What if all those religious windbags turned out to be right and the afterlife were a real thing. Not only that but also that bit about not being able to move on if you have lingering attachments. I'd imagine there'd be a hell of a lot of fanboys still roaming the earth as we speak, waiting on abandoned titles and sex scenes is A Wife and Mother. I for one would not want something like Jessica O'Neil's Hard News to be the thing that keeps me here. I'm pulling two minimum wage jobs, i work 16-18 hours a day, 6 days a week, so i can afford rent and save up for a down payment on an apartment, so, when i invest my precious time and my money into something, you'd better believe i'm pretty damned passionate about it.
Now, the people who claim they can wait for...months on end, for shitty little updates, or the ones who love a really "slow burn", boggle my mind. You want to what?? Wait??? Why? Me, i can barely keep myself from throwing my life's savings at some dev so he can skip over all those kinks that don't interest me in the least and move straight to the very few ones that do. (I mean, the only reason i support this one is because of the
potential lesbian incest. Paola's existence irks me.) Yet, lo and behold, there are some of you who actually encourage devs to "take their time"

. It blows my block off every time.