
Engaged Member
Oct 15, 2021
Judging by your weapon stats you are doing a combat build in a sex run. If you are taking so much pleasure damage then start battle with taunt to prevent sexual attacks. Keep the desires under 50 to prevent debuffs. Confident + cool increase your stats a lot. After you get a game over the cat gives you a very important tip, focus on only one of the three main stat since your levels are limited.

Dex builds should abuse counter (it's ridiculously overpower), with end as secondary.

Also, at day 116 the wanted inmates will have really high levels so they will cause ridiculous damage.
This is a slut run. My other runs are still in-progress, don't know if I will ever finish them. After completing the game once I played more(mostly for science of course), bought other edicts too that's why weapon stats appear high. That 52% crit I talked earlier didn't happen on day 116, I'd have taken a screenshot if it happened recently. It happened on the same run in the picture though. I even wrote about it here when that happened, pretty sure anyone can find my post about it.


Jan 15, 2018
This is a slut run. My other runs are still in-progress, don't know if I will ever finish them. After completing the game once I played more(for science of course), bought other edicts too that's why weapon stats appear high. That 52% crit I talked earlier didn't happen on day 116, I'd have taken a screenshot if it happened recently. It happened on the same run in the picture though. I even wrote about it here when that happened, pretty sure anyone can find my post about it.
Show the training edicts, that's the important part of the build.

This is my str build.

Also, I only play in a single save. I just keep resetting the stats on new game plus to try new builds and keep collecting titles like slutty pokemons.


Jan 15, 2018
I believe the game was intend to be played like a roguelite in a single save. You play, you lose, then you restart stronger with the titles you collected, just to get further.

I lost a run on purpose to get the titles related to bankruptcy, they are really really good.


Engaged Member
Oct 15, 2021
- How many passives do you have (Status -> Tertiary)
I didn't unlock tertiary because it gives debuffs.

- Fatigue % (stat decrease)
Fatigue was not an issue here.

- Enemy (nerds, yeti in particular)
There wasn't a yeti around when game decided a random thug can do 52% crit dmg. I don't remember if there were nerds though.

- sleep (stat decrease)
I am aware, I unlock bed asap because of that possible sleep debuff.

- Horny/Wet ?
It is literally impossible for Karryn to have vaginal sex with anyone while she is not wet, so...

- Edicts bought (enemy stat increases)
Don't remember which edicts I had during that time, however I try to avoid enemy buffing edicts.

Show the training edicts, that's the important part of the build.
See attachments for current state of the build(completed slut run). Bear in mind I bought more edicts after completing the run.


Jan 15, 2018
I don't remember very well how was my slut run, but I don't think taking that much pleasure damage was too much of a problem. Karryn can orgasm only once per turn so the idea is to be able to pleasure as many inmates at the same time during gangbangs. Titjob is the position with most "slots" available. Once I reached more than 250% of pleasure in a single turn. Orgasm only lose max energy, not current so as long your build have a lot of energy growth I think its fine. just keep using healing thoughts to prevent loss.


Jan 15, 2018
Bear in mind I bought more edicts after completing the run.
Since you bought more edicts after ending the run it's hard to see your growth.
Growth must be bought early to increase your gains on the long run.

Maybe the best thing is to start a new game+ and focus on the main stats of your build from the beginning.

I've been doing several short runs and I'm having a lot of fun. I did 2 runs only yesterday.

Now that I understand how the game work I farm gold while managing order before subjugating lvl one, to be able to unlock most of my build before starting the proper run. That str build is right after liberating lvl one.


Jan 15, 2018
There are many titles that are mutually exclusive, like first kisses or different ways to lose virginity, so sometimes its good to lose on purpose after collecting them then go to the proper build. Now I'm trying to get the "technically virgin" title, that is to get the happy ending while remaining virgin.

I believe that the most annoying title I got is the "incorruptible" because not getting any corruption is really limiting.


Aug 22, 2021
What I think its the major difficulty players are having are because the aren't reading the passives effects. The high level passives debuffs are cumulative throughout the battle/day. I got orgasm locked in the strip club just once. Then I just did shorter shifts and never had this problem again.
This. Hover over passives and read effects folks, passives are huge in all stats because they are basically a fuck you to whatever stats you currently have. You may take 52%, 25%, 60% etc... pleasure dmg, and complain but those passives are what can (If not most) affect WHY you take that. The dangerous ones are the full day ones, or battle ones since sidejobs are treated by the system as a battle still.

TDLR; Read those passives!


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
Meanwhile in KP I still don't know why I'm taking more pleasure damage despite having high endurance OR why I'm still dealing same damage despite increasing dexterity or strength, depending on the run
You taking more pleasure damage because ? Well, someone already explained it to you:
Sex/Petting resist, should have posted a screenshot of it
Body part sensitivity, ^
Is Karryn affected by horny debuff or sexually frustration at that moment ? (horny make Karryn super vulnerable to pleasure damage, frustration lower her endurance)
Passives/Slut level, what kind of slut your Karryn have been turned into, even on slut run you don't want too many non-needed passivies, in contrary to people's belief that you need as much slut lv as possible (wrong).

In the past post, you told people it was a green pig that crit you, not a thug.
Unless you get another crit with the same build right now and manage to screenshot the battle log next to your stat, there's no point to discuss this make-believe stuff that may or may not have happened in your end.


Engaged Member
Oct 15, 2021
You're so out of touch, I can't even, what's this then ?

From https://thef95zone.info/threads/karryns-prison-v1-0-4a-full-remtairy.33777/post-7172773

Should you delete your account now ? You beef or chicken ? What am I dealing with here, no wonder you speak so much bullshit, turn out they're all lies and make-believe or perhaps your memory is not that great, that everything you say or write should be taken with a fucking grain of salt.
Oh yeah random orc crits for 58% is same as random thug critting for 52% damage. Living rent free in your head this much huh?
Can't even accept your precious game has flaws, sad.


Engaged Member
Oct 15, 2021
In KP:
- I don't see critical enemy stats like their HP, ATK, DEF, SPD. There is just a bar and that's it.
- I don't see critical stats of my own character like my ATK, DEF, SPD. There is no damage preview either, I have to GUESS how much damage I can do.
- Lets not forget this is a turn based game and turn order is missing as well. I have to GUESS if I'll go first or enemy goes first AND predict which enemy can potentially go first between them.
- Skills have vague descriptions, example: I have to GUESS how much "Ki" skill boosts my attack power. I have to GUESS if it will be enough to finish off an enemy or not. This is literally heresy for any turn based strategy game because they rely on player's ability to make critical decisions instead of player's reflexes. It's because of this they give the player as much info on the screen as needed, unlike KP.
- Edicts(for comparision they are similar to items in DOTA2) have vague descriptions, how the fuck am I supposed to know fixing "middle stall" was going to unlock gloryhole sidejob if I didn't see it on the internet? What does "guard aggression↑" even mean, how much base aggression they have to begin with? Or any edicts with up and down arrows, how much do they boost or decrease? What was their base value? HEY IT'S A SECRET, NO ONE KNOWS :)
- Enemy behaviour, in KP enemies have some abilities other than their normal attacks, similar to DOTA2. They "charge up" before executing those abilities and charging up animation is same as "Ki" skill of the player and same for every enemy, making it a vague warning sign at best. I literally can't know what they are about to do, I can only know they will do something different.
- Difficulty(level) of enemies. Did you know enemies level up for each riot happened? I had to look at the code to know it.
- No experimentations allowed, I lose everything except titles if it's game over, unless I am playing at the easiest difficulty. Easiest difficulty is way too easy, no challange at all, it bores me. Nevermind experimenting, it rewards me with negative passives for doing a "slut run" which is the intended way of playing it since it is a porn game afterall.
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New Member
Jul 18, 2021
With the new unnoficial CCmod update is anyone else not having full condoms be removed?
For me, full condoms don't get removed at night, so Karryn only has 6 for the entire play through.


Jan 13, 2020
In KP:
- I don't see critical enemy stats like their HP, ATK, DEF, SPD. There is just a bar and that's it.
- I don't see critical stats of my own character like my ATK, DEF, SPD. There is no damage preview either, I have to GUESS how much damage I can do.
- Lets not forget this is a turn based game and turn order is missing as well. I have to GUESS if I'll go first or enemy goes first AND predict which enemy can potentially go first between them.
- Skills have vague descriptions, example: I have to GUESS how much "Ki" skill boosts my attack power. I have to GUESS if it will be enough to finish off an enemy or not. This is literally heresy for any turn based strategy game because they rely on player's ability to make critical decisions instead of player's reflexes. It's because of this they give the player as much info on the screen as needed, unlike KP.
- Edicts(for comparision they are similar to items in DOTA2) have vague descriptions, how the fuck am I supposed to know fixing "middle stall" was going to unlock gloryhole sidejob if I didn't see it on the internet? What does "guard aggression↑" even mean, how much base aggression they have to begin with? Or any edicts with up and down arrows, how much do they boost or decrease? What was their base value? HEY IT'S A SECRET, NO ONE KNOWS :)
- Enemy behaviour, in KP enemies have some abilities other than their normal attacks, similar to DOTA2. They "charge up" before executing those abilities and charging up animation is same as "Ki" skill of the player and same for every enemy, making it a vague warning sign at best. I literally can't know what they are about to do, I can only know they will do something different.
- Difficulty(level) of enemies. Did you know enemies level up for each riot happened? I had to look at the code to know it.
- No experimentations allowed, I lose everything except titles if it's game over, unless I am playing at the easiest difficulty. Easiest difficulty is way too easy, no challange at all, it bores me. Nevermind experimenting, it rewards me with negative passives for doing a "slut run" which is the intended way of playing it since it is a porn game afterall.

Okay you make some really good point here, but they seem kind of subjective.

-You could have access to every stat, but without knowing the formula it uses it will never be accurate. It might be attack-defense, it might also be attack-defense+/-30%. I like heroes 3 and after seeing the damage formula there I decide close enough information is good enough. Heroes 3 works however, because the battle still is predicable. I am interested, do you want there to be a visible defense stat for enemies or numbers for their hp?
-Not knowing your damage before engaging is annoying, personally I believe it is to make resistances less obvious, but it also adds tension when you have to revaluate you strategy mid battle because your predictions were wrong. I still believe there must be a middle ground somewhere.
-Agree with you on turn order, don't understand why don't have it toggleable at least, could be to minimize UI elements in a porn game.
-Agree with your argument, but I don't see KP primarily as a turn-based strategy, but rather as an old turn based RPG and I thought the old FF games weren't bad even when they didn't tell me how much "attack up" really brought my attack up.
-Some edicts are vague. I kind of assumed the glory hole is a trope thing as the last 5 glory holes I saw in games always were the middle stall, but no it's not really obvious. Agree that it is impossible to judge how much stronger guards become with guard aggression, just that they become stronger.
-I don't know if they have more than one charge attack each, so isn't it just telegraphing their bigger attack with a potential status so you can stack evasion before being hit.
-I did not know about enemies lvl raising from riots, but I knew it happened over time and from edicts. Is that important though? I guess you could make a low Riot game, but that would probably be slower as well. Here is where vague edicts really annoys me btw.
-I am unsure, what do say about experimentation. On one hand the game is designed to starve you for resources, to make sure the game is hard. On the other hand you are entirely correct, it is insanely hard to experiment without losing because of it. But that makes sense if the dev. wanted you to fail multiple times. Also I think slut runs would be too powerful and easy without the negative passives.

I hope you like reading this essay as much as I enjoyed writing it. (and that my dislexia wasn't too bad)
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