4.20 star(s) 5 Votes


Came for the tits, stayed for the story.
Apr 10, 2018
i go to bathroom and try to use it in house but it didn't work ??
sometimes you gotta stop and just think with the big head instead of the little head for a sec. it's pretty quite simple. like with most clothing-heavy games, only certain outfits can be worn at certain times. obviously when you make yourself look slutty, using the products from the department store, can you wear certain outfits and work certain jobs to go with those outfits. deep breaths, you can do it. i believe in you.
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Jul 23, 2017
sometimes you gotta stop and just think with the big head instead of the little head for a sec. it's pretty quite simple. like with most clothing-heavy games, only certain outfits can be worn at certain times. obviously when you make yourself look slutty, using the products from the department store, can you wear certain outfits and work certain jobs to go with those outfits. deep breaths, you can do it. i believe in you.
i already figure it out logn time ago no worries , can you please tell me how to become bodyguard ? i have innocent scene for bodyguard but check everyplace in the game some of them either ( i can't go there ) or this one but in japanese don't know how to become one


Jul 23, 2017
Okay so this is just a small tip for people who are having a hard time like I did. 1. If you wish to stay outside pass curfew you need to lower moral/Purity. The fastest way too do it is to read books from the mall which is located at the far left with three doors select bookstore. If you want to change your appearance you to buy items from the mall. If you want to revert back to normal just go to the Temple. At the Temple you have a couple of options. Restore you Moral/Purity or just change back your appearance. PS: I only manage to get two endings, is that it? has anyone manage to get more endings?
can you please tell me how to become bodyguard ?


Jun 14, 2017
I know this game is old, but how do you challenge people to a fight? I unlocked brawling from the gym and it said to press R in the other town where no one would recognize me. I press it and nothing happens. Even when doing it to people literally asking for a fight. I can flash people with R during conversations, but thats about it.


Scrambled Bussy Appreciator
Jan 22, 2018
I know this game is old, but how do you challenge people to a fight? I unlocked brawling from the gym and it said to press R in the other town where no one would recognize me. I press it and nothing happens. Even when doing it to people literally asking for a fight. I can flash people with R during conversations, but thats about it.
Only works if the character isn't fully corrupted (as in turned into a Gal with dyed hair and tanned skin). If you are a Gal and press R, you'll flash some NPCs. To fight the ones that are looking for it, you gotta go to the train station and pick "The Temple", however I'm not sure if by choosing "Changing appearance" is enough of if you forcibly need to pick the "Cleanse" option. I'd recommend you to save before hand. After that the character returns to normal and you can fight people by pressing R (if they're willing to, of course).

Fat LeekR

Sep 15, 2019
sometimes you gotta stop and just think with the big head instead of the little head for a sec. it's pretty quite simple. like with most clothing-heavy games, only certain outfits can be worn at certain times. obviously when you make yourself look slutty, using the products from the department store, can you wear certain outfits and work certain jobs to go with those outfits. deep breaths, you can do it. i believe in you.
What does that mean? Do I have to buy other clothes first to use the Bleach/Pierces/Make-Up? My Morality is at 0 yet using the items does nothing. Even interacting with the sink does nothing. What do I do now??


Oct 1, 2017
I'm more surprised people weren't asking at what specific times of each day you're allowed to call the restaurant or do your first newspaper delivery job. Unless there's some unseen "you have to go into more debt" trigger, I'm a bit stumped. Nevermind, figured out the issues- one of them was due to a bug, and the other one requires players to go to sleep at 16:00 the day prior to be able to wake up at 5:00 and actually be able to work the newspaper's morning route.

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Another minor bug: For your first visit to the host club in Eisho, go into the door on the left first and ask for the recommendation. Otherwise, you risk breaking the sequence of events pretty badly and lock yourself out of the host club event if you go into the right one first, since I think the left side resets some (but not all) of the variables used in the club's events.

Also, the CG function for the Cabaret images is mildly broken. Not in a game-breaking way, but it's obvious that its code is expecting full images that just aren't available (the in-game event uses smaller overlaid images for the relevant events). When you see the green error message, just click or press any key to advance past it if you encounter it here.

Here's some answers to some questions and comments to some posts from earlier in the thread:
Thanks for this! Just a slight note though pon's lab is the blog and Sugarstar is the dev I believe. Same folks behind the island paradise game and working on a sequel.
Both DLSite and DMM have separate entries for Pon's Lab and SugarStar, and while the wallpapers in this game are all from games distributed by the latter group, this game itself (and another called Porn Factory) credit Pon's Lab instead. It's entirely possible that the doujin circles have some membership overlap, but for whatever reason they've decided to publish their works this way- it's not uncommon.

ok start the game and go to a store, open cheat engine and change value type to all.
You don't need to search for All type values, the relevant number is stored as a 4 Byte value which is the default option Cheat Engine is set up for on start-up. You'll just slow searches on lower-end computers down this way if it's unnecessary.

Hey I'll be honest I am kinda stuck in the game trying to collect the personal info from the houses. I have 48/63 of the info and think I've hit every house and apartment other than the 201 apartment
You've actually got a few options to complete the Register, believe it or not. I assume you've been relying on the "ringing the doorbell and breaking in if they're not home" and "seeing if they can be tricked by pretending to be a Saleswoman" methods, primarily?
You can, while working both the morning and evening newspaper routes, sneak a peek at the customers' details to get some info.
Also, a lot more houses can be broken into at 5:00 than at other times of the day, though there's always a small random risk that any break-in will fail.
Lastly, you can just buy a Laptop and I think with enough Intelligence score just... set up some sort of automatic phishing thing at the desk next to your bed at home and get all of the town's information immediately that way, apparently. I'm not even sure your morality has to be low like it does for catburgling for this option to work.
It's implied that working at the Cabaret can also net you info from your clientele by some NPC's dialogue in Nakamiya, but unfortunately I can't confirm this since I'd already finished the Register by the time I started working there. Might be worth checking, though.

PS: I only manage to get two endings, is that it? has anyone manage to get more endings?
I saw four options total when I beat the STRONGEST MAN while Innocent, so that's three-four endings depending on your perspective.
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Hi, have this Problem! My Local is Jap and i don't no how to fix it.
Your locale is not set to Japanese properly, from the looks of it. Otherwise, there wouldn't be so many diamonds and zero Japanese characters in the game itself, both in the title bar at the top or the message inside the game. Might want to check into either using a Locale Emulator or double-checking your Windows system locale. I'm pretty sure the message displayed is informing you it couldn't find the Omake folder (you have it visible right there on your screenshot, so I know it's not missing), probably due to the incorrect locale being incapable of reading the JIS character set.

Only works if the character isn't fully corrupted (as in turned into a Gal with dyed hair and tanned skin). If you are a Gal and press R, you'll flash some NPCs. To fight the ones that are looking for it, you gotta go to the train station and pick "The Temple", however I'm not sure if by choosing "Changing appearance" is enough of if you forcibly need to pick the "Cleanse" option. I'd recommend you to save before hand. After that the character returns to normal and you can fight people by pressing R (if they're willing to, of course).
CC: NumberXer0
You can actually still fight in the underground arena in that appearance by wearing the Ring Costume or Bondage outfit and pressing R when talking to three of the NPCs surrounding the ring (two boxers and a balding martial artist). But yeah, unfortunately you can't even fight the police or anyone outside it, even if you're wearing either of the two outfits- the "oops I got seen, I'd better redress" thing happens against NPCs, and the police simply drive you home to dress 'properly'.

When your appearance is Innocent (i.e.- not tanned Gal), whether or not you flash or brawl depends on whether or not your outfit has a skirt you can lift or if it has fighting sprites in existence (i.e.- Gym Clothes and Suit only, since Ring Costume and Bondage trigger the "oops I got seen" thing). You can actually flash quite a lot of NPCs in Nakamiya, but you can't brawl with any of them (I think, I didn't try Jose or Meifan when their events place them in town).

By the way, for those curious: The shower scene that doesn't mention a requirement needs you to choose to shower after you've received a creampie earlier in the day. There's variations for both appearances, hence the lack of a strict requirement of either.

how to unlock work as bodyguard?
CC: hidexz11
Work in the morning newspaper route until you run into a suspicious person that tries to kidnap you, beat them, and then choose to not forgive them. The police will give you a call the next day to give you a commendation, and you should eventually get a different call offering to hire you for security police work at the mall. You may need to have already tried to apply at the mall before hand, gotten a gift certificate from the owner, and used it to redeem something for free (I'd recommend the Suit, since it's the most expensive of the three options you're given and you'll need it for the SP job anyway).

What does that mean? Do I have to buy other clothes first to use the Bleach/Pierces/Make-Up? My Morality is at 0 yet using the items does nothing. Even interacting with the sink does nothing. What do I do now??
I believe your Lust needs to be higher (50? 60?), and you might need to have attempted to apply at the Cabaret, which is the first of the trio of jobs that are locked to the tanned "Slut" appearance. You will then see a CHECK arrow prompt in front of the shower door at the main character's home, and be able to use the mirror inside when you own all three of the relevant items (Bleach, Piercing Machine, Make-up Kit).

By the way, it looks like there's some removed content inaccessible in the game: There was supposed to be a second way to get the Fake ID, you were actually supposed to be able to find a Manhole Remover and be able to access the sewers that the vagrants can tell you about, etc. Kinda interesting stuff. You were also supposed to be able to check the Register and actually see the details of the people you've collected- whoever translated the game bothered translating all that information, fake addresses and all.

By the by, try attending classes after you've beaten the game: The game will now tell you the correct answers for the quizzes when you get them wrong. There's also supposed to be an Infinite Quiz mode somewhere in-game, but I've no clue where to find it. It supposedly won't increase your Intelligence and Charm, though.
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Sep 8, 2017
Is there a walkthrough for this game anywhere? I can't figure out how to unlock the call girl job or the Idol job. Satake already recommended it to me, but I don't see where to start this.


Oct 1, 2017
Is there a walkthrough for this game anywhere? I can't figure out how to unlock the call girl job or the Idol job. Satake already recommended it to me, but I don't see where to start this.
I don't remember there being an Idol job; The Cabaret, Call girl, and Soapland jobs are all tied to the tanned look, as I mentioned in the post immediately above yours:
I believe your Lust needs to be higher (50? 60?), and you might need to have attempted to apply at the Cabaret, which is the first of the trio of jobs that are locked to the tanned "Slut" appearance. You will then see a CHECK arrow prompt in front of the shower door at the main character's home, and be able to use the mirror inside when you own all three of the relevant items (Bleach, Piercing Machine, Make-up Kit).
If you've already changed your appearance but you still can't work at those places, you might be missing some stat requirements that I can't recall off the top of my head. Only thing I vaguely remember is that you're expected to work at the Cabaret for a while before some customer or co-worker suggests you branch out as a Call girl, and then you're supposed to work as a Call girl for a while until something else inspires you to be comfortable working at the Soapland- they're supposed to be done in sequence, I think.

I can't remember if there's a walkthrough earlier in the thread beyond my dumb long post, though.


Sep 8, 2017
I don't remember there being an Idol job; The Cabaret, Call girl, and Soapland jobs are all tied to the tanned look, as I mentioned in the post immediately above yours:

If you've already changed your appearance but you still can't work at those places, you might be missing some stat requirements that I can't recall off the top of my head. Only thing I vaguely remember is that you're expected to work at the Cabaret for a while before some customer or co-worker suggests you branch out as a Call girl, and then you're supposed to work as a Call girl for a while until something else inspires you to be comfortable working at the Soapland- they're supposed to be done in sequence, I think.

I can't remember if there's a walkthrough earlier in the thread beyond my dumb long post, though.
Thanks for your reply. Unfortunately didn't help. I have my morale at 0 and my lust at 100, purity at 0, and I still can't even apply for the Cabaret (and I've tried as innocent and ganguro). Too bad there isn't a guide anywhere. If anyone knows anything, I'd appreciate it.

EDIT: Figured it out. I need to work the restaurant a bit is all.
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Jul 21, 2017
Thank you for the throughout explanation, this game really has a load of content in it, it's incredible.

Would you happen to know what's the best stats to level up for the fights? I've only been levelling up strength and technique and there seemed to be a huge difficulty spike after the gymnast girl. What does power do and how much does levelling up defense/HP help?

Also say if I'm doing a purity run, is there a way to save Nakai Tomoko from molestation? Or do you just have to not tell her to go speak to the gym teacher?

edit: NVM finished the game, it seems like strength is the way to go, I was able to beat the strongest man at 100 strength and at around 40 defense, and 60 on both technique and power. Power might have to do with the amount of HP that you recover from damage dealt. Nakai can be saved, awesome.

It's kind of a shame because the game's became unfappable now, don't have the heart to fuck Mai over now that she's worked so hard and attained it all.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2018
Hmmm... Such an interesting game, after looking at everyone's comment. I have a question tho, since I rarely had times to thoroughly enjoy long-time games, I resort to cheat a bit. And when I do cheat the save, there's a prompt, which if I press any button, will teleport me back to the main menu... the prompt is in japanese and it's white colored, so I can't read any of it... I need sum help, thank you.
So, the trigger of the whole campaign is the letter on the table, right? If I just pass it and live a normal life and grind my stat for a bit, it's okay, right? Right?
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4.20 star(s) 5 Votes