot of very awkward sentences, some are just plain and simple wrong.
Especially the dialogue and thoughts of the characters are way too simple, often they seem outright childish.
Another problem is the pacing, while on one hand we have lots of dialogue that seems too extensive, on the other hand the story just rushes along, so much so that I felt left behind at times. That doesn't mean I don't understand what's happening, I think it is happening too fast or with not enough explanation for WHY and HOW it is happening.
Okay, that was a lot of criticism, but it's not a bad game. It could be a great game, if the flaws were fixed.
The simplest one to fix is the typos. Just run a spellcheck and have someone who does alright with grammar read through the result to fix instances where a similar sounding word is used, that means something completely different.
The writing is harder to fix, but in their other game the devs seem to handle it much better, so maybe work together on the writing or whoever is editing "Seducing the devil" should be asked to do the same here.
As for pacing, I don't know, for me this also shouldn't be that hard. Read through the game as if it wasn't yours, and whenever it seems to rush or to stall, change it. Don't be afraid to rework the timeline of events, or at least show more of why and how things are developing like this.
Right now, for example, the main love story seems completely like Emma is an infatuated teenager. There's simply no reason why she should love the MC, apart from initially finding him cute and nice. And the MC on the other hand has no reason to love Emma, it seems way more as if he feels it is his duty to love her, due to her feelings appearing to be so strong (which is ironic, because like I wrote it seems more like infatuation than real love from her).
This game has potential, I will definitely check out the next few versions to see if it uses that potential to grow.