VN - Ren'Py - Kate's Story [v1.2] [Konstantin]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    The only good thing about this game is the stolen images from the original game.
    • Very often an error message appears stating that images are missing
    • The self-created images show no signs of improvement after more than a year since they were first published
    • Stolen images do not have a uniform size, so that 1/3 of the screen is often occupied by black bars
    • Original images are very often cropped so that faces are cut off in order to portray a different person than the one used in the original image. But that doesn't work because skin color, stature, etc. don't match and it just looks cheap.
    • Scenes change far too abruptly
    • Clothes change far too randomly in the scenes
    • Texts very incorrect. I also have a lot of translation done online, but for that to happen the text in the native language has to be flawless, which is not the case here.
    1 point for the idea, otherwise only points deducted for the implementation.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Nice game, but the language description is wrong.
    It should be:
    Russian. Engrish

    The text is not even a good machine translation in parts it seems and at times the text is way more confusing than actually helpful.

    Wanking material, but not a game.

    As grindy and ... weird the original game is it at times it is like 5 times better than this. At least that one actually makes sense.

    For instance in the original game Kates inhibition and oscars blackmail is because of an experimental drug while here it is because "Katya the nun" watched a porn movie?
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    The language is plain, not written in an interesting way. The way the story was presented wasn't that good in the old version, but in the actual version it fell into the other extreme with nearly no interaction. Now the development feels a little to fast.
    The render are not good, but okay, but no human stand in the way the characters do. It's like all of them have a lordosis. Often the characters are the only pieces rendered and placed in that lordosis default pose in front of a blurry background. And one thing that I don't understand is why the MC sleeps in tight jeans and a t-shirt. Nobody does that, except when falling asleep in front of the TV or other similar situations. A big (night) shirt, pajamas or sleeping in panties/boxer shorts with a t-shirt would have been better.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    While the premise is really good (taking the scenes and porting them to a much easier to play game), it is a bit of a wreck. The Engrish is really really bad. Considering the graphics are just lifted picks from another game, they range from okay to really bad low rez. The worst part however is that there is a part that loops through a pretty big chunk of the game/story unless you pick the right option (unless it was stats needing to be grinded up a bit more but I don't think so?), and then finally the game ends in an error. There's also several missing images from various scenes.
  5. 5.00 star(s)

    TomWant Badass

    Small kinky Bondage and bdsm game, only 769mb so it is easy to download but dont expect to much. You do not find long awesome Animations, but the renders are ok and entertaining.
    The story would make sense in a swinger club, but not in a college shool setting, so this game is more for fap and kinky renders.
    5 Stars for the big amount of bdsm scenes in such a short time, thats really rare. I hope for more updates.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    Not worth the time to download. The images were overlayed in environments and are reused repeatedly. The images are rather poorly rendered to begin with which makes it even worse. The text is all but unreadable for most of the "game". I like some twisted games and some bdsm now and then but this is not worth the time at all.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    The above score is based almost entirely on the quality of the character models (they're all really hot and sexy) and the twisted nature of many of the sex (or near-sex) scenes. However, for English speakers like me, this game has some serious challenges. Namely, the text has been machine translated, which leads to all sorts of problems. But the worst part are the scenes which are missing text entirely. Between missing text and machine translated text, there were wide swathes where I had no idea what they were saying or doing. It was basically "pick your own twisted storyline", which while fun is also pretty frustrating. In reality, this is probably not even worth a 3-star, but my appreciation for some twisted sex-scenes caused me to give it the grade I did.

    Edit: The game just fell apart and went into an infinite loop. By that point, the scenes and text (what little remained) seemed to be out of sync, or just missing. So, the game is now unplayable for technical reasons, and I can't give it a positive score.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    The idea behind Kate's Story [v0.4] is promising. A young, shy and innocent girl is attending a "special" college with strict rules and corporal punishments. The renders are adequate.

    The story's presentation is very confusing. Our protagonist stumbles from one situation to the next without explanation or motivation. Most scenes consist of one or two renders only without any context. And the english descriptions are no help either, some are missing or just unreadable.

    Right now the game isn't worth the download.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    I have to agree with first reviewer. a 3d game with "still pictures" with nearly no action at all doesn't work. especially with terrible english.

    the only reason it's not 1/5 because the models are hot. such a waste. from the pictures it looked like an awesome game. but for example first spanking you see 1still picture of the paddle on her ass and that was it. some dialogue how she was beaten hard and red ass. but that was the whole scene

    next bj the dick is in her mouth, next picture you only see her face, then next picture same face but cum on her mouth. yep that was the bj. obviously don't expect elaborate sex descriptions since the english is bad so basically everything is left for your imagination. i think this is totally unfappable. but maybe some of you enthusiast could make it work with the hot art, so 2/5 is justified.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Has alot of potential
    But still a good first release
    Does need a little more explanation on the story side plus i feel like it the renders don't match each other much the new and old ones
    Maybe you will also add swingers club and the car dealership from previous games
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    Good premise, terrible execution. Loved the tags, ended up deleting pretty quick.

    First, the Engrish is strong with this one. Real strong.

    Second, the render's weren't awful, but they were basically still images that pop up when someone is talking, with a few different stances shared among all of them in various levels of undress based on the scene in question. Sex scenes will have very few renders, so while one render might be decent, the lack of change for a long period of time sorta ruins it.

    Basically, while the preview images make this look like a 3D game with RenPy models, it's much more accurately seen as something akin to one of those 2D games where the characters are static and unmoving and pop up when they have dialogue, but with some sparse 3D renders for sex scenes that you stare at for basically most of that sex scene.

    For example, there was a scene where she was tied to a gynecologist's chair for an exam by a female doctor. The choice was harsh or gentle, and the difference was the exact same image, but one had a ball gag. You didn't actually see the exam take place, or the female doctor touching her, because there was one render for the whole scene. Just her tied to the chair from above, no doctor in the visual, while terrible Engrish describes what happens. That's the scene. That's it. Then back out to the same various static states of undress or dress in one of the three poses that all the models use at all times.

    Third, the game likes to give you "choices" where you only have one choice, or instant game over and kicked without warning back to the main page.

    It was rather unfulfilling, to say the least.