In KP:
- I don't see critical enemy stats like their HP, ATK, DEF, SPD. There is just a bar and that's it.
- I don't see critical stats of my own character like my ATK, DEF, SPD. There is no damage preview either, I have to GUESS how much damage I can do.
- Lets not forget this is a turn based game and turn order is missing as well. I have to GUESS if I'll go first or enemy goes first AND predict which enemy can potentially go first between them.
- Skills have vague descriptions, example: I have to GUESS how much "Ki" skill boosts my attack power. I have to GUESS if it will be enough to finish off an enemy or not. This is literally heresy for any turn based strategy game because they rely on player's ability to make critical decisions instead of player's reflexes. It's because of this they give the player as much info on the screen as needed, unlike KP.
- Edicts(for comparision they are similar to items in DOTA2) have vague descriptions, how the fuck am I supposed to know fixing "middle stall" was going to unlock gloryhole sidejob if I didn't see it on the internet? What does "guard aggression↑" even mean, how much base aggression they have to begin with? Or any edicts with up and down arrows, how much do they boost or decrease? What was their base value? HEY IT'S A SECRET, NO ONE KNOWS

- Enemy behaviour, in KP enemies have some abilities other than their normal attacks, similar to DOTA2. They "charge up" before executing those abilities and charging up animation is same as "Ki" skill of the player and same for every enemy, making it a vague warning sign at best. I literally can't know what they are about to do, I can only know they will do something different.
- Difficulty(level) of enemies. Did you know enemies level up for each riot happened? I had to look at the code to know it.
- No experimentations allowed, I lose everything except titles if it's game over, unless I am playing at the easiest difficulty. Easiest difficulty is way too easy, no challange at all, it bores me. Nevermind experimenting, it rewards me with negative passives for doing a "slut run" which is the intended way of playing it since it is a porn game afterall.