
Jan 7, 2019
Personally, I'd just like anything that reduces the number of buttons you have to push for the bar. It's okay for shorter shifts, but it just gets tedious when you reach longer levels - which is a problem when the bar is the only "active" way of making more money. I mean, doing a shift takes longer in real life than it does in the game! That's absurd, considering we're not being paid real money for this.
Yeah- the UI is somewhat clunky to begin with (why is there a separate mental phase instead of just having the willpower menu in the active phase?) and apart from that long shifts just take forever when it's over a hundred turns long and each one is about ten active keyboard clicks followed by a lot of waiting.

This is definitely one of those games where you get a bit tired of seeing the animations after a while. Groping just takes too damn long in this prison.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2020
Oh, how did you do that? I mean, don't the prisoners just take her? I was trying spuer virgin karryn. no touches, no licks, no kisses. after playing for some time, I kept vaginal/anal/sucking etc virginity but a dude kissed her and I couldn't stop him. then they're groping and all. I want a completely purest of pure run where not a single touch from the prisoners are present.

And the other thing is, I want to do this run in hardest mode with all body sensitive perk. It would be soooo satisfying to do imo. But it's wayyyy to hard to beat anyone in that set up.

Also, why are you only keeping her vaginal virginity? what's the deal here
The desire suppression/release system is how Karryn's guides the inmates' interest in various parts of her body. So far, cooling down her pussy desire to below 50 allows her to retain 'innocence'. They can have her in all other ways. I don't think it is possible to build a super-virgin Karryn, who will be able to subjugate all the floors and get out of there without even a smooch. The devs want the players to think it is possible, but it's a fall from grace corruption game after all.

Vaginal virginity is a very old fetish, dating back to times where the presence of a hymen was a guarantee that a maiden had no sexual intercourse before and her male 'deflowerer' was unwrapping a brand new pussy and by extension, introducing a woman into womanhood. And smarter pervs always found a way to circumvent that, either by 'restoring' virginity with sutures and alum, cheating with fake blood or using various forms of sodomy which left pussies untouched. Well, in the broadest sense, sodomy is any sexual activity which is not human penis in human vagina. Any game that features a virgin status and allows the player to indulge in advanced sex activities while retaining vaginal virginity to some degree exploits this fetish.

My deal is that I am a sodomite. Not that I find the idea of keeping vaginal virginity arousing or finding vulvae repulsive, quite the contrary, but there's something deliciously perverse about heterosexual women who do not need direct vaginal simulation to enjoy sex immensely.


Jun 10, 2017
The desire suppression/release system is how Karryn's guides the inmates' interest in various parts of her body. So far, cooling down her pussy desire to below 50 allows her to retain 'innocence'. They can have her in all other ways. I don't think it is possible to build a super-virgin Karryn, who will be able to subjugate all the floors and get out of there without even a smooch. The devs want the players to think it is possible, but it's a fall from grace corruption game after all.

Vaginal virginity is a very old fetish, dating back to times where the presence of a hymen was a guarantee that a maiden had no sexual intercourse before and her male 'deflowerer' was unwrapping a brand new pussy and by extension, introducing a woman into womanhood. And smarter pervs always found a way to circumvent that, either by 'restoring' virginity with sutures and alum, cheating with fake blood or using various forms of sodomy which left pussies untouched. Well, in the broadest sense, sodomy is any sexual activity which is not human penis in human vagina. Any game that features a virgin status and allows the player to indulge in advanced sex activities while retaining vaginal virginity to some degree exploits this fetish.

My deal is that I am a sodomite. Not that I find the idea of keeping vaginal virginity arousing or finding vulvae repulsive, quite the contrary, but there's something deliciously perverse about heterosexual women who do not need direct vaginal simulation to enjoy sex immensely.
Quick unrelated question: How the fuck do you always make anal sex sound so damn poetic?


Aug 30, 2018
Could someone post a save with all passives and highest Slut Level? Mine got corrupted and I'm too lazy to do everything again


May 22, 2019
is anyone know if Karryn Pregmod on gitgud still maintained? i found some missing images for tanned skin Karryn and it cause error when game trying to load the scripts. The skin option stated that the tan skin support all poses, so i'm wondering whether the modder forgot to include these missing images files, or these poses are newly added by recent game version and not compatible with the mod.
Yes, it is. But you need to switch the branch from "master" to "dev" to get the latest updates.


New Member
Feb 25, 2018
Here is my save on pure Karryn. It's an old save from older version. I tried my hardest to fight only but inmates are very tough in the early game, so they pulled Karryn's clothes and cum shower all over her when she's lying on the floor ran out of stamina. So she love being cummed on and get excited when seen naked. (In the older version, Inmates will always cum on Karryn [you can't make inmate to cum on the floor by keeping low cock desire like in the newer version])

This is also a mind build. Just make sure to keep surpressing her desires.

My idea is have high mind, agi and charm

(agi) evade everything, (mind) keep desires low and (charm) inmate fap to death

Karryn can just standing there being sexy watching them fapped to submission.


Jul 29, 2018
Sure. It's fairly easy.
Goto RemtairyKarryn.js in your www\js\plugins folder and search for the following (or goto line 1586 in v0.5e):
Game_Actor.prototype.arousalPoint = function() {
    let value = this._arousalBasePoint + this.end * VAR_AP_PER_END;
    return value;
There you just replace the line return value; with return 0;.
Does anyone know how to add constant horny status?
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Oct 7, 2018
Wait, a minute...I have right now 217 passives and I haven't listened this music yet... Which scen is this one?

Last edited:


Oct 31, 2019
Wait, a minute...I have right now 217 passives and I haven't listened this music yet... Which scen is this one?

Once she is slutty enough if you go into a defeat scene that music plays and Karryn enjoys herself during the lose scene with sluttier dialogue.


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2020
this what i've been looking for, where karryn can undress herself from bed

hey, how can you unlock that feature??
i use this
So because I don't find the motivation to start a whole guide that covers modding, here's a collection of most of my posts regarding tweaks that I consider important/popular. This is intended as a redirecting post to find already existing tweaks easier, because some people have trouble finding the search function :HideThePain:. This list does NOT cover all tweaks, use the search function ;)

[Modding] Tweak post collection

: Before editing any files, back them up including your saves. If stuff does not work in your game and you want to write a post here, PLEASE mention that you modded the game and what you edited. (And don't even think about reporting bugs to the devs with a modded game.) The original game is quite stable (after a few updates :LUL:). If not mentioned otherwise the files are located in www\js\plugins and can be opened with any text editor (using more powerful editors like Notepad++ or VSCode makes editing easier).

VERSIONS: Most tweaks were made for older versions of the game. But they often cover core concepts that don't change in each update (exept maybe line numbers and such). Thus, they'll work in newer versions. The version in brackets after each tweak is the last version for which I looked into it.
Blue version numbers mean I'm sure they still work up to that version, green numbers mean I've verified and tested it in that version and yellow is for outdated tweaks. However, if things change and stuff breaks, please let me know. I'll then probably update either the original post or make a new one (depending on the change).

quality of life tweaks:
  • enable manual saving for each difficulty (v.5q.2): here
  • tweaking side job values (v.5q.2): here
'naughty' tweaks:
  • wake up without panties (chance based and will be 'lost' the whole day) (v.5q.2): here
  • get her naked all the time (v.5q.2): here
  • Karryn being always aroused (v.5q.2): here
  • getting her nipples hard all the time (v.5q.2): here
  • having cum or pussy juice all the time or after battle/sleep (v.5q.2): here
game mechanic tweaks:
  • reverse the effect slut level has on charm (v.5q.2): here
  • lower enemy max levels (v.5q.2): here
  • increase charm exp gain for individual actions (v.5q.2): here
  • change alcohol tolerance (how fast she gets drunk) in the waitress job (v.5q.2): here
  • editing the groups of enemies you'll encounter (v.5q.2): here
  • removing gained passives (v.5q.2): here
  • more stamina in reception job (v.5q.2): here
  • disable bar fights (v.5q.2): here
  • change/add sensitive body part (the one you choose at the start) (v.5q.2): here
old tweaks:
  • enable the starting title which unlocks getting 3 edict points (v.7A.j): here
    • you unlock edicts that do the same and more after clearing floor 2

NOTE: I'll probably update stuff in the coming weeks.
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