It would be perfectly fine for him to just upload translated versions of games he finds, and have a patreon account asking for money to support translations. I would love that actually! But claiming to own all those games, and even claiming to own copyrights on those games is just scummy.
I'm not saying there should be more porn translated into Italian. I'm saying there's not a lot. And that proves it. The reason is in part what you said.
That still doesn't change the fact that there is not much porn translated into Italian. So "why don't they just go on e-hentai" is kind of a stupid question. The better question would be why don't we Italians speak English well enough to avoid having to translate doujinshis available in English.
But that would require more infos on the number of people needing those translations relative to both the overall population and the porn users' population in Italy.
In all honesty, I do not wish to persue this in court, nor do I want their money. The above was basically just a scary threat I wanted them to take seriously. I was also told according to Italian Law, false copyright claims lead to time in Prison, so hopefully they take this threat seriously and shut down their website.
Any thoughts?
UPDATE: I was just notified that's payment processor is: "", their email is: [email protected]
If you would like to, you could file a complaint to them claiming that is selling coprighted material.'s website registrar is:
You must be registered to see the links
and their host is
You must be registered to see the links
If you would like to, you can also file a complaint there as well.
UPDATE 2: giochipremium is the same owner who runs, they seem to also own this Patreon
The "happy birthday to you" song. Somebody found that it wasn't copyrighted, they filed a claim and now they own it.
If you sing that song in a youtube video they might sue. Copyrights trademarks and patents are big business.
The "happy birthday to you" song. Somebody found that it wasn't copyrighted, they filed a claim and now they own it.
If you sing that song in a youtube video they might sue. Copyrights trademarks and patents are big business.
That copyright was ruled against and it is no longer under copyright as far as I know. A judge declared it public domain because the original creator did not copyright it, which removed Warner Brother's copyright on the song.
If someone were to create that song now, they would have full ownership over it. But if he or she didn't sell of the "rights" to the song (even without a copyright/patent) then it is deemed public domain. (As far as I understand)
The "happy birthday to you" song. Somebody found that it wasn't copyrighted, they filed a claim and now they own it.
If you sing that song in a youtube video they might sue. Copyrights trademarks and patents are big business.
That copyright was ruled against and it is no longer under copyright as far as I know. A judge declared it public domain because the original creator did not copyright it, which removed Warner Brother's copyright on the song.
If someone were to create that song now, they would have full ownership over it. But if he or she didn't sell of the "rights" to the song (even without a copyright/patent) then it is deemed public domain. (As far as I understand)
no they would not own it if they created that song now. if you're correct that a court found it to be public domain, you can't copyright it today
If you create something, you have a claim to copyrights, but that is not a god given right, it's a complex system of laws crossing international jurisdictions. copyrights are sold every single day. courts decide who is telling the truth, about who owns what.
It would be perfectly fine for him to just upload translated versions of games he finds, and have a patreon account asking for money to support translations. I would love that actually! But claiming to own all those games, and even claiming to own copyrights on those games is just scummy.
no they would not own it if they created that song now. if you're correct that a court found it to be public domain, you can't copyright it today
If you create something, you have a claim to copyrights, but that is not a god given right, it's a complex system of laws crossing international jurisdictions. copyrights are sold every single day. courts decide who is telling the truth, about who owns what.
Right, right. I just mean to say that if someone just created that song now, that person would own it's intellectual property, meaning nobody could just say "You made that? I own it now."
But if no copyright is made, that person can't sue people for using that song, or require it to have credits going to the person who made that song. They just can't claim they made it, which is what the link in the OP is doing.
Right, right. I just mean to say that if someone just created that song now, that person would own it's intellectual property, meaning nobody could just say "You made that? I own it now."
But if no copyright is made, that person can't sue people for using that song, or require it to have credits going to the person who made that song. They just can't claim they made it, which is what the link in the OP is doing.
Thomas Edison openly admitted that his inventions were not his own, yet he was awarded patents anyway, because nobody came forward to challenge his claim. Edison saw these inventions being used in his dreams, the light bulb, the phonograph, the motion picture projector... He didn't have a clue how they worked, but he knew they worked because he had seen them working in his dream connection to perhaps an alternate universe where they had already been invented, by beings much smarter than himself.
He hired smart people like Tesla, and Watson, to help figure out how they worked, and reverse engineer them.
I believe that those advanced beings had placed the inventions in the public domain, and that Edison never should have been awarded those patents.
Thomas Edison openly admitted that his inventions were not his own, yet he was awarded patents anyway, because nobody came forward to challenge his claim. Edison saw these inventions being used in his dreams, the light bulb, the phonograph, the motion picture projector... He didn't have a clue how they worked, but he knew they worked because he had seen them working in his dream connection to perhaps an alternate universe where they had already been invented, by beings much smarter than himself.
He hired smart people like Tesla, and Watson, to help figure out how they worked, and reverse engineer them.
I believe that those advanced beings had placed the inventions in the public domain, and that Edison never should have been awarded those patents.
A much simpler and plausible explanation is that REM sleeps aids creativity and problem solving.
Keep a dream journal and you will see that the process is a bit like automatic writing or pareidolia, a mess that often makes no sense but from time to time you can take some things off it... Like an idea.