It is good for Rem and Sach to get Level 3 ready for v6 because once they work on v7, they will have plenty of time to fix the less obvious bugs in Level 3 and also modify Level 3 for future side-jobs, so I support their roadmap.
I know Rem already said that there won't be pregnancy in this game, but I wish they would implement pregnancy in Level 4. That woman deserves to get pregnant. Her ovaries need some action time! To make it easier to program pregnancy into the game without modifying the first three levels, during the game, once Karryn reaches the start of Level 4, she meets the boss of Level 4. The boss reveals that he has a pregnancy fetish and laments that he wants Karryn to get impregnated. He explains that since Karryn was the King's secretary, she took a spell which makes Karryn unable to get pregnant by any man. That spell is symbolized by her crotch tattoo. But the boss had prepared a plan to get rid of that crotch tattoo. He revealed that when he heard that Karryn became the prison's warden, he ran to the Royal King's library, had sex with the librarian, sneaked into the forbidden section, and found the spellbook written in ancient language that can cancel out her crotch tattoo. The boss begins to mutter the counter-spell and Karryn freaks out.
Now this is where the fun begins. After the boss mutters the spell, Karryn felt something happen and checks her vagina. She finds out that the crotch tattoo is still there. Both characters are confused. The boss then looks back at the spellbook and realizes to his shock that he was reading the book upside-down because he is an idiot. Karryn remarks confidently that his plan failed and she readies her fighting stance. But the boss laughed sadistically. He said that even though the spell was incorrectly spoken, the spell's intention came through, which means the spell somewhat worked. Karryn shows fear with a sweatdrop and lunges at the boss, but the boss disappears in smoke. Karryn touches her crotch tattoo and uneasily remarks that there were no lies in the boss' eyes and walks to the next room.
The game now introduces a new pregnancy mechanic. Every time Karryn gets creampied, her crotch tattoo decreases in visibility. That crotch tattoo can increase in visibility every time she sleeps in bed, so the player has some influence of whether to get Karryn pregnant or not. If the crotch tattoo is completely gone, Karryn reacts to the situation based on her slut level. If her slut level is low, Karryn panicks and remarks fearfully about getting pregnant from the next creampie. If her slut level is high, Karryn smiles and says joyfully about wanting to get pregnant right away. Now the game reveals that every time Karryn gets creampied, she has a 5-20% chance of getting pregnant, depending on the enemy (If the enemy is high level, Karryn has a higher chance of getting pregnant. If the enemy is low level, Karryn has a low chance of getting pregnant.). Once Karryn gets pregnant, she will go through three trimesters, with a visible stomach matching the correct trimester. Each trimester lasts only 7 days because gamers are not going to wait 280 days before giving birth because we do not have that kind of time! After Karryn gives birth, she realizes that she can not fight in the prison and be a mother at the same time. Then either Yasu or the King's deputy secretary (I can't remember the name) appears and remarks that they can take care of the baby temporarily and when Karryn is finished, they can give the baby back to her. After Karryn thanks them, they walk offscreen with the baby, and Karryn continues her journey. The next time Karryn gets pregnant, repeat the same scenes.
After Karryn defeats the boss, she grabs the spellbook from the boss and reads it correctly. Then the player is given a choice of either chanting the spell to have the crotch tattoo reinserted or leaving her body as it is. This is important because there are players that do not want to experience Karryn's pregnancy moving forward. Then Karryn keeps the spellbook to prevent it from falling into the wrong hands again and moves on to Level 5.
This will be a lot of work, because Sach and Rem will have to go back to pre-existing sex scenes and redraw her stomach to correspond with the correct trimester and they will have to account for pregnancy in future sex scenes, but it is worth it, because Karryn is a sexy woman and she deserves this!!

What do you perverts think? And if this is popular, can someone PLEASE get Rem and Sach to reconsider pregnancy?