Oh. Thanks for mentioning. English isn't my first language, so it's quite possible that I make mistakes that native speakers notice immediately. Perhaps I have too high opinion on my skills. But language in this game was so bad, that I felt I had to do something to improve it, when game otherwise was decent.
Sadly for me English is my native language with both English Language and English Literature being my best subjects way back in my school days! I've been speaking, reading and writing English for over 50 years now so I think I have a pretty good understanding of it by now.

It's not an easy language to learn, mainly due to the number of words that sound the same but are spelt differently and have different meanings, such as there, their and they're. All three of those are pronounced the same when spoken, but each has a different meaning which is defined by the sentence the word is used in. Yeah, at times English gets crazy complicated.

But hey, if you (or anyone else for that matter) wants a little help with English feel free to ask, though these days there are a whole lot of resources available online, you just have to know what to search for!
Don't put yourself down, I had a feeling that English probably wasn't your native language but overall you did pretty well. As I said there were just a few places where you made a mistake or two, generally in the grammar rather than the actual spelling. Quick little example:
Has she planned that? -> Did she planned that?
The first part is actually ok and does make sense but your correction is just a little off and should really be "Did she plan that?" Once your correction is corrected then both of those sentences are valid and are, basically, just different ways to ask more or less the same question.
As with pretty much everything in life, when you understand it then it's easy, but when you don't understand it then it's difficult.