
Jun 2, 2020
I just wanted to chec. In the 1.0 beta, is there any unlock for level 4?
I used a save file with level 4 subjugated so i'm unsure.


Aug 22, 2021
LMAO I know that, and I tell you you are still wrong. I already beaten the game with Dex and Agi!
I'm dealing around 3000+ damage every cleave, and thats obviously overkill. How much more if it were strength focus.
Big sure but wasted on one enemy.

6 Enemies. First Round Kill half of enemies then finish with Skeewer RNG it kills the rest of them. If not then pick them off again with the next Cleave.
That's it. 2 Turns. Every wave.

Try it yourself if you dont believe me.
So, as someone who has played this game 5+ times with different builds, and even beat the game on prisoner mode, virgin, no sex skills and Prison fighter only equipped. I kid you not dex is important but not as important as you think. You wanna see overkill? try 6000+ plus on cleave or a kick (no Ki willpower used). Strength effects ALL attacks so hard spec into dex is not useful for only cleave you want to do a mix of to get its true potential. This is a general build tip for any COMBAT runs.

Hell, the best tip I can give you for fighting is use Focus +Ki then taunt, after you get whoever attacks first round, do the same thing with Focus + Ki but use Counter Stance done in 2 rounds. (Shit, this is how I got the Holy Empress Title, with full body sensitivity too)

I think it works even the challenge run in warden mode.
so it is not that wrong.

my opinion is mind is the most important. aside of it, agility and dexterity.
Mind for a Virgin or Slut run is important, because the longer you play, she does get more and more slightly corrupted, sometimes you face the inventible (Honestly place mind as the 3rd stat to spec in, alongside energy). Agi is the 2nd most important stat for a Combat run because you need to be able to avoid everything. Dex is important as it helps with accuracy whatnot but for Combat runs Strength + Agility is your go to.

I get what you're saying. Though I still find it fun to figure out the meta's.

The thing is if you want a solid virgin run, you're better of going DEX and AGI even though the text says DEX is for pleasure skills.

The worst enemies in the game are Rogues. They are quick and evasive, they also trips and disarms you. DEX and AGI makes sure you act first and kill groups of them at the start.
Once again, NO if you want a solid virgin run YOU DONT want DEX to be a priority. You NEED to focus on Strn and Agi. Since you won't be using any sex skills you need to be able to dodge everything and hit hard. Your counter attacks will ALSO hit hard because of the strn stat. Dex, yes is good but for a COMBAT build is not a priority. Also, yes, I agree Rouges are the worst, but their disarm doesn't do shit as long as you at least spec a little into the unarmed edicts.

in Slut Virgin build, you should prioritize anal sex skill to get soon.
tits job position itself is acceptable to get vaginal sex, blowjob and handjob position might get shifted into other position depend on what enemies Karryn facing and Karryn's desire.

to get anal sex skill in first floor, you need to be defeated in guards battle and make Karryn's cock and butt desire higher, ofcourse making vagina desire lower every turn. ofcourse Karryn can't run out her energy to suppress vagina desire.

besides of it, making minimum value of vagina desire higher is not that good, so you need several things in Slut Virgin run.

it requires a knack to make Slut Virgin build, but... once Slut Virgin Karryn beats the final boss, your effort will pay off.

mind is always important.
To make this easier, the best way to get ANAL SEX SKILL is not from the guards but from the hobos. Each enemy has a set sex position they do. Hobos ONLY do ANAL if given the chance (assuming there is only one) Lizards Do Anal AND Vag. Guards Primarily do Vag but CAN do anal. Rouges ONLY do RimJobs (assuming you have this on) Nerds ONLY do footjobs. YETI's ONLY do Titjob (you can do Blowjob voluntarily if you have the sex skill unlocked) Wolves primarily do ANAL or Vag. Goblins do VAG primarily (They can do anal if in the secretary job). Orcs only do TitJobs. And Thugs Only do Vag Sex.

This is assuming there is ONLY 1 you are fighting against. if multiple is present and said desires enough it turns into a gangbang of whatever desires are high enough for them to penetrate.

TDLR; If you want to unlock the anal sex skill fast. Go to hobos and release Cock and Butt Desire. THEY ALWAYS do anal over Vag.

I seek not to argue but inform.


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2018
There are so many builds that work perfectly fine and that comes from a Person, that has beaten the game many times on Prisoner Mode, on a fresh save, with Pure Builds and Slut Builds. So you guys are all right. Strg works but you can also ignore Strg and it works. Same with some other stats.


Nov 10, 2019
So, as someone who has played this game 5+ times with different builds, and even beat the game on prisoner mode, virgin, no sex skills and Prison fighter only equipped. I kid you not dex is important but not as important as you think. You wanna see overkill? try 6000+ plus on cleave or a kick (no Ki willpower used). Strength effects ALL attacks so hard spec into dex is not useful for only cleave you want to do a mix of to get its true potential. This is a general build tip for any COMBAT runs.

Hell, the best tip I can give you for fighting is use Focus +Ki then taunt, after you get whoever attacks first round, do the same thing with Focus + Ki but use Counter Stance done in 2 rounds. (Shit, this is how I got the Holy Empress Title, with full body sensitivity too)
Well, if you have beaten the game 5x times then I should believe you then.

I just use cleave so much, that the game naturally makes DEX the main strat. That would mean I have to gimp DEX growth to give strength a chance. Also, I consider Overkill a kind of a bad thing, since going for combat would mean sadism and dealing damage gives you pleasure. Pleasure then gimps your willpower. Though I'm not even sure how pleasure from damage is calculated but there is obviously a max there since I once got 60000+ crit damage from 3 enemies.
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Aug 22, 2021
Using STR solely for dmg is pointless imo. The only time i find STR important to focus on are on Prisoner runs. But not because of the dmg, more because of physical defense.
Most enemies have around 400-800Hp only exceptions are Bosses and some Slime, thugs and some wanted enemies.
The ability to skim most of the enemies with Cleave, Skewer is more valuable imo. (Less enemies to worry about)

A misconception could also be that only STR increase atk. Slash types atks are based on DEX AND STR, same for Pierce types (AGI and STR)
For me STR is the worst stat to focus will gather some STR stat points anyways even if you try to ignore it...

For my playstyle DEX/AGI combat builds has more to offer. (Accuracy, Atk Speed, Evasion, Crit Dmg)
Most of what STR offer can be achieved with mind/energy skills imo.
I mentioned this in my reply early on, about how Strn effects ALL combat skills and how you should mix up. but still primarily focus on AGI + Strn


May 23, 2020
To make this easier, the best way to get ANAL SEX SKILL is not from the guards but from the hobos. Each enemy has a set sex position they do. Hobos ONLY do ANAL if given the chance (assuming there is only one) Lizards Do Anal AND Vag. Guards Primarily do Vag but CAN do anal. Rouges ONLY do RimJobs (assuming you have this on) Nerds ONLY do footjobs. YETI's ONLY do Titjob (you can do Blowjob voluntarily if you have the sex skill unlocked) Wolves primarily do ANAL or Vag. Goblins do VAG primarily (They can do anal if in the secretary job). Orcs only do TitJobs. And Thugs Only do Vag Sex.

This is assuming there is ONLY 1 you are fighting against. if multiple is present and said desires enough it turns into a gangbang of whatever desires are high enough for them to penetrate.

TDLR; If you want to unlock the anal sex skill fast. Go to hobos and release Cock and Butt Desire. THEY ALWAYS do anal over Vag.

I seek not to argue but inform.
ah, I mean, I explained how to get anal sex skill before beating the 1st floor boss. you're right if I just try to get anal sex skill, to go 3rd floor and face hobos is easy way.
in this case you can farm slut level before reaching the 2nd floor. it is more easier when you farm slut level. no riots, easy enemies.
besides of it, it is for slut virgin run. very restrictive.


New Member
Apr 11, 2019
Works for me. Could be that your pleasure is too high."Resist Orgasm" does not guarantee that you don't Orgasm.
You still Orgasm if Pleasure is higher than the rounded number of [Karryns Orgasm point] * (1 + ((20 + [MIND] * 2) / 100))
The only thing you could do is increase Mind.
On the previous version I used (.9B.j), it would roughly orgasm between 200% - 300%. In the current version I'm using (10.i), if pleasure reaches 100% or over, it will be an orgasm.

Edit: I opened a previous version (10.g) and the Resist Orgasm skill works fine. Maybe version .i might have gotten glitched?
Last edited:


Feb 2, 2017
Aiight I'm confused. I've been playing since the first demo and have always done STR, DEX, and STA builds for virgin runs. Which is easy to pull off on normal difficulty but with hard I always struggle managing finances and control and fatigue.

But everyone seems to be saying WIL and AGI are the most important? I haven't noticed any benefit to a willpower build as you always get to use at least one willpower ability each turn - so what am I missing here? And with AGI you get destroyed by thugs and the like when you do get hit because you've diminished your STA development by not getting hit enough. That and if you act first and you get back up before thugs just knock you right back down again that very turn and essentially get stun locked too the ground.

So what exactly am I missing here?


Aug 22, 2021
Aiight I'm confused. I've been playing since the first demo and have always done STR, DEX, and STA builds for virgin runs. Which is easy to pull off on normal difficulty but with hard I always struggle managing finances and control and fatigue.

But everyone seems to be saying WIL and AGI are the most important? I haven't noticed any benefit to a willpower build as you always get to use at least one willpower ability each turn - so what am I missing here? And with AGI you get destroyed by thugs and the like when you do get hit because you've diminished your STA development by not getting hit enough. That and if you act first and you get back up before thugs just knock you right back down again that very turn and essentially get stun locked too the ground.

So what exactly am I missing here?
Okay, Prisoner mode is NOT for a first play through, not for a second either. But a 3rd+ run in which by then I assume you have a few titles (assuming you are doing a virgin run) that make combat easier. So, when you play on prisoner mode, AGI and STR are your 2 best friends. AGI for evading and STR to hit harder, and when counter attacking the STR Role plays its best. I say this a lot, but for Combat builds you MUST spec into STRN and AGI. You can do a counterattack for over 11k sometimes that's how good those 2 stats are.

Also, are you trying to speed run the game? Don't. Its more beneficial to get the edicts that hinder the opponents (the Thug edict where you poison their food is a godsend). Overworking the rouges too. And for ORC I recommend offering accessibility.

In regard to "I've been playing since the first demo and have always done STR, DEX, and STA builds for virgin runs."
Idk what demo, but I'm going to assume not a recent one as Dex is yes helpful but should not be a hard focus for virgin runs, neither should stamina. When I do Virgin Runs, I aim for [1.] STR/AGI, [2.] Dex, [3.] Willpower, Energy and Endurance (Stamina).


May 11, 2017
December 6th 2021: Progress Report

Hello everyone, Rem here with this week's Progress Report!

Wow, there's one more Progress Report before the Steam release, can you all believe that? Three years, gone in a blink of an eye.

So this week's is going to be a bit of a long post because next week is going to be super short. First up, Progress Report: Last week we worked on making KP ready to be beta tested, and then afterwards we worked on fixing the reported issues and bugs from the beta testers.

Now then, there's a lot of things to talk about and not a lot of time left!

First thing is that I would like to repeat what I've said before that Karryn's Prison will be releasing on December 15th on Steam (it'll be way past midnight in Japan time). I'm thinking around 12PM PST / 3PM EST / 8PM GMT / 5AM JST. Maybe an hour earlier, maybe a few hours later, I'm not sure yet. Karryn's Prison will also retail for $30 with a 20% launch discount.

The DLsite version will most likely release a few days later. The DLsite version will have mosaic censorship, and there will be NO uncensor patch provided by us since it would be against Japan's laws. Both Steam and DLsite will allow you to switch between English or Japanese text. Furthermore, both versions will allow you to switch between English or Japanese VOICES. That's right everybody! Karryn's Prison will be releasing fully voices for all of Karryn's battle dialogues! Much thanks to Sachinama for working day and night to edit the voice files for the game and of course, for our talented voice actresses, Tezuka Ryouko and SilkyMilk for making this possible!

Next, I would like to talk about something that a lot of people, understandably, are curious about even though we don't really have the extra time to think about currently, which is what our next plans are after releasing Karryn's Prison.

So here's the plan. I want Sachinama to take a well deserved break for Christmas and New Years with his family. And I will take a break too with my family. Of course, we will naturally be providing support for post release bugs and issues and all that stuff. But I think both of us need a break first before the subject of new content or new game or new project or whatever that requires creativity energy will be earnest talked about.

Personally, I will be very, VERY leisurely trying to finish porting all the ingame text to the new text system I talked about in previous Progress Reports. I really originally wanted to finish porting everything over before release, but that proved extremely difficult because of how much it was hurting my wrists, so instead I chose to focus harder on working with the voice actresses to get the voicework done as soon as possible. As a result, the retail version will now have voices!!! On the flip side, this means it will be quite a long while before localizations for other languages will be possible to be implemented.

Third, to repeat from previous Progress Reports: once the Beta Test is over, all download links will be removed from SubscribeStar. And again to repeat from previous announcements, there will be no retail keys given out on SubscribeStar or Ci-en for subscribers. Also, once the Beta Test is over, no more names will be added to credits.

Edit: Beta Test will most likely last for a few more days.

It's been a long, yet somehow short, but always exciting and interesting journey. Thank you all for your support for making it possible at all! There's still a week more to go, and plenty work to be done until release. So I got one more thing left to say:

Pray for my wrists.

Take care everyone and remember to save up money for the Steam release!


Jul 2, 2017
Next, I would like to talk about something that a lot of people, understandably, are curious about even though we don't really have the extra time to think about currently, which is what our next plans are after releasing Karryn's Prison.
ummm I totally respect Rem as a dev, but he said this and then followed it up with NOTHING. we still have no idea what's the plan after the holidays. I guess he's still waiting to see how the game will sell.

I may be wrong, but considering how they pushed for VA to be included in the official release, it's not that far-fetched to assume that we'll see some DLCs afterward. but that's just my guess.
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